'12 Bulls

I hope the rumors about them wanting to offer amare for chris are true. I'd honor the +$** outta that.
Why it seem so quiet for us? Besides the Butler interview and crawford rumor, I havent heard #%## about us. I wanna keep up hope that the quiet means they're in China, but I can't even believe that myself.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Damn thats a good move by the Heat, another defensive monster on the perimeter. I wouldn't have thought Shane would go play there, but it's that ring I guess.

We need a homerun RIGHT NOW this summer. The right move and we don't have to do nothing else but play.

Fixed.  I would like to think signing Caron and trading for Jamal would definitely be a few steps in the right direction.

I don't see how those acquisition of Caron who hasn't played a single game and who no one even knows if he can jump let alone move laterally is a step in the right direction but alright.
Welp it's either take that chance or miss out completely because the pickings are slim.  With the way JR is playing over in China I could see them wanting more than $500K to get him up out of there, but then again a call won't hurt either from the organization to inquire.
in my Kanye voice "DO SOMETHING!!!"

I'm watching replay of Bulls-Heat game 4...."DO SOMETHING!!!!"

It's not my money, But Jerry has caked for a looooonnnnnnggggg time off the Bulls popularity...it's time to put that money back in...international relations be damned, we need JR on the squad
I love that .gif. I've given up hope for us getting JR honestly.

The team is waiting for Jason Richardson to make his decision according to McGraw. Which I don't like.

I'd prefer J.R but I doubt we have the brass to make it happen.
KCJHoop K.C Johnson

Gotta believe CButler's deal will drive JRich above midlevel. Whether he'd sign for less--and whether #Bulls offer it--remains to be seen.

This is code for: Vinsanity will be the new starting SG
On some G !#$% I knew we weren't going to be real players in FA once Pooh came out and said that he didn't care if they went out and got anyone that he was fine with his teammates. That gave them all they needed not to spend any money.

Got Damnit Shame I Tell You.
I've resigned myself to seeing the same team intact come Christmas day.

Of course, I'll be happier in case there's something nice up the FO's sleeves.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

On some G !#$% I knew we weren't going to be real players in FA once Pooh came out and said that he didn't care if they went out and got anyone that he was fine with his teammates. That gave them all they needed not to spend any money.

Got Damnit Shame I Tell You.

I feel your pain, but I'd rather run with the squad from last year in a shortened season this year.  Chemistry is going play a big part this and those teams with new players may feel it.
Im with u Cake, we are more than likely gonna ride it out which i kinda expected at this point with our FO. Hopefully we can get JR when he comes back from overseas.

Its pretty much whatever at this point with me, i try not to even get mad anymore.
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