09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

It was over before he got hurt.

But for real 1 big play for Miami otherwise the game would be really over, Miami is still in it, too bad its a little too cold out there for them, 49 degrees
, that's beach weather up here.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

so UM is just gonna give up on the run game and not even keep Badgers D Honest

SMH seems like everyone but Whipple and Shannon understand this basic concept.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

so UM is just gonna give up on the run game and not even keep Badgers D Honest

This is Whipple's biggest flaw. The guy puts on his Andy Reid hat and just starts chucking the ball down field totally ignoring the run game.
UM is at a coaching disadvantage every game

Wisconsin came into this game with one of the best pass rushing DLs in all of college,

UM is starting a New LT...

so the game plan is to NOT run the ball...

o ok.

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