11/12 Topics MERGED!!!

the sooner they release the better...i've always wanted a pair of the XI's and now i can finally get a pair!
Wow so I guess its true . its better , we when can just get this over with , the sooner the better .
finally a package worth getting for my brother. lol i still wear both pairs og in great condition so no need to get a pack for me. i like them though. theylook great.
they shouldve left the jumpmans to look like the older models........
but im satisfied with them,
So I heard that they are changing the release day for this package it now comes out on Sat. the 20th and the spizikes come out christmas eve. I work for a shoecompany and this is the word that we heard today. Have a great day =)
Ur welcome all I was like how many people gonna be mad that don't kno man there might be some angry people
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