14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

You all following the story of Jamie Rohrs? He's one of the survivors of the shooting. I'll give yall the cliffs and then link some articles:

1. He went to the movie with his GF, her 4 year old daughter and their 4 month old son.

2. When the shooting happened, he left them in the theater to escape (jumped over a balcony).

3. GF was frantically trying to save her kids.

4. A 19 year old named Jerell Brooks ended up helping them....and subsequently got shot in the leg.

5. Rohrs got in his truck and drove AWAY from the theater.

6. Did interviews on CNN talking about how fortunate they were (and they are) to be alive.

7. Proposed to GF at hospital - she got hit w. shrapnel - and she accepted.

Oh boy....there is A LOT to discuss w. this one.


Article on Jarell Brooks - the hero in this

You all following the story of Jamie Rohrs? He's one of the survivors of the shooting. I'll give yall the cliffs and then link some articles:

1. He went to the movie with his GF, her 4 year old daughter and their 4 month old son.

2. When the shooting happened, he left them in the theater to escape (jumped over a balcony).

3. GF was frantically trying to save her kids.

4. A 19 year old named Jerell Brooks ended up helping them....and subsequently got shot in the leg.

5. Rohrs got in his truck and drove AWAY from the theater.

6. Did interviews on CNN talking about how fortunate they were (and they are) to be alive.

7. Proposed to GF at hospital - she got hit w. shrapnel - and she accepted.

Oh boy....there is A LOT to discuss w. this one.


Article on Jarell Brooks - the hero in this

wut? he leaves you to die & you marry him?

How trained was Holmes?

And I heard about Mr. Rohrs. He placed the 4 month old under one of the seats & dipped out, leaving his entire family in there.
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You all following the story of Jamie Rohrs? He's one of the survivors of the shooting. I'll give yall the cliffs and then link some articles:
1. He went to the movie with his GF, her 4 year old daughter and their 4 month old son.
2. When the shooting happened, he left them in the theater to escape (jumped over a balcony).
3. GF was frantically trying to save her kids.
4. A 19 year old named Jerell Brooks ended up helping them....and subsequently got shot in the leg.
5. Rohrs got in his truck and drove AWAY from the theater.
6. Did interviews on CNN talking about how fortunate they were (and they are) to be alive.
7. Proposed to GF at hospital - she got hit w. shrapnel - and she accepted.
Oh boy....there is A LOT to discuss w. this one.
Article on Jarell Brooks - the hero in this

Just left your kids and your girl to die. :smh:

I can see the scumbag memes now.
You all following the story of Jamie Rohrs? He's one of the survivors of the shooting. I'll give yall the cliffs and then link some articles:
1. He went to the movie with his GF, her 4 year old daughter and their 4 month old son.
2. When the shooting happened, he left them in the theater to escape (jumped over a balcony).
3. GF was frantically trying to save her kids.
4. A 19 year old named Jerell Brooks ended up helping them....and subsequently got shot in the leg.
5. Rohrs got in his truck and drove AWAY from the theater.
6. Did interviews on CNN talking about how fortunate they were (and they are) to be alive.
7. Proposed to GF at hospital - she got hit w. shrapnel - and she accepted.
Oh boy....there is A LOT to discuss w. this one.
Article on Jarell Brooks - the hero in this

Feel bad for the kids
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I asked my girl what she would do if I pulled a stunt like Rohrs. She said our relationship would be done and she'd hire a hitman to kill me.
You all following the story of Jamie Rohrs? He's one of the survivors of the shooting. I'll give yall the cliffs and then link some articles:

1. He went to the movie with his GF, her 4 year old daughter and their 4 month old son.

2. When the shooting happened, he left them in the theater to escape (jumped over a balcony).

3. GF was frantically trying to save her kids.

4. A 19 year old named Jerell Brooks ended up helping them....and subsequently got shot in the leg.

5. Rohrs got in his truck and drove AWAY from the theater.

6. Did interviews on CNN talking about how fortunate they were (and they are) to be alive.

7. Proposed to GF at hospital - she got hit w. shrapnel - and she accepted.

Oh boy....there is A LOT to discuss w. this one.


Article on Jarell Brooks - the hero in this

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if people in the movies were "carrying their guns around" they mightve had a chance....
maybe not.
im not gonna say anything else.
i remember a few years ago dateline (or 20/20) did a story about this. They did an experiment to see if people carrying their legal guns will stop a mass shooter. They reenacted college classroom shootings where they gave students (one student per classroom/experiment) who had experience using guns a fake gun; shot out like paintballs. A geared up shooter then randomly showed up to the class to shoot people with his fake guns. Of course the students that were given a gun in each classroom pulled it out and tried stopping the suspect, but the study showed that the student ended up shooting other students in the chaos and/or getting shot by the suspect before he could stop him.
Just because u have experience using a gun doesnt make u a trained professional. This **** aint a movie and you're most likely not liam neeson
Just left your kids and your girl to die. :smh:
I can see the scumbag memes now.
Haha...she needs to get her priorities straight tho....if u cant find a babysitter for the 4 month old then u just simply watch it another day. Shoot I'll be pissed off if i had to sit next to a 4text MONTH OLD!! U kno the baby is gonna be crying with all the loud noises in the theater
I'm not trying to defend the coward who abandoned his two kids and girl in any way.

It's just sickening how so many people who are safe behind their computer screens imply that they would've been headline news heroes in these situations when you would almost certainly be running for your life like everyone else. And by the way, how come the people in the planes that hit the World Trade Center aren't remembered as cowards for not confronting the terrorists and letting them hijack the planes?
Hell i dunno, maybe because they are fans of the movie?
How hard is it to understand that people want to see the premiere of a trilogy on day 1?
Also it seems like y'all talk about these people like they knew someone would be shooting the movie up, give them a break :smh:

really? are you seriously thinking that it is okay to take a 4 month old baby, a 4 year old or a 6 year old to a midnight screening just cause you're a fan?

it's called being a responsible parent. then you wait till you find a babysitter and go a different day. grow up and be responsible.

it's not about the shooting it's about taking your kids somewhere at midnight, just cause you're selfish and wanted to watch a movie?

good job
I'm not trying to defend the coward who abandoned his two kids and girl in any way.

It's just sickening how so many people who are safe behind their computer screens imply that they would've been headline news heroes in these situations when you would almost certainly be running for your life like everyone else. And by the way, how come the people in the planes that hit the World Trade Center aren't remembered as cowards for not confronting the terrorists and letting them hijack the planes?
...He drove away.

No matter what you say doesn't change that fact.

You already think hes a coward according to your own words but you still want to play devils advocate. 

Those are your KIDS man. 

I'm not out here to play the moral arbiter but still, whats up with that?

THEN why do CNN interviews about it? 
Tear gas or not having a gun yourself is pretty much the only defense....that or you can jump

the balcony and drive home in a truck dolo....

It was a tragedy but people lose their minds and say the darnest things.

Oh there was tear gas so obviously being armed yourself wouldn't have had any impact on the situation whatsoever...midaswell throw popcorn at the attacker, huh?

Only way to stop a psycho with a gun is with a gun. Don't post no story about gunmen being tackled either...don't care.
the real hero jarell is barely getting any press.....while they got that **** boy shedding crocodile tears all over CNN :stoneface: :smh:
i agree, you did not need to see the movie on opening night if you cant find a babysitter
Saw the same "study" you saw.

Did they show how many people got shot with paint with no other gun present?


The last person likely to be robbed is the one with a gun visible on his hip.

Y'all can argue all this other irrelavant stuff into the ground.
...He drove away.

No matter what you say doesn't change that fact.

You already think hes a coward according to your own words but you still want to play devils advocate. 

Those are your KIDS man. 

I'm not out here to play the moral arbiter but still, whats up with that?

THEN why do CNN interviews about it? 

Again, I'm not talking about that particular example. I am just so sick of people claiming they would've been heroes if they were in the midst of that situation. It's so easy to claim that behind your computer screen.

Just like how people are disgusted with stories of cannibalism in the situations where people were forced to resort to it in order to survive. Nobody really knows how they would truly act in a situation that was a matter of pure survival until they're actually in that situation.
Hell i dunno, maybe because they are fans of the movie?
How hard is it to understand that people want to see the premiere of a trilogy on day 1?
Also it seems like y'all talk about these people like they knew someone would be shooting the movie up, give them a break :smh:

really? are you seriously thinking that it is okay to take a 4 month old baby, a 4 year old or a 6 year old to a midnight screening just cause you're a fan?

it's called being a responsible parent. then you wait till you find a babysitter and go a different day. grow up and be responsible.

it's not about the shooting it's about taking your kids somewhere at midnight, just cause you're selfish and wanted to watch a movie?

good job


:stoneface: :lol: :rofl: :smh: @ Rohrs. Yeah, I probably would've dipped if I was there by myself, But you have your GF and 2 kids there, You can't just leave like that.

Real scumbag move. :smh:
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