14 Dead, 50 Hurt In Batman Movie Shooting

Welcome back Sillyputty :nerd:

Just for fun I'll add a few more coincidences to the mix, the most notable to me was the young victim who was involved in the toronto mall shooting less than 2 months prior to being killed last week.

The reports of other perpetrators remind me of colombine which happened less than 20 minutes away. The whole denver area is a hot bed of intelligence and military officials. A few of the victims and perpetrators at colombine were the children of such officials. If you haven't heard that conspiracy it's a pretty good one you don't hear much about.

One day before the massacre a blog discussing the prevalence of Bane/Bain(Romney) comparisons in the media asks "Will any events take place on July 20, 2012, of any import?"

The Dark Knight Rises before Dawn (latin: Aurora) has a tad of coincidence to it

May 17th 2012 the DHS-FBI releases a document warning of possible terrorist attacks at movie theaters which has since been removed.
All I know is anyone in that theater that sacrificed their life for anyone else didn't deserve to die that way. They are all heros in my book.
Whether it was someone who jumped in front of their daughter, son, boyfriend, girlfriend, dad, mom, or friend...the fact is some people in that theater did something that not many of us will ever realistically do...and that is giving their life to save someone else. Instead of arguing about why there was a baby in the theater or about some other nonsense, we should start recognizing who these people were and try to help and support the people who these heroic people saved.
I wish I could do something to help those families who lost someone in that theater. I will patiently wait for the appropriate foundations or charities to be put together to make a contribution to those people who have to now live their life without their loved ones. I am not rich, but I will try to do whatever I can to help.
It's not fair, its just not fair at all. :smh: :frown:

start it up homie, im with it
well....looks like i'll be waiting till the movie hits the net.

Timothy Courtois of Biddeford, Maine, had been stopped for speeding, and a police search of his car found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition and news clippings about the mass shooting that left 12 people dead early Friday, authorities said.:smh:

two other dark knight related incidents as well.

I would love to hear the explanation on how this guy was sophisticated enough and trained to pull something like this off. Nobody is asking these type of questions? My wife's brother is a 12 year Marine and expert in semi-automatic weapons and demolition, no 24 year old civilian without background pulls this off successfully.
I would love to hear the explanation on how this guy was sophisticated enough and trained to pull something like this off. Nobody is asking these type of questions? My wife's brother is a 12 year Marine and expert in semi-automatic weapons and demolition, no 24 year old civilian without background pulls this off successfully.
Have you ever done a search on how to make a crude bomb and booby trap your home via google or some other private network?


Well do that, see how easy it is, then post back.

Whats so "sophisticated" here?

Amour is easy to find. 

Guns are easy to find.

Ammo is easy to find.

Those VERY CRUDE bomb materials were easy to find.

Issac Newton was 26 when he discovered the inverse square rule of gravity and integral calculus...but somehow since its beyond YOU then, this is completely unreasonable.
I would love to hear the explanation on how this guy was sophisticated enough and trained to pull something like this off. Nobody is asking these type of questions? My wife's brother is a 12 year Marine and expert in semi-automatic weapons and demolition, no 24 year old civilian without background pulls this off successfully.

Link to his demolitions successfully working?

The Columbine shooters, who were 17 mind you, made 48 Carbon Dioxide bombs, 27 Pipe bombs. 11 1.5 gallon propane bombs ,7 napalm bombs, and 2 20 pound propane bombs. All this they found in books and on the internet 13 years ago. With as sophisticated as the internet has become, and a guy working on his PHD in neuroscience, you think he wasn't smart enough to pull off something like this?
Government planning this ?????? ...... Lol wow, some of you guys would argue the sky is red if you read an article saying it was
Have you ever done a search on how to make a crude bomb and booby trap your home via google or some other private network?


Well do that, see how easy it is, then post back.

Whats so "sophisticated" here?

Amour is easy to find. 

Guns are easy to find.

Ammo is easy to find.

Those VERY CRUDE bomb materials were easy to find.

Issac Newton was 26 when he discovered the inverse square rule of gravity and integral calculus...but somehow since its beyond YOU then, this is completely unreasonable.

Who said anything about the "booby traps"? Or the purchasing of weapons. I can careless about that. I'm talking about the plan to walk into a movie theater with an AR15, shotgun, and a Glock without anyone noticing. Have you ever held a Remington 12 gauge? Or an AR-15? Or shot them for that matter? This isn't a movie, where you can hold one in each hand and successfully fire them with any accuracy.

The Columbine shooters, who were 17 mind you, made 48 Carbon Dioxide bombs, 27 Pipe bombs. 11 1.5 gallon propane bombs ,7 napalm bombs, and 2 20 pound propane bombs. All this they found in books and on the internet 13 years ago. With as sophisticated as the internet has become, and a guy working on his PHD in neuroscience, you think he wasn't smart enough to pull off something like this?

I'm not touching Columbine because there were numerous reports that there were numerous shooters and police were told to "stand down". Also, I don't care if he was a PhD. You guys are giving him too much credit. This kid was working on research for DARPA at the age of 18. This dude was a patsy.
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Who said anything about the "booby traps"? Or the purchasing of weapons. I can careless about that. I'm talking about the plan to walk into a movie theater with an AR15, shotgun, and a Glock without anyone noticing. Have you ever held a Remington 12 gauge? Or an AR-15? Or shot them for that matter? This isn't a movie, where you can hold one in each hand and successfully fire them with any accuracy.

He came into the theater without them. Went out the fire exit of the theater to his car parked in the back, and came back in with his weapons. This is hard for you to understand?

I'm not touching Columbine because there were numerous reports that there were numerous shooters and police were told to "stand down". Also, I don't care if he was a PhD. You guys are giving him too much credit. This kid was working on research for DARPA at the age of 18. This dude was a patsy.

Wow. Just wow.
Who said anything about the "booby traps"? Or the purchasing of weapons. I can careless about that. I'm talking about the plan to walk into a movie theater with an AR15, shotgun, and a Glock without anyone noticing. Have you ever held a Remington 12 gauge? Or an AR-15? Or shot them for that matter? This isn't a movie, where you can hold one in each hand and successfully fire them with any accuracy.
He came into the theater without them. Went out the fire exit of the theater to his car parked in the back, and came back in with his weapons. This is hard for you to understand?


Furthermore, the most sophisticated weapon in his arsenal, the AR 15, jammed. This might suggest that he was an amateur marksman, and did not know how to properly handle or load this weapon.
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Have you ever done a search on how to make a crude bomb and booby trap your home via google or some other private network?


Well do that, see how easy it is, then post back.

Whats so "sophisticated" here?

Amour is easy to find. 

Guns are easy to find.

Ammo is easy to find.

Those VERY CRUDE bomb materials were easy to find.

Issac Newton was 26 when he discovered the inverse square rule of gravity and integral calculus...but somehow since its beyond YOU then, this is completely unreasonable.

Who said anything about the "booby traps"? Or the purchasing of weapons. I can careless about that. I'm talking about the plan to walk into a movie theater with an AR15, shotgun, and a Glock without anyone noticing. Have you ever held a Remington 12 gauge? Or an AR-15? Or shot them for that matter? This isn't a movie, where you can hold one in each hand and successfully fire them with any accuracy.
You're not talking about booby traps but you want to mention your relatives demolition experience...right?

He went through the back where the emergency exit was.

Did you miss the part where he parked his car in the back too?

Did you miss that part?
Its not that hard to graduate and work for the government. You have 18 year olds with more security clearance than some 30 year olds in the military. Whats your point? 

I've had friends that worked at DARPA and the NIH after graduation. Do you even know what DARPA is? Its just the research arm of the military that works with contractors to develop new tech. 

Do they do some shady stuff? I'm sure of it...but do you know what beneficial stuff has come out of DARPA? Well lets take a look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA#Projects

They were told to stand down because they didn't want to risk going in blind. Columbine is a big *** high school so going around aimlessly just makes you a sitting duck.

The cops didn't shoot back in the movies because they didn't know where the shooter was. They can't aim at something when there are hundreds of innocent movie goers and you're unclear how many shooters there are in the first place. They'd more than likely hit 10 randoms before they even got a clear shot on the shooter.

If he's a patsy, then whats his message?
It's called a sling.

NAH BRO, the ANNUNAKI sent him!

I'm the first one to call the government out on its BS but this really ain't the time for that. This isn't like the rise in poppy production out of afghanistan or the rise in AFRICOM forces or the USGOV's plan to overthrow Chavez or Obama's recently leaked "kill list"

Were all of the ex-military mass murderers government patsy's too?
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dude said how did he shoot so many people if he wasnt trained?


it was a room of 500 people

you can literally spray into a crowd and miss everyone you were aiming at.

and still hit 50 people.

what a ridiculous comment...LMAO
Why did the cops lie and say they identified him by his different gasmask if wait... the gasmask was on the ground near the door? The gun was found on the ground between the door and the car? Surely that would have set off some alarms in any cops head.

Why was this normally a police heavy presence theatre on opening nights, yet the night the biggest movie ever is released and they all got the night off?

Why are there aerial satellite photos of Homles car in San Diego in front of his moms house on the internet? We aren't talking someone took a picture of his car one day, these are aerial photos. Why would anyone have these photos of his car six weeks before this happened?

Those of you with all of the answers need to stop acting like you were there or something, bunch of wannabe agents.
I'm not touching Columbine because there were numerous reports that there were numerous shooters and police were told to "stand down". Also, I don't care if he was a PhD. You guys are giving him too much credit. This kid was working on research for DARPA at the age of 18. This dude was a patsy.

You're just regurgitating the garbage that Alex Jones feeds you.

Every point you try to make is just something that Jones talks about on his show.

I've heard the word "patsy" twice in 2012. Once was on Jones' show a few days ago and the second time was when I read your post just now.
Why did the cops lie and say they identified him by his different gasmask if wait... the gasmask was on the ground near the door? The gun was found on the ground between the door and the car? Surely that would have set off some alarms in any cops head.
Kinda like how a major event happens and the facts aren't clear because the media jumps to conclusions and issue competing reports?

They said Gabrielle Giffords was dead like 3 times before 1 network said she wasn't.

I don't even understand that second to last sentence of yours.
Why was this normally a police heavy presence theatre on opening nights, yet the night the biggest movie ever is released and they all got the night off?
Do you do payroll for the Aurora PD? Can you say this with certainty?

Why are there aerial satellite photos of Homles car in San Diego in front of his moms house on the internet? We aren't talking someone took a picture of his car one day, these are aerial photos. Why would anyone have these photos of his car six weeks before this happened?
Google Earth?

Those of you with all of the answers need to stop acting like you were there or something, bunch of wannabe agents.
You're the one with the rhetorical questions. Usually people who invoke the Socratic Method tend to have the answers they want to lead people towards...but I don't see you getting anywhere close to that.
Why are there aerial satellite photos of Homles car in San Diego in front of his moms house on the internet? We aren't talking someone took a picture of his car one day, these are aerial photos. Why would anyone have these photos of his car six weeks before this happened?

Why are people so amazed at simple things.

Half the questions these "conspiracy" theorists ask can be found in 6 seconds on google.

This is sad.
Why was this normally a police heavy presence theatre on opening nights, yet the night the biggest movie ever is released and they all got the night off?

Those of you with all of the answers need to stop acting like you were there or something, bunch of wannabe agents.
Do you do payroll for the Aurora PD? Can you say this with certainty?

You're the one with the rhetorical questions. Usually people who invoke the Socratic Method tend to have the answers they want to lead people towards...but I don't see you getting anywhere close to that.

This was actually answered during the Friday press briefings:

  • Aurora PD normally had officers patrol Century 16 on opening nights (Friday)-- not midnight releases.
  • An initiative increasing police presence at night during the summer months allowed the officers to respond to the scene rather quickly. A nearby patrol car arrived at the theater 90 seconds after the first 9-1-1 distress call.
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Why was this normally a police heavy presence theatre on opening nights, yet the night the biggest movie ever is released and they all got the night off?

Those of you with all of the answers need to stop acting like you were there or something, bunch of wannabe agents.
Do you do payroll for the Aurora PD? Can you say this with certainty?

You're the one with the rhetorical questions. Usually people who invoke the Socratic Method tend to have the answers they want to lead people towards...but I don't see you getting anywhere close to that.
This was actually answered during the Friday press briefings:
  • Aurora PD normally had officers patrol Century 16 on opening nights (Friday)-- not midnight releases.
  • An initiative increasing police presence at night during the summer months allowed the officers to respond to the scene rather quickly. A nearby patrol car arrived at the theater 90 seconds after the first 9-1-1 distress call.
I'm no cop apologist, but 90 seconds is INCREDIBLE. 

I was always surprised at how quickly they responded to the emergency and with such force. 
^ I've heard reports, not sure if true, that the shooter had loud music playing at his apartment during the shooting which resulted in police being called there. Obviously they all responded to the movie theater call when that came in but I wonder if he hadn't planned on having the bombs at his place go off during the shooting. Or perhaps just to divert the police away from the theater.
well....looks like i'll be waiting till the movie hits the net.

Timothy Courtois of Biddeford, Maine, had been stopped for speeding, and a police search of his car found an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition and news clippings about the mass shooting that left 12 people dead early Friday, authorities said.

two other dark knight related incidents as well.


Is there a thread on this
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