14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

I find it weird how much media attention this is getting, even the president is giving press conferences.

People have gotten killed in theaters before and all they get is a 30 sec segment on the 11 o'clock news. 

I give it six months for the TSA to start tearing your tickets at the movies

Yeah, because it's not like it's not election season with 3-5 speeches a day

I guess I will be the one that says it. I wonder what happened to this man that would cause him to go off like that. There has to be a backstory to all of this. The same way most people that carry out outbursts like this, we tend to ignore that and focus only on what he did. I know it is a sad situation but the dude clearly needed help and didn't get it. I hope his family is ok too.
RIP to all of those fallen soldiers.
This girl has a play-by-play from last night
Probably schizo. This may have been his first episode, triggered by stress from leaving med school. Dark Knight was a convenient outlet. Could've just as easily drove a car into a crowd or whatever else. And the trigger could've been anything else too -- rejection from a girl, bad weather, whatever...

btw to everyone commenting... this had nothing to do with his looks. Not like schizophrenia cares.
Colorado has a significant number of militia/neo-nazi groups, I wonder if he is in anyway linked to them or if he is just a random nut.
RIP to all the victims 3 month old :smh: :smh:

Chris Nolan has gotta feel terrible that this happened in his movie and they are making comparisons to his character.

The eyes say it all. Crazy eyes.
guy is a real life Joker :smh: just a psychopathic killer.

So sad to hear about this. The senselessness of it all is mind-boggling.

Not to be sick or anything, but I've always wondered about stuff like this happening at places nobody would expect. There are so many events out there that don't have any kind of security to detect guys like this. Movie theaters, malls, community sporting events, schools, etc... Can't imagine what would drive somebody to do something like this.

I try to have a greater faith in humanity that we, as humans, haven't stooped to levels such as this guy. Sometimes, it's hard. I hope for a speedy and fair trial for the guy. And by fair, I hope he gets the death penalty.
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That Marylin Manson link is appreciated up there. Thanks for that. It says a lot and definitely can be applied to this situation. Whatever put him over the top, nobody knew/cared enough to listen.

I'm never going to a movie theater again. R.I.P.

Simmer down man. No need to extreme the situation. 8)
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Man this is horrible...my heart goes out to victims family....now im going to be paranoid when going to the theater :smh:
....Michael Moore may have been onto something.

....what is it with this area of Colorado and mass shootings?
man, reminds me of that movie "RAMPAGE" on netflix. wtf bro. crazy F. gotta watch out for dem nerdy lookin dudes...:x
I'm never going to a movie theater again. R.I.P.
I hope you don't complain about the TSA because this is the EXACT attitude that led to that.

Me personally, I have my views on the TSA that I don't feel the need to share, but if you're one of the ones that do chastise the TSA, just know that your sentiments are being used to validate the TSAs existence. 
Man they are reporting some of the victims in this were kids.
This is truly saddening. I'm at work and can barely focus. Thinking about young kids being killed for simply trying to watch one of the most hyped movies this year is sad. I feel for the families of the young and old effected by this tragedy. I wish them well and will pray for them.
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