11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
i figured there was a reason not to come in this thread till game day last page shows why
I've tried so hard... Some of this stupidity is tough to ignore, though...
Yall need to learn how to read I clearly said Rock Cartwright is like our new Brian Mitchell ala

He is our Kick Returner and one of the leaders of our football team/ Captian on special teams...

Yall might want to ask for a hooked on phonics tape for Christmas....

This is what I wrote:
I remember a couple of season ago Rock had a 100yrd game on the Cowboys. But he is a special teamer now, kinda like our new Brian Mitchell.

But Betts is a great back-up running back, I'm not saying a franchise RB but he can fill in a couple of games and spell Clinton with no problem. His weakness are sometimes he tends to fumble, and his pass protection isn't the best. But don't front on Ladell now he can put up a 100 on yall with ease, he is running in the same holes as Clinton Portis now. don't get ahead of yourself.
So when was Betts and Mitchell mentioned in the same sentence????

Betts is a far better RB then Mitchell.
^ Damn you're a beast, you remember stuff thats never even happened.
Rock had a 100 yr kickoff return a couple seasons ago against us but never a 100 yrd rushing game.
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

^ Damn you're a beast, you remember stuff thats never even happened.
Rock had a 100 yr kickoff return a couple seasons ago against us but never a 100 yrd rushing game.
Ladell Betts ran for 98 yards against Dallas his rookie season in 2002...

Since then, here's what we've got...

2003 - 2 DNPs
2004 - 1 game, 13 carries for 43 yards
2005 - 2 games, 16 carries for 61 yards
2006 - 2 games, 14 carries for 48 yards
2007 - 2 games, 12 carries for 37 yards
2008 - 1 game, 11 carries for 32 yards


Stop acting like that %*+% is hard to look up... The dude is not a good running back. Frankly, he's not even an above-average backup.There's not one football team in the NFL that Ladell Betts could start for...

Give it up.
That's not even it. I could probably name 20 backup backs better than Ladell Betts.

Off the top:

Fred Jackson
Ricky Williams

There's 17.
or that rock carwright is the new brian mitchell

in Mitchell 1st 6 season in the NFL he had 6returns for a TD cartwright has 1.
Felix Jones better play!! Joseph Addai, an every down back, suffered the same injury on the same date as this dude and he was back 2 games ago!!
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Felix Jones better play!! Joseph Addai, an every down back, suffered the same injury on the same date as this dude and he was back 2 games ago!!
Yeah, and he's played like #@%! both weeks...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Felix Jones better play!! Joseph Addai, an every down back, suffered the same injury on the same date as this dude and he was back 2 games ago!!
Yeah, and he's played like #@%! both weeks...
Originally Posted by GMSboy1

^ Damn you're a beast, you remember stuff thats never even happened.
Rock had a 100 yr kickoff return a couple seasons ago against us but never a 100 yrd rushing game.

All this talk...we'll see how the Boys do Sunday...They better come out killin' by the way all their cheerleaders on NT are hyping them up
come on now dawggie ... look at the skins fans in here ... they swear their team is sb contenders and head and shoulders above the boys ... they have a 1 gamelead on us and beat us by 2 ... get outta here
IMO ( I could be wrong) but there are far more Dallas fans in here than 'Skins. I could have missed this too, but who said we were SB contenders ( I did awhile back out of sarcasm to get under DeuceKings skin. He took me literally and if that is what you're referring to and you took me serious too...SMH atyou). I would "get outta here" 'dawggie', but most the time, your fans are the ones talkin' trash...Lets see, hmm...for example, the waythis post started....All that talkin' and you're girl friends saying the 'Skins are horrible compared to this team and that...Haha be honest man,Cowboys fans can never take a loss and seek revenge every year...It'll happen this game though!!! Right?! Haha it all in good, rivalry fun though!!!
I would come in here and defend dude, but it is beyond defending
Betts is an average backup. He had a nice 1000 yard season in 06, but our O-line wasRIDICULOUS that year and I have always maintained that Portis or another great back could have gone for 2000 that year running behind that line.

I won't feel terribly uncomfortable with Betts back there instead of Portis, but I would much rather him play. If Shaun Alexander has to start though
.All I know is I'm gonna be mad heated if the Skins lose this game after the horse !#*! performance by VT that I just witnessed.
Yeah, and he's played like #@%! both weeks...

But at least he was out there for his TEAM Randall "Tex" Cobb!!! Marion Barber had bruised ribs and he played!! Jason Witten had fractured ribs andhe gave it a damn try for his TEAM!! Emmit Smith played hurt and injured all the damn time for his team. Sometimes you got to be out there hurt or not to givethe defense SOMETHING to worry about.
if felix isnt ready then sit him ... we didnt use him one bit in the first game, except as a diversion for our first TD to witten, and he didnt touch the ballat all and we still only lost by 2 points ... although garrett is a L7 weenie 99% of the time, he probably called his worst game of the season against theskins ... abandoning the run early and being as predictable as he could be ...

im not saying we dont need felix out there, but we can beat the ******** without him ... if we win this game with him and he goes out for the year, its all fornothing because we are gonna need a homerun back against defenses like the Giants, Steelers and Ravens ... id much rather take my chances against the skinswithout him and have him 100% for the home stretch ...
Rock Cartwright and Brian Mitchell should never be mentioned in the same sentence. I think Rock is a SOLID special teams guy, but he isn't the type of KRyou really have to worry about taking it to the house. If anything he'll consistently get you to the 20-25, but homie has no shake. He's a straightahead runner.

As far as Ladell Betts, he's MAAAAYBE a top-15 backup, but that might be a stretch. He had that one beast year 2 seasons back, but let's not forget heaveraged about one fumble per game when he started. Anyways, out of all the RB's on our roster, I am way more comfortable with him getting the bulk of thecarries if Portis is indeed out.
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Yeah, and he's played like #@%! both weeks...

But at least he was out there for his TEAM Randall "Tex" Cobb!!! Marion Barber had bruised ribs and he played!! Jason Witten had fractured ribs and he gave it a damn try for his TEAM!! Emmit Smith played hurt and injured all the damn time for his team. Sometimes you got to be out there hurt or not to give the defense SOMETHING to worry about.
If Felix's hamstring isn't right, why send him out there? It doesn't make ANY sense... He wouldn't be able to plant, cut, andexplode like he's usually capable of doing, and that's exactly what makes him so effective. He sees a seem and it's it. If he can't explode offthat leg, there's no reason for him to be on the field...

You're comparing bruised ribs to a hamstring injury for a RB...
i hope betts plays this sunday..we're gonna need him..

portis needs to sit out this game even if it's a divisonal game. we don't need anymore structual damage to his ailing knee.
Originally Posted by dmncn lew

Yeah, and he's played like #@%! both weeks...

But at least he was out there for his TEAM Randall "Tex" Cobb!!! Marion Barber had bruised ribs and he played!! Jason Witten had fractured ribs and he gave it a damn try for his TEAM!! Emmit Smith played hurt and injured all the damn time for his team. Sometimes you got to be out there hurt or not to give the defense SOMETHING to worry about.

Barber, Witten, and Emmitt didn't have a partially torn hamstring to try to play through. Felix is a runner and if he isn't 100% able to give us thatspeed on the outside then there is no need to rush him back and possibly tear that thing completely. I think we can win this game without him.
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