11/16 *** Dallas Cowboys [5-4] vs. Washington ******** [6-3] *** 8:15et

NyRapisBack wrote:
lmao @ him ghosting after being exposed

Skins fans I tell ya...

Ghosting?? not even, I simply left work were I spend the day browsing NT.
When I am home I relax away from a cpu screen, but you know some people cant breath without NT.
Ghosting...Do I look like a Cowboys fan in a thread when they lose?

Originally Posted by Deuce King

i'm lost.
Yeah, so is brandonb2005. One of you Skins fans please come in here and save that guy, he needs all the help he they can get.
Where you referring to me or the 49ers, I was a little confused about your statement?

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

come on now dawggie ... look at the skins fans in here ... they swear their team is sb contenders and head and shoulders above the boys ... they have a 1 game lead on us and beat us by 2 ... get outta here
The only person that is refering us to SB contenders is you...

1 game lead and beat yall by 2

A 1 point L, is the hardest L to take.

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

ant brandonb2005 a female?

Far from it brother, I love what females have to offer me though

S0rtega2 wrote:
IMO ( I could be wrong) but there are far more Dallas fans in here than 'Skins. I could have missed this too, but who said we were SB contenders ( I did a while back out of sarcasm to get under DeuceKings skin. He took me literally and if that is what you're referring to and you took me serious too...SMH at you). I would "get outta here" 'dawggie', but most the time, your fans are the ones talkin' trash...Lets see, hmm...for example, the way this post started....All that talkin' and you're girl friends saying the 'Skins are horrible compared to this team and that...Haha be honest man, Cowboys fans can never take a loss and seek revenge every year...It'll happen this game though!!! Right?! Haha it all in good, rivalry fun though!!!
No you are right, their are more Cowboys fans/cowards (when they take L's)
There is also people in hear that just want to see the Skins lose aint that right DK

Most Skins fans on here are reserved, I just like to stir up things and make ppl mad...I find that very amusing.

But in actuality the Skins are supposed to be beat Dallas because they are a struggling team right now. I will be pissed if the ******** lose, but we alreadywent to Dallas and beat them, and I got to read on NT a bunch of grown men +%!*!-en and complaining
. Could this happen Sunday its a great possibility I would love to see what theyhave to say about this one.
Most Skins fans on here are reserved, I just like to stir up things and make ppl mad...I find that very amusing.
admitting youre a troll is a no no in the online world of NT ... but anyways ...

cowboys 68
******** 2
MarleysProtege wrote:
Most Skins fans on here are reserved, I just like to stir up things and make ppl mad...I find that very amusing.
admitting youre a troll is a no no in the online world of NT ... but anyways ...

cowboys 68
******** 2
What dont you understand about I dont care about what people think of me at all...let alone on NT (online)

I see you have insecurity issues ...
Yet another interesting Cowboys game thread on NT.

Needless to say this is a very important game for us. We're getting everybody back so hopefully we can mesh together and become a more cohesive team for apush to the playoffs.

I'm hoping Tony Romo returns to form prior to getting hurt, sans the 1-3 bonehead plays he makes per game of course.
brandonb2005 wrote:

What dont you understand about I dont care about what people think of me at all...let alone on NT (online)

I see you have insecurity issues ...

i was just letting you know because i got banned in part for saying something similar ... i know from experience that if you rely on NT to getthrough your work day then being banned blows you ...

insecurity issues?
MarleysProtege wrote:
brandonb2005 wrote:

What dont you understand about I dont care about what people think of me at all...let alone on NT (online)

I see you have insecurity issues ...

i was just letting you know because i got banned in part for saying something similar ... i know from experience that if you rely on NT to get through your work day then being banned blows you ...

insecurity issues?

If I get banned I get banned its not important I'll just start up a new name...Its not like I'm loosing money or anything, take the L and keep itmoving.
I understand everyone's concerns about his hamstring. Who the hell doesn't know a running back needs his legs. My point is Joseph Addai is a runningback and had the same damn injury, I don't know to what extent, but he went out there and played because his team was desperate for a win. What the hell wesaving him for? The other day he said he was ready to go but yet they held him out of pratice. I'm sick of all the damn excuses for this dude. He's arookie, he can't pick up the blitz, and this and that. I bet his hamstring was fine when he went to collect his weekly paycheck! And that's the reasonthe damn Cowboys are in the position they're in right now. All we do is make excuses from the coaches to the fans.
dmncn lew wrote:
I understand everyone's concerns about his hamstring. Who the hell doesn't know a running back needs his legs. My point is Joseph Addai is a running back and had the same damn injury, I don't know to what extent, but he went out there and played because his team was desperate for a win. What the hell we saving him for? The other day he said he was ready to go but yet they held him out of pratice. I'm sick of all the damn excuses for this dude. He's a rookie, he can't pick up the blitz, and this and that. I bet his hamstring was fine when he went to collect his weekly paycheck! And that's the reason the damn Cowboys are in the position they're in right now. All we do is make excuses from the coaches to the fans.

But really speed guys in general rely on their Hamstring, that's why most speed guys are always pulling them or injuring them. Felix probably wont be asfast as he is if he does play. Which would make him useless because the rely on his speed when he is put in to return kicks or to spell Marion for a change ofpace.
i feel you to a certain extent ... and if he wasnt so productive id agree with you ... but dude has proved he can be a spark whenever he touches the ball ...he has also proved that he isnt going to be an every down back ... so basically we drafted a lighting bolt in the first round ... no sense in damaging hisprospective career for this game because he isnt worth anything without that big play ability ...

difference between him and addai is that we have a capable ummm STARTER lol ... addai is the feature back the colts need him more than we need felix ... letsnot forget we gave that slow power runner we have top 5 back money to run the ball for us
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

difference between him and addai is that we have a capable ummm STARTER lol

Marley, you're not high on Barber? If not, why?

I think he meant that we don't need to rush Felix back because Barber is more than capable of handling the workload.
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

dmncn lew wrote:
I understand everyone's concerns about his hamstring. Who the hell doesn't know a running back needs his legs. My point is Joseph Addai is a running back and had the same damn injury, I don't know to what extent, but he went out there and played because his team was desperate for a win. What the hell we saving him for? The other day he said he was ready to go but yet they held him out of pratice. I'm sick of all the damn excuses for this dude. He's a rookie, he can't pick up the blitz, and this and that. I bet his hamstring was fine when he went to collect his weekly paycheck! And that's the reason the damn Cowboys are in the position they're in right now. All we do is make excuses from the coaches to the fans.

But really speed guys in general rely on their Hamstring, that's why most speed guys are always pulling them or injuring them. Felix probably wont be as fast as he is if he does play. Which would make him useless because the rely on his speed when he is put in to return kicks or to spell Marion for a change of pace.

True, that was the point I was trying to make. Addai and Felix are two different types of RBs who are used totally different. I see no point in playing him ifthe Boy's can't use him like they should.
Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

difference between him and addai is that we have a capable ummm STARTER lol

Marley, you're not high on Barber? If not, why?

I think he meant that we don't need to rush Felix back because Barber is more than capable of handling the workload.
you're both right ... i think barber is more than capable of handling the load, but in same breath THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL he is worth 7 yearsand 45 million dollars ... in my opinion he is the perfect complimentary back ... he NEEDS a felix jones type for the entire season to be productive ... he cando it himself for a few games and be decent ... but he is in no way shape or form a feature back that deserves money like he got ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

difference between him and addai is that we have a capable ummm STARTER lol

Marley, you're not high on Barber? If not, why?

I think he meant that we don't need to rush Felix back because Barber is more than capable of handling the workload.
you're both right ... i think barber is more than capable of handling the load, but in same breath THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL he is worth 7 years and 45 million dollars ... in my opinion he is the perfect complimentary back ... he NEEDS a felix jones type for the entire season to be productive ... he can do it himself for a few games and be decent ... but he is in no way shape or form a feature back that deserves money like he got ...

That is true, I feel as though only elite backs that can do it all and take on a heavy workload deserves money like Marion got. If Marion is getting that ypeof money might as well give it to that Horse up in New York too.
but lets not get it twisted ... if barber was given portis holes and portis carries, he would be at or above portis in production ...
MarleysProtege wrote:
but lets not get it twisted ... if barber was given portis holes and portis carries, he would be at or above portis in production ...

There is no reason why he shouldnt be getting Portis holes, with that Pro-Bowl caliber line of his. Collectively the Cowboys line is by far better then ourO-line talent wise. But our O-line plays as a unit that's the difference.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

but lets not get it twisted ... if barber was given portis holes and portis carries, he would be at or above portis in production ...
but isn't just about every dude u got on the O-Line, a pro bowler?
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

MarleysProtege wrote:
but lets not get it twisted ... if barber was given portis holes and portis carries, he would be at or above portis in production ...

There is no reason why he shouldnt be getting Portis holes, with that Pro-Bowl caliber line of his. Collectively the Cowboys line is by far better then our O-line talent wise. But our O-line plays as a unit that's the difference.

how you gonna say "negative" and then not even dispute what i said though? theres no excuse for not getting the holes, but the fact is, hes notgetting the holes lol ... IF he was getting portis holes and portis carries, he would have portis production ...

but isn't just about every dude u got on the O-Line, a pro bowler?
as with the rest of our team this year, we are seeing just how "pro-bowlerish" our line of pro bowlers really are ... youre acting likeits a secret that the players on this team arent playing up to their potential
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

MarleysProtege wrote:
but lets not get it twisted ... if barber was given portis holes and portis carries, he would be at or above portis in production ...

There is no reason why he shouldnt be getting Portis holes, with that Pro-Bowl caliber line of his. Collectively the Cowboys line is by far better then our O-line talent wise. But our O-line plays as a unit that's the difference.

how you gonna say "negative" and then not even dispute what i said though? theres no excuse for not getting the holes, but the fact is, hes not getting the holes lol ... IF he was getting portis holes and portis carries, he would have portis production ...

but isn't just about every dude u got on the O-Line, a pro bowler?
as with the rest of our team this year, we are seeing just how "pro-bowlerish" our line of pro bowlers really are ... youre acting like its a secret that the players on this team arent playing up to their potential

I was being sarcastic....I think Barber is a damn beast, but I 100% agree with you in that he is at his best as almost a complimentaryback....thunder/lightning type of situation.
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