14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

The people talking about why would you bring a 4 month old to a movie? It's basically the same as people who blame a girl being raped because she was dressed slutty.

would I bring a 4 month old to a movie? no, but come on this was a tragedy and it's only one man's fault.
If you are in anyway defending either of the parents, I feel bad for your children.
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...He drove away.

No matter what you say doesn't change that fact.

You already think hes a coward according to your own words but you still want to play devils advocate. 

Those are your KIDS man. 

I'm not out here to play the moral arbiter but still, whats up with that?

THEN why do CNN interviews about it? 
Again, I'm not talking about that particular example. I am just so sick of people claiming they would've been heroes if they were in the midst of that situation. It's so easy to claim that behind your computer screen.

Just like how people are disgusted with stories of cannibalism in the situations where people were forced to resort to it in order to survive. Nobody really knows how they would truly act in a situation that was a matter of pure survival until they're actually in that situation.
Son...he could have at least waited outside.


He walked to his car. opened his door. started his ignition. closed the door. put the car in reverse. backed out. put the car in drive. drove off the premises.

...THEN he called to see where his GF was.

That invalidates EVERYTHING else he did.

Your analogies, examples, and excuses fail beyond comparison. 

I would have freaked out too, no doubt, but straight leaving my GF AND kids? 

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I had a dream that in his sentencing he gets the option of death or death by exile. Judge answers for him and gives him death by exile. 
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how are people calling that a reach? its not a reach at all...its clear as day...the whole point is this is all bad...this entire culture is guilty

because this incident happened within the context of the Batman films...it speaks volumes when you consider the social narrative that made this trilogy as strong as it is.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters on Friday that Mr Holmes had portrayed himself as Batman's arch-rival, the Joker.

"It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was 'The Joker', obviously the 'enemy' of Batman," he said.
what is the point of this comment from the NY police commissioner...'he painted his hair red'...what? thats all you have to say...so stupid :smh: :rolleyes
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I'm not trying to defend the coward who abandoned his two kids and girl in any way.
It's just sickening how so many people who are safe behind their computer screens imply that they would've been headline news heroes in these situations when you would almost certainly be running for your life like everyone else. And by the way, how come the people in the planes that hit the World Trade Center aren't remembered as cowards for not confronting the terrorists and letting them hijack the planes?

You have kids? Before I give my complete thoughts on your asinine comment, I'll wait for your response to my question.


You are a straight up coward if you arent willing to die for your seed. Like FutureMD said, the fact this dude DROVE AWAY invalidates everything he did leading up to the point of when he put his keys in the ignition. SMH.
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The people talking about why would you bring a 4 month old to a movie? It's basically the same as people who blame a girl being raped because she was dressed slutty.
would I bring a 4 month old to a movie? no, but come on this was a tragedy and it's only one man's fault.

It's beating a dead horse, but a 4month old, a 4 year old, and a 6 year old have NO business being at TDKR, let alone a midnight screening. People have to get their priorities in check. It's a tragedy which SOME lives could have been spared and a few other people could have escaped harm had they made other decisions about bringing their young kids to an inappropriate movie at an inappropriate hour.
I agree that they have no business being at a midnight showing.

babies will be crying, kid needs to use the bathroom, they don't have the attention span to go to a 3 hour movie, more of a chance for an argument or fight to happen.

but a crazy nut job going on a shooting spree isn't something you rationally think would happen. My immediate reaction was "how the **** you bring a baby to a midnight showing", but at the end of the day, it isn't their fault that this happened. it's just a sad, tragic event.
Sort of agree. :smh:
It amazes me how dude bought over 6,000 rounds without raising a red flag.

Apparently the FBI is slacking. Once for a family get together we bought 2000-3000 rounds and got a phone call where we had to explain why we were buying so much ammo, and that was pre-9/11 with all of the fear mongering that came afterwards.
I agree that they have no business being at a midnight showing.
babies will be crying, kid needs to use the bathroom, they don't have the attention span to go to a 3 hour movie, more of a chance for an argument or fight to happen.
but a crazy nut job going on a shooting spree isn't something you rationally think would happen. My immediate reaction was "how the **** you bring a baby to a midnight showing", but at the end of the day, it isn't their fault that this happened. it's just a sad, tragic event.

What infuriated me even more was reading Jamie Rohrs' explanation as to why he brought his kids to the theater. Not verbatim, but he said something along the lines about how the oldest (4 years old) was a big Batman fan.

There are a number of different ways you can go off of that statement. First of all, kids like A LOT of things....but you have to be the parent and make choices for them because they can't often distinguish right from wrong or appropriate vs. inappropriate. You're raising a child, you need to help set a good example. If my daughter has an interest in the military, I'm not going to get Act of Valor off of Netflix for her to watch because I think she'd enjoy it. It's just common sense. I don't understand what goes through people's heads at times.

I'm rambling on, but I agree with what you said about a shooting spree isn't something that you think would happen when going to the movies.
I'm not trying to defend the coward who abandoned his two kids and girl in any way.

It's just sickening how so many people who are safe behind their computer screens imply that they would've been headline news heroes in these situations when you would almost certainly be running for your life like everyone else. And by the way, how come the people in the planes that hit the World Trade Center aren't remembered as cowards for not confronting the terrorists and letting them hijack the planes?

...He drove away.

No matter what you say doesn't change that fact.

You already think hes a coward according to your own words but you still want to play devils advocate. 

Those are your KIDS man. 

I'm not out here to play the moral arbiter but still, whats up with that?

THEN why do CNN interviews about it? 

Yeah...seeing that then hearing about the dude who sadly lost his life by diving IN FRONT of bullets to protect his gf is like the ultimate dichotomy of a being a man...you do anything to save your children, I've never heard any parent say they wouldn't risk themselves for their kids to have a better life...unless they're a deadbeat. I get it was chaos but a 4month old?!? Cmon bruh, he can't even walk let alone be left to save your sorry *** from getting injured....that dude should be forever indebted to the the 19 yr old who helped his kids and his gf get out relatively unscathed. :smh:
Sort of agree.

It amazes me how dude bought over 6,000 rounds without raising a red flag.
Apparently the FBI is slacking. Once for a family get together we bought 2000-3000 rounds and got a phone call where we had to explain why we were buying so much ammo, and that was pre-9/11 with all of the fear mongering that came afterwards.
But you have to remember that they're busy processing WAY too much information these days and treating everyone as a threat so in a way, they're not able to point out true oddities.
I agree that they have no business being at a midnight showing.
babies will be crying, kid needs to use the bathroom, they don't have the attention span to go to a 3 hour movie, more of a chance for an argument or fight to happen.
but a crazy nut job going on a shooting spree isn't something you rationally think would happen. My immediate reaction was "how the **** you bring a baby to a midnight showing", but at the end of the day, it isn't their fault that this happened. it's just a sad, tragic event.
What infuriated me even more was reading Jamie Rohrs' explanation as to why he brought his kids to the theater. Not verbatim, but he said something along the lines about how the oldest (4 years old) was a big Batman fan.

There are a number of different ways you can go off of that statement. First of all, kids like A LOT of things....but you have to be the parent and make choices for them because they can't often distinguish right from wrong or appropriate vs. inappropriate. You're raising a child, you need to help set a good example. If my daughter has an interest in the military, I'm not going to get Act of Valor off of Netflix for her to watch because I think she'd enjoy it. It's just common sense. I don't understand what goes through people's heads at times.

I'm rambling on, but I agree with what you said about a shooting spree isn't something that you think would happen when going to the movies.
That explanation was complete BS.

You mean to tell me that a 4 year old comprehends whats on that screen and the pace of action?

Thats a complete lie.

I'm more insulted that he'd go on TV even after all of that. Are you looking for public sympathy? Are you seeking attention? Whats the point? You're already seen as a coward. 

In all honesty, I wish death on no one but the amount of guilt and shame he's about to incur might make me watch him more closely. I wouldn't be surprised if he hurts himself or others after this. 

Lets be honest here. If his gf and kids would have died, imagine the story then.
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Son...he could have at least waited outside.


He walked to his car. opened his door. started his ignition. closed the door. put the car in reverse. backed out. put the car in drive. drove off the premises.

...THEN he called to see where his GF was.

That invalidates EVERYTHING else he did.

Your analogies, examples, and excuses fail beyond comparison. 

I would have freaked out too, no doubt, but straight leaving my GF AND kids? 


Will you please stop quoting me for something I didn't say? I was never defending this guy. **** that guy. He'll obviously have to live with being known a coward who left his wife and kids to die wherever he goes.

I was talking about the entire 20/20 hindsight phenomenon of picking out someone who should've acted differently whenever something like this happens. They're always looking for a hero, implying that they would've acted like one. But I lived long enough to know that the phrase "talk is cheap" isn't a mere figure of speech. I guess you'd be a lot more satisfied if I tried to make it look like I would've acted like a hero in the same situation. Fine, here's what I'd do: I'd jump on the shooter with no regard whatsoever for my own safety, only caring about my fellow men around me. I would try to knock him out and sustain him until the police comes. If he shot me, I'd fight him until my dying breath.

Satisfied? I can't even bring myself to say "I wish I could see how you would act if someone started killing everyone around you", but that would mean that you would have to experience something like this, which I honestly hope neither you nor anyone does.
Son...he could have at least waited outside.


He walked to his car. opened his door. started his ignition. closed the door. put the car in reverse. backed out. put the car in drive. drove off the premises.

...THEN he called to see where his GF was.

That invalidates EVERYTHING else he did.

Your analogies, examples, and excuses fail beyond comparison. 

I would have freaked out too, no doubt, but straight leaving my GF AND kids? 

Will you please stop quoting me for something I didn't say? I was never defending this guy. **** that guy. He'll obviously have to live with being known a coward who left his wife and kids to die wherever he goes.

I was talking about the entire 20/20 hindsight phenomenon of picking out someone who should've acted differently whenever something like this happens. They're always looking for a hero, implying that they would've acted like one. But I lived long enough to know that the phrase "talk is cheap" isn't a mere figure of speech. I guess you'd be a lot more satisfied if I tried to make it look like I would've acted like a hero in the same situation. Fine, here's what I'd do: I'd jump on the shooter with no regard whatsoever for my own safety, only caring about my fellow men around me. I would try to knock him out and sustain him until the police comes. If he shot me, I'd fight him until my dying breath.

Satisfied? I can't even bring myself to say "I wish I could see how you would act if someone started killing everyone around you", but that would mean that you would have to experience something like this, which I honestly hope neither you nor anyone does.
I don't want to keep arguing but if you're going to chastise all the people who are Monday-Morning-QBs over this shooting, then you might as well chastise any sort of analysis of the event in the first place.

All i'm saying is that while I understand your criticism and agree with most of it, that him running away REMOVES him from the conversation entirely.

I agree, everyone is always looking for a "hero" and that talk is most definitely cheap but you can't compare someone who says what they would have done to an example of someone who not only didn't care about his significant other and children, he completely freaked out and drove away...IN THE CAR HIS FAMILY CAME IN. 

I mean in no scenario would acting like that man did ever come up.

I'm not even going to argue about gender roles or societal expectations, but come on man. You can't be surprised people are coming at you for even conflating a slight form of association to that guy with your otherwise legitimate argument. 

I don't like the mental-masturbation of just ruminating over this because honestly, it doesn't even personally affect me, but the fact of the matter is that we all would freak out. We all would do stupid and irrational things. But who could imagine someone would entirely abandon his family? Not just get separated from them, but complete removal from the premises. 

I think you have an otherwise valid point though. Most of this analysis is pointless. No amount of training could ready you for something like that. 
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Yeah...seeing that then hearing about the dude who sadly lost his life by diving IN FRONT of bullets to protect his gf is like the ultimate dichotomy of a being a man...you do anything to save your children, I've never heard any parent say they wouldn't risk themselves for their kids to have a better life...unless they're a deadbeat. I get it was chaos but a 4month old?!? Cmon bruh, he can't even walk let alone be left to save your sorry *** from getting injured....that dude should be forever indebted to the the 19 yr old who helped his kids and his gf get out relatively unscathed. :smh:

Bro...u hit the nail on the head.

Honestly, I'm VERY happy that he and his family survived the ordeal. However, when thinking about the people in there diving in front of loved ones or people they didn't even know TO SAVE A LIFE only makes Rohrs act look like one of the most cowardly displays anyone could fathom. His "fiancee" should think about who she's choosing to marry. Dude is George Costanza.

That explanation was complete BS.

You mean to tell me that a 4 year old comprehends whats on that screen and the pace of action?

Thats a complete lie.

I'm more insulted that he'd go on TV even after all of that. Are you looking for public sympathy? Are you seeking attention? Whats the point? You're already seen as a coward. 

In all honesty, I wish death on no one but the amount of guilt and shame he's about to incur might make me watch him more closely. I wouldn't be surprised if he hurts himself or others after this. 

Lets be honest here. If his gf and kids would have died, imagine the story then.

I was just talking about this with my family. I was saying that if I escaped a mass shooting by ditching my family (and also driving away), the LAST thing I'd do would be granting interviews on CNN telling my story. Dude has managed to become a national punchline and he will NEVER live this down. Like I said before...I'm very happy that he and his family survived, but damn....it just sucks reading about those who took bullets to save a life and never had a chance. He's got to live with himself and look in the mirror each day knowing that he was messed up in how he put himself above those he loves.
:smh: Rohrs

maybe once the shock of this whole situation dies down ol' girl will rethink that engagement...
I was just talking about this with my family. I was saying that if I escaped a mass shooting by ditching my family (and also driving away), the LAST thing I'd do would be granting interviews on CNN telling my story. Dude has managed to become a national punchline and he will NEVER live this down. Like I said before...I'm very happy that he and his family survived, but damn....it just sucks reading about those who took bullets to save a life and never had a chance. He's got to live with himself and look in the mirror each day knowing that he was messed up in how he put himself above those he loves.
Like I said to someone else, I'd keep my eye on this guy. The amount of shame and embarrassment he is about to endure will be too much for him to bear. He's liable to hurt himself or others at this point.

Imagine his girl having an argument and she brings this up... Thats a domestic charge waiting to happen. 
I don't want to keep arguing but if you're going to chastise all the people who are Monday-Morning-QBs over this shooting, then you might as well chastise any sort of analysis of the event in the first place.

All i'm saying is that while I understand your criticism and agree with most of it, that him running away REMOVES him from the conversation entirely.

I agree, everyone is always looking for a "hero" and that talk is most definitely cheap but you can't compare someone who says what they would have done to an example of someone who not only didn't care about his significant other and children, he completely freaked out and drove away...IN THE CAR HIS FAMILY CAME IN. 

I mean in no scenario would acting like that man did ever come up.

I'm not even going to argue about gender roles or societal expectations, but come on man. You can't be surprised people are coming at you for even conflating a slight form of association to that guy with your otherwise legitimate argument. 

I don't like the mental-masturbation of just ruminating over this because honestly, it doesn't even personally affect me, but the fact of the matter is that we all would freak out. We all would do stupid and irrational things. But who could imagine someone would entirely abandon his family? Not just get separated from them, but complete removal from the premises. 

I think you have an otherwise valid point though. Most of this analysis is pointless. No amount of training could ready you for something like that. 

I don't think it's wrong to discuss this event at all after it took place and therefore I definitely don't think I'm a hypocrite. But I DO most definitely think that the focus of discussion is way off: People are discussing WAY too much about what to do, should be done or should've been done when something like this happens. IMHO, they should be discussing what to do to prevent something like this from happening in the first place. Even if everyone in the theater was armed, which for pro gun people would've been the ideal situation, this guy would still manage to hit several people before someone armed in the theater managed to take him out, if they themselves wouldn't hit some of the innocent people in all the chaos. That is certainly more than 0 dead and 0 wounded if this didn't happen in the first place. You can say "there will always be crazy people doing crazy things", but how come stuff like this happens in the U.S. way more than everywhere else. There is definitely a problem here that needs to be addressed.
maybe its reaching.. but have you guys seen the "homies still" video by lil wayne (released 3 days before the shooting ) . there is a scene where he (lil wayne) is in a theater and in behind him in the seating there are 12 skeletons. reaching? maybe . creepy ? yes
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