'12 Bulls

I Love watching the bulls play D... And I love how intense Noah is on EVERY play...
Originally Posted by sthebest

The Bulls mean business tonight 

If everyone is healthy in the post season and keeps up this level of play, fuggedabboutit!

Seriously, when the Bulls play like they have the last 7-10 games.....its over.

It's crazy to see how good these guys play together.
It's almost seamless how we rotate guys and everyone still on the same page defensively and offensively.
This team's chemistry is unreal. They play so well together. I think it's because of the lack of egos. This and their skill is going to make them a force to be reckoned with for years to come.

and yeah, why are Rose and CJ in together? I thought CJ was Rose's backup
6 guys in double figures...something like 34 assists on 40 baskets.......crazy good basketball.

And shout out to Joakim for stepping his game up. He was great tonight.
The Bulls did all that even though they were missing one of their best players in Deng, who was injured Saturday and might miss a few more games. Thibodeau said Deng is day to day and didn't completely rule out surgery even though the coach doesn't think it will be necessary.

He said Deng is "still consulting some doctors." Losing him for an extended period would be a big blow even though the Bulls believe they have the depth to withstand injuries.

"It's tough to see him hurt like that," Noah said. "We know that we need Lu to be right."


^Thank goodness we're deep. He needs to be healthy for playoffs, so I understand the caution here.
I need them to all get as many games under their belt together as possible... Need them to be as in sync as possible. I|
granted i know its not as bad as it was but when we had all those injuries at once, i kinda wish sheed was on the roster, i think if it could still happen we should pull the trigger, and if not him someone else
We have 4 playoff teams in our next 5... Indy, Mil, Miami all in a row then some cushion with Washington, and then Philly.

We honestly need this... Just wish we were at full strength.
Some interesting snippets, Rip's impact and Scal's contributions in practice:

On theother hand, the Bulls' offensive numbers are through the roof with Hamilton onthe floor, scoring115.19 per 100 possessions in over 224 minutes, compared to 104.04 in justunder 640 minutes -- for aplus-1.15 net rating. He's averaging 14.2 PPG, 3.9 APG, shooting a .531eFG% in nine games this season.

SLAM: How do you approach practice every day? In some ways, are your goals as a player more focused on helping the guys in front of you get better?

BS: Yeah a little bit, for sure. It’s all about the goal of guys getting better. But practice isn’t like a marathon for me to do that, I don’t have to play Omer to 21 or something like that. It’s more like two or three possessions, going bang, bang, bang, those types of things, and competing. I’m willing to help every player on the Bulls, but my focus is really on wanting to help the bigs keep getting better. I want to help them understand defensively what we want to do on pick-and-rolls for example, and offensively getting into the paint, or setting the screen, being ready to go up strong, getting the ball in the post, that sort of thing. Those are the things I work on with guys at practice. And I’m not saying I know how to do everything either, and even right now with Derrick sitting on the sidelines, he’s been showing me different things about how guards are, about how to guard certain guys, you can’t do this, you don’t want to do that, and I’m just always trying to learn more about the game every day. Along with that, I’m also trying to pass on the things I already know from being with Tom for five years to our bigs.

I think the Indy game is going to be tough without Lu, hopefully we have Taj back by then. Miami is Miami. I think we can win the others, while Derrick is still hobbling i would to run the offense through RIP like we did last night
Originally Posted by jmause3

Originally Posted by CAto312

Mike McGraw @McGrawDHBulls
As we suspected, Deng has a torn ligament in left wrist, won't have surgery. Thibs called him "week-to-week," said "he'll be out a while."
Lu should channel his inner Bean

Normally i would be with you, but since we can make the playoffs without Lou, unlike LA i say lets let him rest

good points.  I would like to see more minutes for Jimmy as well. 
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