18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

Same with mike brown

**** exploded on Twitter but I'm thankful for social media

brings awareness to what's going on...havent been seeing much outrage about this recent shooting cause vid is basically showing that it was justified
thats his point though, its not so much an "agenda" but rather news networks only care about ratings so they will only cover topics that people are interested in. they see the trayvon thing blowup on social media so they start covering it, because its what everyone wants to talk about. 
Such incidents need to be covered though. Do they not?
the only things that "need" to be covered are issues that the public will be strongly opinionated about. or topics that cause mass fear and panic so that viewers will keep coming back to the news network to check for updates on these "dangers" all while the viewership ratings shoot up
Nice this bill has saved 0.01% of violent black deaths, now black teens can go back to murdering each other while we do nothing.
It's a start. If we invested in inner cities maybe the kids that you don't care about would have a chance. You don't give a damn about inner city violence. All black teens aren't murdering each other.
the only things that "need" to be covered are issues that the public will be strongly opinionated about. or topics that cause mass fear and panic so that viewers will keep coming back to the news network to check for updates on these "dangers" all while the viewership ratings shoot up
Police excessive force is a public health issue. It needs to be covered.
Nice this bill has saved 0.01% of violent black deaths, now black teens can go back to murdering each other while we do nothing.
Why do you keep bringing up blacks murdering each other? This is about police being able to kill citizens without being held accountable or tried for their actions. When there is violence in black communities, the criminals are usually charged and punished for their crimes. The debate is that there are very little consequences to police brutality.

They are not treated like the citizens they are paid to protect and the current system encourages abuse.
I keep bringing it up because of the fake ***** "black lives matter" campaign and the fact that a very small percentage of black deaths can be attributed to the police. And a bigger percentage of those deaths were warranted. That's why I bring it up. People are too lazy to think about solutions on how to address what's really killing black youth so they march and demonize a tangible scape-goat.
Do you have stats to prove the percentages of warranted police killings?
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I keep bringing it up because of the fake ***** "black lives matter" campaign and the fact that a very small percentage of black deaths can be attributed to the police. And a bigger percentage of those deaths were warranted. That's why I bring it up. People are too lazy to think about solutions on how to address what's really killing black youth so they march and demonize a tangible scape-goat.
Blacks have been targeted and killed by police officers for centuries this is nothing new.
This is about police being able to kill citizens without being held accountable or tried for their actions. 
Tell me why police forced to use justified lethal force should have to pay? 
The inner child youths killing each other isn't as easily solved of a problem as police using more caution before killing people
I keep bringing it up because of the fake ***** "black lives matter" campaign and the fact that a very small percentage of black deaths can be attributed to the police. And a bigger percentage of those deaths were warranted. That's why I bring it up. People are too lazy to think about solutions on how to address what's really killing black youth so they march and demonize a tangible scape-goat.
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Um where did I say anything about this being new. My point was police killings are a miniscule fraction of why blacks are dying, and that the "blacklivesmatter" movement is a sham.
. The same was said about the civil rights movement. History proved otherwise.
Guys police only shoot SOME black people, we shouldn't make a big deal about it.

Get the **** outta here :lol:

Anton I hope you get stopped and frisked for Christmas.
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Maybe in your search for articles to support your agenda, you might have found that the whole 28 hours thing is blatantly inaccurate.
[h1]The viral claim that a black person is killed by police ‘every 28 hours’[/h1]
By Michelle Ye Hee Lee  December 24

Search the phrase “every 28 hours” on Google, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and thousands of messages like these will come up. This is the phrase that has gone viral after police-involved killings of black males in Ferguson, Mo., and Staten Island, N.Y.: “Every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is killed by police.” It is now being used to describe the deaths of two New York City police officers, to draw comparisons between the deaths of police and deaths of unarmed African Americans killed by police.

PolitiFact rated this claim false  in August when a CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill said it on air. Hill corrected his statement after the PolitiFact article.

Yet the claim is still being perpetuated widely. It’s written on signs at protests, shared through #every28hours or written on social media memes. Where did this statement come from, and is it accurate?
[h3]The Facts[/h3]
The figure “every 28 hours” comes from an April 2013 report titled “Operation Ghetto Storm”  by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. The report analyzed officer-involved killings of African-American victims in 2012. The report “is a window offering a cold, hard, and fact-based view into the thinking and practice of a government and a society that will spare no cost to control the lives of Black people,” according to the preface.

It’s not hard to debunk the claims using basic findings and methodologies from the report. (Twitter user @FeministaJones did it in a series of tweetsusing Storify.)

The Pinocchio Test

There are many variations of the report’s findings out on the Internet. This fact check focused on the claim that “every 28 hours, an unarmed black person is killed by police” — which is not true, based on the findings in the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement report. The victims studied in the report were not all unarmed, and they were not all killed by police.

Yet this alarmist statement continues to be perpetuated on social media and in protests, and it is inaccurate, especially when distilled to a hashtag. 
LOL what? Don't compare this nonsense to the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement got results.
A bill was already passed by congress to record police shooting data. This movement will produce social change.
Tell me why police forced to use justified lethal force should have to pay? >D
In killings where the suspect did not use lethal force or have a lethal weapon, it would seem a trial would be appropriate.

Perhaps we should also revisit the terms in which a killing is 'justified' because clearly it's been causing a stir over the last few decades.
In killings where the suspect did not use lethal force
Question, how far should a cop (or anyone) let themselves get beat up before the attacker is considered to be using 'lethal force?'

Last I checked, in America, assault is enough to justify the use of a gun in self defense. 
Question, how far should a cop (or anyone) let themselves get beat up before the attacker is considered to be using 'lethal force?'

Last I checked, in America, assault is enough to justify the use of a gun in self defense. 
We should all just carry guns then. Kill each other during disputes. No reason to throw hands like the old days. It depends what state you're in with regards to your gun use as a justifiable defense argument.
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We should all just carry guns then. Kill each other during disputes. No reason to throw hands like the old days. It depends what state you're in with regards to your gun use as a justifiable defense argument.
You have a very left wing, uninformed view, on the 2nd amendment. 
I keep bringing it up because of the fake ***** "black lives matter" campaign and the fact that a very small percentage of black deaths can be attributed to the police. And a bigger percentage of those deaths were warranted. That's why I bring it up. People are too lazy to think about solutions on how to address what's really killing black youth so they march and demonize a tangible scape-goat.
I believe 'black lives matter' is in regards to how police have killed unarmed blacks and have not been punished for it, comparing it to blacks committing violence against each other makes no sense as those criminals are usually tried and incarcerated.

You're bringing up inner city violence among black youth, when several of the police brutality victims weren't even young. Stop tying unrelated issues together, you are a part of the sensationalism that's ruining the discussion on how we can improve law enforcement.
The inner child youths killing each other isn't as easily solved of a problem as police using more caution before killing people

Exactly, it's easy to protest and march against the police. Solving socioeconomic and health disparities, not so much. Nobody is as passionate about these things as they are with the police, because the cops have a face to them. It's a tangible target you can hate and point a finger at. This is what happens when you combine the media with mob mentality.

I agree BUT ignoring these police shootings is dumb because there's a long history of that too...

Hell I wish black folks were this passionate about group economics...it would solve a lot of problems cause money talks especially when you have control over it

Most passionate I've seen is black sorority chicks getting ads pulled of that vh1 reality show [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] but these idiots still supporting L&HH :smh: I'll save that rant for another time
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