11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

Pro Bowl CB Terence Newman won't be timid in his return against the ********. The sports hernia that slowed him down during his awful performance in the loss to Washington has been fixed. And his swagger is back after what he called the best week of practice he's had in a long time.
Does he think he'll be rusty?
"Straight ballin', homie!" he answered with a big smile. "Straight ballin'! That's all I can tell you. I'm coming out straight ballin'!
"As far as I know, this could be my last game, so that's how I'm coming out. I'm taking that mentality. I've got to lay everything out for this game."

Newman, who was originally diagnosed with a partially torn groin during the first week of training camp, knew something was seriously wrong after the ******** torched him repeatedly. He had major trouble planting off his left foot and opening up in that direction. However, he didn't make any excuses while accepting blame in the locker room after the game.
"I just wanted to go out and fight through it and help my teammates," Newman said. "In reality, I probably hurt them more than anything, not being able to run full speed and not being able to make cuts, turn certain directions. I think I definitely hurt my teammates."
Now Newman says he's pain free for his return against Washington. He said the fact that he'll see the the team that took advantage of him right off the bat doesn't add any motivation. The chance to prove his worth to the team and help fight for a playoff berth provides plenty of fire for him.
Not that he isn't seeking some revenge.
"They've had our number for a little bit," Newman said. "They beat us at home this year. We're looking to go into there and make a statement."
the thing that makes me sick is ******** fans. if dallas plays how they should we should take this and start to come back. i want the cowboys
to finally win a playoff game. we need to man up and do it.
*game of the week!*
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

I understand everyone's concerns about his hamstring. Who the hell doesn't know a running back needs his legs. My point is Joseph Addai is a running back and had the same damn injury, I don't know to what extent, but he went out there and played because his team was desperate for a win. What the hell we saving him for? The other day he said he was ready to go but yet they held him out of pratice. I'm sick of all the damn excuses for this dude. He's a rookie, he can't pick up the blitz, and this and that. I bet his hamstring was fine when he went to collect his weekly paycheck! And that's the reason the damn Cowboys are in the position they're in right now. All we do is make excuses from the coaches to the fans.
What in God's name are you rambling about? If he's injured, what good does it do to have him on the field? If his hamstring prevents himfrom getting into and exploding out of cuts, why risk further injury and potentially cost him his season? We're saving him BECAUSE HE ISN'T HEALTHY.How hard is that? Really? And when did anyone around the team say he was ready to go? He hasn't practiced at all since he got hurt. If the medical staffhasn't cleared him for practice, he's not ready to play. Period. There's nothing to argue about, especially considering you're comparingseveral other injuries with no knowledge of how severe any of them are supposed to be...

Who's making excuses for him? He isn't healthy. That's not an excuse. It's a fact.

This whole thing is stupid. You're the same guy that said Felix Jones wasn't a shifty running back...
The Cowboys are the worst team in the league. Bums. It doesn't help that all you Cowboys fans suck off them squad either.
Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

The Cowboys are the worst team in the league. Bums. It doesn't help that all you Cowboys fans suck off them squad either.

I didnt write that. My dude got into my account. Hes Lame.

It was this dummy...
ricoXstacks wrote:
the thing that makes me sick is ******** fans. if dallas plays how they should we should take this and start to come back. i want the cowboys
to finally win a playoff game. we need to man up and do it.
The same can be said about the ********, do you know how many points the ******** leave on the field? Its not even funny

from TD's called back or the skins just playing poorly in the red zone.

If the skins can play how they should they should take this one real easy...If the Offense can give the Defense 24 pts that's game for the Skins.

Well I hope you all enjoy your week-end...I'll be back Sunday evening
^^ I just realized homeboy took the Yankees out of his signature. Guess he don't want anyone new to know how much of a bandwagoner he is
@ back and forth between boys and skins fans.

as for the game, cowboys by 6 (hopefully).

eww, i feel dirty just typing that

Shawn Springs' candy %@$ is questionable again (aka he isn't going to play). Dude suffered a freaking CALF STRAIN, and that was SEVEN WEEKS AGO. Heredefines the term soft. I can't even fully articulate my feelings about him without getting banned
Roy and Romo should be on point Sunday.
Should open things up for Witten.
MB3 should have a monster game.
Mike Jenkins better be ready to tackle cause they runnin at him all night.
Just saw a sit down interview with Shawn Springs. When asked about his calf he said "ummm yea this was really the week I wanted to come back, I wanted toplay" blah blah blah. Only problem was he was SO unconvincing, he gave all the telltale signs of lying like covering his face with his hands andscratching his eyes while he answered, as well as blinking a lot and looking to the side and not looking the reporter in the eye. He didn't do that at anyother point in the interview.

Dude is a damn soft piece of crap fraud bum. We better cut him in the offseason.
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