10-15 years from now....Drake, top 10 DOA?

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What does Drake getting butt have to do w. anything? That fat $!#*, LV from Gangsta's Paradise probably had women throwing themselves at him as well...

Anyways, for the OP....who do you see Drake overtaking in that top-10? Lyrically is he better than guys like Rakim, Jay, Nas, Big, etc? He makes catchy songs...songs a few dudes can relate to on an "emotional" level. However, that does not make him to be one on the track to be one of the best in hip-hop history. The Britney comparison was on point....

It has nothing to do with the OG topic, I just threw those $.02 because the word "simp" has been thrown around in this thread too often.

To answer your question, I think drake, at one point or another, has written some verses better than the artist you've listed... I mean you gotta think about the fact that Hov and Em' hopped on a track with Drake...You think they would do a song with him if they didn't respect him lyrically?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What does Drake getting butt have to do w. anything? That fat $!#*, LV from Gangsta's Paradise probably had women throwing themselves at him as well...

Anyways, for the OP....who do you see Drake overtaking in that top-10? Lyrically is he better than guys like Rakim, Jay, Nas, Big, etc? He makes catchy songs...songs a few dudes can relate to on an "emotional" level. However, that does not make him to be one on the track to be one of the best in hip-hop history. The Britney comparison was on point....

It has nothing to do with the OG topic, I just threw those $.02 because the word "simp" has been thrown around in this thread too often.

To answer your question, I think drake, at one point or another, has written some verses better than the artist you've listed... I mean you gotta think about the fact that Hov and Em' hopped on a track with Drake...You think they would do a song with him if they didn't respect him lyrically?
True, but you also have to take into consideration that Drake is THE biggest new star in mainstream rap right now, so i think that's more a reason then respecting him lyrically. Same reason
for Eminem and Lil' Wayne on Forever & No Love. Why you think it took so long for those two to collab? 99-04 Em would have probably verbally dismantled Wayne, Drake, and every
other YM rapper one by one. So I would say it's a matter of relevance and spotlight than lyrical ability.

Hes going to fall in the same place as Nelly. A critically acclaimed star with talent with a 5-6 year run. Hes on year 4 just about.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

You think I ruined my reputation because of this thread?...
I can care less about what anyone thinks of my opinion or my reputation in this Music forum, which is why my opinion hasn't changed since I started this thread 490+ posts ago. You label the man a simp based of a song that really doesn't have anything to do with simping... Yet I bet son has had/accepted more FREE vagina thrown at him this year than you (or any other person who's posted in this thread) had in a lifetime...I'm not one to count another mans bed-notches, Just stating facts...but thats a whole different thread that doesn't need to be started.
It's obvious you don't care about your reputation in the music forum and it's also painfully obvious you don't care about the reputation of the music forum as well.  Just imagine if you were at a hip hop summit representing NT having a roundtable discussion about the top 10 DOA rappers and you throw out the name Drake into that mix.  Immediately afterwards you would be stripped of your name tag, thrown out onto the streets and locked out......................and rightfully so.   Threads like this are not going to win you over here in the music forum champ and it certainly isn't going to do you any favors.

Also, if you don't think Marvin's room is about simping, then you don't know what the definition of a simp or simping is, which means your part of the problem.
Dude can definitely get in my top 10 after this album. EVERY SONG BANGS.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

This is imo....

I was having this discussion the other day with someone. From my perspective, he's easily the best artist out (and the best artist hip-hop has seen since kanye first came out) and the 2nd best rapper out. (J. Cole being first, but even this is a stretch.) To not say this, is borderline hater-like to me. He raps great, he makes great r&b records (to the point where he could be considered the best r&b artist in the game, and he's a RAPPER) , he can transition from rapping to singing on a record better than any artist i've seen in a long time, I mean...he has it all.

His combination of Singing, (He's not the best singer, but his singing ability complements his song concepts, lyrics, and beats in this genre PERFECTLY) rapping, (Which imo is becoming underrated. Just from his last 5 verses alone. This is why if he isn't the best out, there can't be more than one or two rappers out better than him) singing & rapping, is why I put him in the top 3 or 2 rappers out now and the #1 best artist by far.

Consider this. Who's his competition. Kanye? (Maybe the most overrated rapper of ALL TIME, in regards to his status. He's decent, but nowhere near where people place himself to be) Jay-Z? (Drake's more recent verses are better than every verse Jay spit on Watch The Throne) Lil Wayne? (.....) Eminem (I could give you em, but me personally I find drake's raps more appealing and better to listen to) There is no guy coming close to him so that goes without saying. He's far and away better than everyone else.

The same guy that makes a record like "Marvin's room," can Make a record like "Headlines," then spit a guest verse like he did on "The Zone," Make a hook as good as "She Will," and make a hook and verse as he did on "I'm on one." Far and away, the most superior rapper & artist in hip-hop today.
Top 10 rappers? Not a chance in hell. He wants to straddle that line between rnb and rap. And that's cool. But if you want that rap crown you gotta commit to it. It's kinda a shame too because dude is a pretty good rapper.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Top 10 rappers? Not a chance in hell. He wants to straddle that line between rnb and rap. And that's cool. But if you want that rap crown you gotta commit to it. It's kinda a shame too because dude is a has potential to be a pretty good rapper.

i find it comical how people think "take care" has suddenly proved anything?

it's an R & B album. 3 out of 17 tracks are actual rapping. And NOTHING on TC is anything extraordinary. The best parts of his album aren't even attributed to him (weeknd, 3000, KL)

More importantly, he created his own lane which is cool. But please leave him out of the "top 10 DOA discussion".......forever

We won't see more than 2 more Drake albums. Dead that 10-15 yr from now talk. His calling is acting.
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Hes going to fall in the same place as Nelly. A critically acclaimed star with talent with a 5-6 year run.

Originally Posted by alex2182

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Top 10 rappers? Not a chance in hell. He wants to straddle that line between rnb and rap. And that's cool. But if you want that rap crown you gotta commit to it. It's kinda a shame too because dude is a has potential to be a pretty good rapper.

and this.

And Take Care is pretty solid. He is one of the best artist out right now...no denying that.
Damn that Nelly comparison is crazy

Dude was on top of the game similar styles too
Originally Posted by glasses

i find it comical how people think "take care" has suddenly proved anything?

it's an R & B album. 3 out of 17 tracks are actual rapping. And NOTHING on TC is anything extraordinary. The best parts of his album aren't even attributed to him (weeknd, 3000, KL)

More importantly, he created his own lane which is cool. But please leave him out of the "top 10 DOA discussion".......forever

We won't see more than 2 more Drake albums. Dead that 10-15 yr from now talk. His calling is acting.


HAHA! I love this thread. People really do love riding this guy like a bronco.

Let's get the first thing out of the way. Take Care is now leaked and it's not a classic. It's good, for sure. Has a cool vibe just like TML but it's not a classic just like TML, especially with that wack !## song Cameras on there.

Then he didn't put one of the best songs on it in Club Paradise, again taking it away from being classic.

Thirdly, Take Care sounds like the R&B mixtape he was "working on" but he decided hey I can make some legitimate money off this and released it as an album.

And lastly dude is the same level of above average rapper on this album as he is on all his other albums/mixtapes. He'll never be top 10.
Originally Posted by cartune

Damn that Nelly comparison is crazy

Dude was on top of the game similar styles too
Pretty much. The only reason way I think Drake has a much better shot long term is cause there's really nobody else
around him as competition, plus everybody in the mainstream is really making the same music. I think people are confusing
watered down music for "blending of genres" (not saying Drake makes watered down music). Got Chris Brown and Trey
Songz rapping and @^#)

***EDIT: Do you not remember Nelly from 2000-2004? There's quite a bit of similarities as for as content and impact
of both time periods.  
OK I tried not coming into this thread cause Drake won't be a top 10 MC in Hip Hop when it's all done..

But some of yall are just haters... Are yall really comparing Drake to Nelly? Have yall not heard Drake's music or something why even go there. And saying he wont have a career 5 years from now is just ludicrus (word to Mike) He's one the most talented in the game today, he blends hip hop and R&B cause he doesn't wanna make that Generic %$% Hip Hop like J cole or Kendrick. He's in his own lane and balences Artistic Creativity and Mainstream Success very well, but comparing him to Nelly are yall SRS with that?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by cartune

Damn that Nelly comparison is crazy

Dude was on top of the game similar styles too
Pretty much. The only reason way I think Drake has a much better shot long term is cause there's really nobody else
around him as competition, plus everybody in the mainstream is really making the same music. I think people are confusing
watered down music for "blending of genres" (not saying Drake makes watered down music). Got Chris Brown and Trey
Songz rapping and @^#)

***EDIT: Do you not remember Nelly from 2000-2004? There's quite a bit of similarities as for as content and impact
of both time periods.  

Yeah cause Nelly was Making SFG type music huh
 Just stop it yall refuse to acknowledge his talent and play him off as some fad. Room For Improvement > any album Nelly's ever done. And that's Drakes first Mixtape

Originally Posted by hitopsandflannel

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by cartune

Damn that Nelly comparison is crazy

Dude was on top of the game similar styles too
Pretty much. The only reason way I think Drake has a much better shot long term is cause there's really nobody else
around him as competition, plus everybody in the mainstream is really making the same music. I think people are confusing
watered down music for "blending of genres" (not saying Drake makes watered down music). Got Chris Brown and Trey
Songz rapping and @^#)

***EDIT: Do you not remember Nelly from 2000-2004? There's quite a bit of similarities as for as content and impact
of both time periods.  

Yeah cause Nelly was Making SFG type music huh
 Just stop it yall refuse to acknowledge his talent and play him off as some fad. Room For Improvement > any album Nelly's ever done. And that's Drakes first Mixtape

If you're making the argument that he's better than Nelly then he's FAR from top 10 DOA 15 years from now.
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