14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

Whether he was there on his own or sent by WB, that to me is still a great gesture to the victims.

Officials from Warner Brothers Pictures, which released Bale's most recent film, said Bale came to Aurora on his own.
"Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers," said an assistant for Susan Fleishman, executive vice president for Warner Brothers corporate communications.

Yeah....I thought that was cool. The whole damn cast should be out there.
^ I've heard reports, not sure if true, that the shooter had loud music playing at his apartment during the shooting which resulted in police being called there. Obviously they all responded to the movie theater call when that came in but I wonder if he hadn't planned on having the bombs at his place go off during the shooting. Or perhaps just to divert the police away from the theater.
First logical connection to them finding out about his place, if James is killed, the booby traps at the apartment explode, if he doesn't say anything, probably the same outcome. I just don't see the benefit of him telling police about his place.
The thing that doesn't remain clear is how everything took place. I know he shot and killed people, and everyone is talking about the victims.

But in terms the progression of one to another is still a blur.

I don't believe this conspiracy crap at all either. He definitely thought he was some Heath Ledger kind of person.

It's good he didn't ignite some bomb crap though.. But jeez.
Whenever **** like this happens I always think about a conspiracy...it's only natural due to past events that have happened in the US in which there was always someone/group pulling the strings behind the scenes.

It's sad for the families to have to go through this...but I'm not that quick to pull the conspiracy card just yet...

Dude could just be a lunatic.
why did he stop shooting? did he run out of ammo or what??

Police responded within 90 seconds. During that span, he opened fire with a shotgun, switched to a rifle which jammed, and then used his pistol until I suppose the cops either got hold of him or he didnt have adequate time to actually reload and all that.
Police responded within 90 seconds. During that span, he opened fire with a shotgun, switched to a rifle which jammed, and then used his pistol until I suppose the cops either got hold of him or he didnt have adequate time to actually reload and all that.
90 seconds after the first call was received, which likely doesn't correspond exactly with when events took place.
son tryin' to look like Edward Norton in Primal Fear. not buyin his act in court.

10000% agree

Literally the first thing I thought of. Thank you.

And no idea what he's going to plea, but he told the cops about his apartment being rigged.
Insane people cannot delineate between right and wrong, but, in this instance, he did. It would be hard to argue otherwise.

I guess one could reply- how does a sane person go from shooting up a theatre, to preventing an explosion from killing others?
Radical difference there. Eh. just a thought
Just read the post by tysiny...:nerd:

Just a coincidence...:nerd:

Crazy is all I can say right now
Kinda like how a major event happens and the facts aren't clear because the media jumps to conclusions and issue competing reports?

They said Gabrielle Giffords was dead like 3 times before 1 network said she wasn't.

I don't even understand that second to last sentence of yours.

Do you do payroll for the Aurora PD? Can you say this with certainty?

Google Earth?

You're the one with the rhetorical questions. Usually people who invoke the Socratic Method tend to have the answers they want to lead people towards...but I don't see you getting anywhere close to that.

^ I sense silly putty or anton...
Welcome back Sillyputty :nerd:
Just for fun I'll add a few more coincidences to the mix, the most notable to me was the young victim who was involved in the toronto mall shooting less than 2 months prior to being killed last week.
The reports of other perpetrators remind me of colombine which happened less than 20 minutes away. The whole denver area is a hot bed of intelligence and military officials. A few of the victims and perpetrators at colombine were the children of such officials. If you haven't heard that conspiracy it's a pretty good one you don't hear much about.
One day before the massacre a blog discussing the prevalence of Bane/Bain(Romney) comparisons in the media asks "Will any events take place on July 20, 2012, of any import?"
The Dark Knight Rises before Dawn (latin: Aurora) has a tad of coincidence to it
May 17th 2012 the DHS-FBI releases a document warning of possible terrorist attacks at movie theaters which has since been removed.

No dambs given as to how easy it was to figure out...
^ I've heard reports, not sure if true, that the shooter had loud music playing at his apartment during the shooting which resulted in police being called there. Obviously they all responded to the movie theater call when that came in but I wonder if he hadn't planned on having the bombs at his place go off during the shooting. Or perhaps just to divert the police away from the theater.

he wanted the bomb to go off at his aptartment (across town) while he would be shooting up the movies and killing more people while the police and paramedics are focused on a bomb that blew up a whole building across town

kinda like if someone was to commit a crime while 9/11 was goin down
timed explosion = no death
triggered explosion = death

If he that placed packed w/ as much explosives, chemical devices, and flammable liquids as the 'media' reported he did wouldn't that have caused just as much damage on a 'timer' as someone who triggered the explosion? Early reports said that if the whole thing would have went up the whole building would have been affected so how is that any different then if one cop came to check on a noise complaint?
good to see christian bale out there.. shows he's a really good guy... bad thing is that gun sales have increased by 43% the last week. which is something you really dont want to have.. sooner or later everyone will be strapped and it's just gonna make **** a lot more difficult and dangerous out there.. especially since so many bought guns, there are bound to be a bunch of idiots amongst them.. and the fact that buying a gun is as easy as buying bread at walmart..:smh:
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this is clearly a sponsored covert attack on the largely unwitting general public...may God help us.
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