14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... :rofl: ... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?

I never once Said that this "Conspiracy" is the exact story that happened because quite frankly i'm not sure.... Unlike those who read anything not put out there by the AP and assume its all conspiracy mumbo jumbo despite there being very clear questionable facts and coincedences.

Based off the amount of injustice and total lack of compassion shown not only by the US but All governments, towards there own citizens in favor of benefiting a small amount of the countries elite throughout history.

I'm just simply stating that there could very well be an alterior motive involved, and i feel sorry for those w/o the ability to think objective about anything
There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... 
... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?
I never once Said that this "Conspiracy" is the exact story that happened because quite frankly i'm not sure.... Unlike those who read anything not put out there by the AP and assume its all conspiracy mumbo jumbo despite there being very clear questionable facts and coincedences.

Based off the amount of injustice and total lack of compassion shown not only by the US but All governments, towards there own citizens in favor of benefiting a small amount of the countries elite throughout history.

I'm just simply stating that there could very well be an alterior motive involved, and i feel sorry for those w/o the ability to think objective about anything
I'm not invalidating your sincerity in you're saying...but I don't see a reason to believe you.

Present a case in which this event is linked to the undertaking of a secret group and not just another random freak event.

I'm up on Operation Northwoods and Mockingbird and Rex 84 and Iran-Contra and Black Sites and blah blah blah. I get it. I don't trust the "powers that be either" but I simply do not believe you and you're going to have to do more than insult my desire to be "objective" (which is really subjective since you want me to follow you). 

If you're suggesting an ulterior motive, present what you think it is. I know you might not have all the answers but that, in itself, should preclude you from making assertions beyond that not already established in the evidence you present.

Evidence stands on its own...going further than that is just as dishonest as presenting no evidence in the first place. 

Oh, and miss me with the "ritual" or invocation of some sort of existential "evil" or incarnate supernatural component to these "powers." I think people colluding to do evil doesn't mean they're capable of doing incantations, speaking to "spirits" or doing "spells"

This isn't Harry Potter or Heru Ptah...lol

Just remember, the fun part about speculation is that you never have to prove anything.

if you're going to assert that lil wayne's video equates to a mass murder the following day, you'd have to connect the fact that the guy said he specifically hated lil wayne  OR since you were armed with this video footage, how come you weren't able to alert the authorities before hand? Why weren't you able to make that connection BEFORE the assault? 

This isn't Alec Station in the basement of the CIA building i'm talking about...this is trying to connect your statements which really to me, don't seem to carry any weight.

Its easy to poke holes in arguments, but you're going to have to establish a better theory than that. For me at least.

I'll grant you this and only this...those coincidences are chilling. But aren't all coincidences, merely that?
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Here is the part that your not understanding i'm not posting that information TO TELL YOU what to think the information is simply that information. People process information completely different so whatever way you decide to decipher these stories or reports is completely up to you. This is what kills me about NT nobody should have to tell you how or what to think, come to your own conclusion.

No where did i state that a scene from a lil wayne video had a direct result in the shooting. The reason behind me posting that article (In which i highly doubt you read) was to draw attention to the fact that two times in the past week before this shooting happened. there were images of shootings and Deaths inside well publicized media.

I just seem to find it real interesting that the skateboarding rapper who usually has no kind of artistic content in his videos is chilling with a bunch of skeletons in a movie theater, a week prior to a massacre in a movie theater. Hollywood has been well known to involve certain events in movies and pop culture in general.
the posts in this thread are going to feed directly into the "dumbest thing you heard somebody say" thread
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Here is the part that your not understanding i'm not posting that information TO TELL YOU what to think the information is simply that information. People process information completely different so whatever way you decide to decipher these stories or reports is completely up to you. This is what kills me about NT nobody should have to tell you how or what to think, come to your own conclusion.

No where did i state that a scene from a lil wayne video had a direct result in the shooting. The reason behind me posting that article (In which i highly doubt you read) was to draw attention to the fact that two times in the past week before this shooting happened. there were images of shootings and Deaths inside well publicized media.

I just seem to find it real interesting that the skateboarding rapper who usually has no kind of artistic content in his videos is chilling with a bunch of skeletons in a movie theater, a week prior to a massacre in a movie theater. Hollywood has been well known to involve certain events in movies and pop culture in general.
See this is what i'm talking about.

Whats your angle? You're just gonna say "hey, this doesn't look right...whats the connection here?" 

Then you know hollywood likes to involve certain messages (i'm well aware of this) but then you don't want to be responsible for the conclusion you try to link it to.

Say what you're saying man.

Do you think Hollywood was behind the massacre or in any way connected to it?

I mean why suggest it if you don't think it has any link?

At least when I think that the supremely unprecedented NORAD stand-down on 9/11 was VERY weird for Cheney to authorize, or the ridiculously underfunded and hindered 9/11 comission I can say that I think there was was some major foul play that was allowed to occur because the US has a very shady history.

You on the other hand think its ok to say "this wayne video has skeletons in the theatre" and "hollywood likes to send messages" and you're willing to link the two in a list of coincidences but you don't want to stand behind it.

So what are you saying then besides exposing coincidences? 
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There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... 
... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?
The hypothetical weapons connect that got him the SWAT gear and kevlar.
See this is what i'm talking about.

Whats your angle? You're just gonna say "hey, this doesn't look right...whats the connection here?" 

Then you know hollywood likes to involve certain messages (i'm well aware of this) but then you don't want to be responsible for the conclusion you try to link it to.

Say what you're saying man.

Do you think Hollywood was behind the massacre or in any way connected to it?

I mean why suggest it if you don't think it has any link?

At least when I think that the supremely unprecedented NORAD stand-down on 9/11 was VERY weird for Cheney to authorize, or the ridiculously underfunded and hindered 9/11 comission I can say that I think there was was some major foul play that was allowed to occur because the US has a very shady history.

You on the other hand think its ok to say "this wayne video has skeletons in the theatre" and "hollywood likes to send messages" and you're willing to link the two in a list of coincidences but you don't want to stand behind it.

So what are you saying then besides exposing coincidences? 

First off i've already stated several reasons as to why i think this was planned and carried out by the government earlier in the thread & it has nothing to do with this media based article i posted. (I posted this for yet another point of view and as speculation of what truly couldve happened)

All i'm doing is pointing out these SEVERAL strange connections. I wish i had the ability to simply pass my theory off as fact like the media does but i can't.

I do not no for fact if there is a direct link btwn this massacre and the messages sent out by pop/media, just as the public has no real idea as to what was the real cause behind this man "going crazy" and deciding to shoot a movie theater up.

He was psychotic, & Wanted to be like the Joker, so he decided to kill everything in site is just as much of an assumption as me saying he could have been in a specifically designed altered mindstate carrying out a mission. Either way we will never know the complete truth.

Everytime a big event goes down it's dismissed as this person is crazy or on drugs. EVERYTIME and the public accepts it EVERYTIME.
There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... 
... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?
The hypothetical weapons connect that got him the SWAT gear and kevlar.
This article came out before TDKR and talks about secret online methods to purchase weapons: http://gizmodo.com/5927379/the-secret-online-weapons-store-thatll-sell-anyone-anything

Its not THAT hard. 
exactly. how was it prophetic when the comic strip shooting was in a porn theatre?

do people REALLY think lil wayne is in the ILLUMINATI? like, seriously?

he was a nut job.

shouldnt waste more than the 15 cents a bullet costs...if the headshot doesnt kill him, let him bleed.

this trail is a joke, imo.

are we unclear to if dude shot the people or not?

did the police tackle the wrong guy somehow? no?

trial for what?

so people can say he looks sedated? SO WHAT?
See this is what i'm talking about.

Whats your angle? You're just gonna say "hey, this doesn't look right...whats the connection here?" 

Then you know hollywood likes to involve certain messages (i'm well aware of this) but then you don't want to be responsible for the conclusion you try to link it to.

Say what you're saying man.

Do you think Hollywood was behind the massacre or in any way connected to it?

I mean why suggest it if you don't think it has any link?

At least when I think that the supremely unprecedented NORAD stand-down on 9/11 was VERY weird for Cheney to authorize, or the ridiculously underfunded and hindered 9/11 comission I can say that I think there was was some major foul play that was allowed to occur because the US has a very shady history.

You on the other hand think its ok to say "this wayne video has skeletons in the theatre" and "hollywood likes to send messages" and you're willing to link the two in a list of coincidences but you don't want to stand behind it.

So what are you saying then besides exposing coincidences? 
First off i've already stated several reasons as to why i think this was planned and carried out by the government earlier in the thread & it has nothing to do with this media based article i posted. (I posted this for yet another point of view and as speculation of what truly couldve happened)

All i'm doing is pointing out these SEVERAL strange connections. I wish i had the ability to simply pass my theory off as fact like the media does but i can't.

I do not no for fact if there is a direct link btwn this massacre and the messages sent out by pop/media, just as the public has no real idea as to what was the real cause behind this man "going crazy" and deciding to shoot a movie theater up.

He was psychotic, & Wanted to be like the Joker, so he decided to kill everything in site is just as much of an assumption as me saying he could have been in a specifically designed altered mindstate carrying out a mission. Either way we will never know the complete truth.

Everytime a big event goes down it's dismissed as this person is crazy or on drugs. EVERYTIME and the public accepts it EVERYTIME.
Is there more to this story? Certainly. There always is.

I agree with you that people are too reliant on believing the initial and complete story from popular sources but I still don't see the connection between Lil Wayne and this Massacre.

On top of that, you make it seem like "there was all this violence on tv the week before"...You know... there is violence on TV EVERY DAY, right?

Not sure if you know this but drugs were found in the bodies of those North Hollywood shooters. Things like tranquilizers and pain meds in case they ran into trouble (they did...and lost). If we had gotten them alive we'd say they were drugged up too, wouldn't we?

Porn stars are often high when they perform, aren't they?

People need drugs to enable them to do things they wouldn't normally do, even when they're planned activities.

Millions of people need that SSRI just to walk into work tomorrow or that extra drink to go talk to that girl in the corner of the bar.

I appreciate "other perspectives" but I think we're getting too far down the rabbit hole on this one. This isn't 9/11. This happens every few years. Its always just as tragic and just as unreal. 

What is preventing this incident from being as open and shut as the rest?

I think the accumulation of knowledge and the development of a sense of skepticism is one thing and a positive thing, but you're talking to a skeptic himself here (and by no means a perfect one) and I really just don't see the connection here. 

We can even talk about Chomsky's "Manufactured Consent" if you want...but I don't even think that applies here...Not this case. We're not selling high heels to pre-teen bieber fans. This isn't a mad men episode we're trying to decipher. We're talking about the reference to a future mass murder event in the suburb of city. 

Lets look at it this way. Armed with the information you know now about what you should have seen before the shooting, would you have been able to predict what would have happened?
There will be coincidences if you call yourself THE JOKER... :rofl: ... yall serious?

Come on now. I'm up on the US government doing the shadiest of things but are you all being serious?

Lets be honest, if this wasn't a conspiracy, what would have to occur for you NOT to think it was some sort of secret event?
The hypothetical weapons connect that got him the SWAT gear and kevlar.

This article came out before TDKR and talks about secret online methods to purchase weapons: http://gizmodo.com/5927379/the-secret-online-weapons-store-thatll-sell-anyone-anything

Its not THAT hard. 
Where's the guy who was laughing when I mentioned the deepweb?
Is there more to this story? Certainly. There always is.

I agree with you that people are too reliant on believing the initial and complete story from popular sources but I still don't see the connection between Lil Wayne and this Massacre.

On top of that, you make it seem like "there was all this violence on tv the week before"...You know... there is violence on TV EVERY DAY, right?

Not sure if you know this but drugs were found in the bodies of those North Hollywood shooters. Things like tranquilizers and pain meds in case they ran into trouble (they did...and lost). If we had gotten them alive we'd say they were drugged up too, wouldn't we?

Porn stars are often high when they perform, aren't they?

People need drugs to enable them to do things they wouldn't normally do, even when they're planned activities.

Millions of people need that SSRI just to walk into work tomorrow or that extra drink to go talk to that girl in the corner of the bar.

I appreciate "other perspectives" but I think we're getting too far down the rabbit hole on this one. This isn't 9/11. This happens every few years. Its always just as tragic and just as unreal. 

What is preventing this incident from being as open and shut as the rest?

I think the accumulation of knowledge and the development of a sense of skepticism is one thing and a positive thing, but you're talking to a skeptic himself here (and by no means a perfect one) and I really just don't see the connection here. 

We can even talk about Chomsky's "Manufactured Consent" if you want...but I don't even think that applies here...Not this case. We're not selling high heels to pre-teen bieber fans. This isn't a mad men episode we're trying to decipher. We're talking about the reference to a future mass murder event in the suburb of city. 

Lets look at it this way. Armed with the information you know now about what you should have seen before the shooting, would you have been able to predict what would have happened?

Porn stars are high when they perform?
Mad Men episodes?
There's always violence on TV?
Selling heels to Bieber Fans?

Dude absolutely nothing you posted just now has any relation to my post... Like absolutely nothing... you are dwelling on this Lil Wayne Video after i stated this has nothing to do with my opinion as to why i believe this was a well thought out plan by our government.
Is there more to this story? Certainly. There always is.

I agree with you that people are too reliant on believing the initial and complete story from popular sources but I still don't see the connection between Lil Wayne and this Massacre.

On top of that, you make it seem like "there was all this violence on tv the week before"...You know... there is violence on TV EVERY DAY, right?

Not sure if you know this but drugs were found in the bodies of those North Hollywood shooters. Things like tranquilizers and pain meds in case they ran into trouble (they did...and lost). If we had gotten them alive we'd say they were drugged up too, wouldn't we?

Porn stars are often high when they perform, aren't they?

People need drugs to enable them to do things they wouldn't normally do, even when they're planned activities.

Millions of people need that SSRI just to walk into work tomorrow or that extra drink to go talk to that girl in the corner of the bar.

I appreciate "other perspectives" but I think we're getting too far down the rabbit hole on this one. This isn't 9/11. This happens every few years. Its always just as tragic and just as unreal. 

What is preventing this incident from being as open and shut as the rest?

I think the accumulation of knowledge and the development of a sense of skepticism is one thing and a positive thing, but you're talking to a skeptic himself here (and by no means a perfect one) and I really just don't see the connection here. 

We can even talk about Chomsky's "Manufactured Consent" if you want...but I don't even think that applies here...Not this case. We're not selling high heels to pre-teen bieber fans. This isn't a mad men episode we're trying to decipher. We're talking about the reference to a future mass murder event in the suburb of city. 

Lets look at it this way. Armed with the information you know now about what you should have seen before the shooting, would you have been able to predict what would have happened?
Porn stars are high when they perform?
Mad Men episodes?
There's always violence on TV?
Selling heels to Bieber Fans?

Dude absolutely nothing you posted just now has any relation to my post... Like absolutely nothing... you are dwelling on this Lil Wayne Video after i stated this has nothing to do with my opinion as to why i believe this was a well thought out plan by our government.
Were you not the one mentioning how reports of him being drugged might be over-stated? Thus my example of overly medicated individuals trying to simply live their day to day lives.

My point is this. If you're willing to assert that they would both drop hints implying future atrocities AND THEN commit said atrocities then you must see it as being nothing more than simple marketing.

But you know its not just simple marketing that you're suggesting. Thus my comparison to mad men or selling heels to little girls.

And you were ALSO the one who said that there was a bunch of violence on TV days before the shooting as if that had some connection to the events in Aurora...as if there isn't always violence on TV. Tipper Gore anyone?

All i'm saying is that you're not presenting anything that goes beyond mere conjecture and forced non-sequiturs. 
Everytime a big event goes down it's dismissed as this person is crazy or on drugs. EVERYTIME and the public accepts it EVERYTIME.

When acts of violence, such as this recent shooting in Aurora, CO, occur the suspect is often "dismissed" as "crazy" or "on drugs" because it is difficult for the average human being to understand why an individual would take another life.

It's really that simple.
How can you buy a AR15 online tho?

thats the part I dont get along with 6,000 rounds of ammo
How can you buy a AR15 online tho?
thats the part I dont get along with 6,000 rounds of ammo

AR 15 is not illegal. My friend has one that he bought from the gun show.

And buying 6,000 rounds of ammo is not suspicious. I usually blow 3,000 rounds in one day when out shooting guns in my uncle backyard.

Tired of people saying dont 6,000 rounds ammo should had red flagged him, but then turn around and get mad when gov monitors the internet or be nosey in your biz!

Nothing wrong with buying 6,000 rounds especially if your hosting a gun shootout party /picnic
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We had a Bush Era DEA (continued into Obamas administration and discontinued by Eric Holder) running guns across the borders...and ya'll are wondering how to come up on free guns? 

Lets not let some simple research get in the way of making sensationalized posts here.

There are Militia men at line in your nearest rural wal-mart stocking up for Bacon's Rebellion pt. 2 right now and you're perplexed as to how the guy could have so much ammo. 
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