18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

Question, how far should a cop (or anyone) let themselves get beat up before the attacker is considered to be using 'lethal force?'

Last I checked, in America, assault is enough to justify the use of a gun in self defense. 

That's incorrect.
In killings where the suspect did not use lethal force

Question, how far should a cop (or anyone) let themselves get beat up before the attacker is considered to be using 'lethal force?'

Last I checked, in America, assault is enough to justify the use of a gun in self defense. 

How much should reckless officers get away with when dealing with normal citizens before shooting them is justified? :nerd:
We should all just carry guns then. Kill each other during disputes. No reason to throw hands like the old days. It depends what state you're in with regards to your gun use as a justifiable defense argument.

You have a very left wing, uninformed view, on the 2nd amendment. 

It's racist people like you why we should've been done away with that 2nd amendment ********.

I try to be as objective as possible but you exposed your true colors a long time ago.
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It's racist people like you why we should've been done away with that 2nd amendment ********.

I'm a level headed dude that tries to be as objective as possible but you exposed your true colors a long time ago.
I haven't made any negative comments on any race on NT, period. You just scream racist as your go-to ad hominem argument. I have only commented on the facts surrounding cases. Race is irrelevant. Circumstances in a situation cause one person to be shot by the other, and the first thing you want to know are the races of the individuals, and not the events that led up to the shooting. YOU are the racist. 
Exactly, it's easy to protest and march against the police. Solving socioeconomic and health disparities, not so much. Nobody is as passionate about these things as they are with the police, because the cops have a face to them. It's a tangible target you can hate and point a finger at. This is what happens when you combine the media with mob mentality.

Also police force is something that can be easily understood because police activity is something touches all walks of life. Hence why tons of different races and ethnicities are out protesting. But things like systemic racism, the wealth gap, garbage education systems, those things don't affect everyone. Most of those things negatively impact the poor and minorities. And the worst part is 99% of them don't even know it's a problem or even that it exists. It's just life to them. But how do you give a voice to those that are aware of these issues especially when there's a large majority of America that won't/don't acknowledge that these things exist?

I guess my point is the police angle is a good start to the whole #blacklivesmatter movement. But in order for more change to come we need everyone to start taking notice at what's happening in these black inner city communities. It's no coincidence that most high crime areas are areas that are poor with underfunded school systems.
I never said ignore police shootings, I'm saying why aren't these "blacklivesmatter" sheep as passionate about the other 99.9% cause of black lives being taken? No one has an answer to that question of course. It's easy to march and pretend to be dead on the floor.
Many are
It's racist people like you why we should've been done away with that 2nd amendment ********.

I'm a level headed dude that tries to be as objective as possible but you exposed your true colors a long time ago.

I haven't made any negative comments on any race on NT, period. You just scream racist as your go-to ad hominem argument. I have only commented on the facts surrounding cases. Race is irrelevant. Circumstances in a situation cause one person to be shot by the other, and the first thing you want to know are the races of the individuals, and not the events that led up to the shooting. YOU are the racist. 

There you go with your uninformed opinion. You may not have seen me much but I never pull the racist card. You might be the first person I do that to.
Check my history and I'm the one that's always trying to remove race from the situation.

Or you could not check my history and keep your opinions to yourself since they would be uninformed.
Please enlighten me. 
Assault is not justification for legally using a gun(a lethal weapon). An assault is simply the act of causing harm(even a slap or punch can be considered assault). The assault must be categorized as using deadly force(most cases a lethal weapon or vehicle), in order to justify the use of a firearm.

Hope this clears things up so you can understand where I am coming from.
I agree BUT ignoring these police shootings is dumb because there's a long history of that too...

Hell I wish black folks were this passionate about group economics...it would solve a lot of problems cause money talks especially when you have control over it

Most passionate I've seen is black sorority chicks getting ads pulled of that vh1 reality show [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] but these idiots still supporting L

I never said ignore police shootings, I'm saying why aren't these "blacklivesmatter" sheep as passionate about the other 99.9% cause of black lives being taken? No one has an answer to that question of course. It's easy to march and pretend to be dead on the floor.

Word...I've *****ed about that plenty of times on here
We all know that this isn't true. The media spins all the stories to further divide races, and no one cares when a black man kills another black man. 

But if a white man does it, regardless of circumstance he is immediately branded as a racist, and it's front page news. 
There you go with your uninformed opinion. You may not have seen me much but I never pull the racist card. You might be the first person I do that to.
Check my history and I'm the one that's always trying to remove race from the situation.

Or you could not check my history and keep your opinions to yourself since they would be uninformed.
You're just not a smart person then obviously, because unlike you I don't focus on or comment about race regarding shootings, killings, etc.

The fact that you're bringing race into it by attempting to call me a racist (without reason) shows how focused you are on it. Be real. 
Where I stand on this...

If dude had a gun and was brandishing it like he was gonna do some harm...shoot him.

If dude had a gun and was not brandishing it....arrest him.

If dude did not have a gun...question him and arrest him if something suspicious.
I do think more and more blacks are caring about the other issues but it's not quite where it needs to be
I haven't done any research on this and this maybe because of what the media decides to throw at us but any and outrage on my part comes from the fact that armed/unarmed black men are getting killed but the fact that you hear about white men in similar or worse situations being brought into custody without being killed. But like I said I've done no research on the matter. Maybe white guys are being shot and killed just as often.
We all know that this isn't true. The media spins all the stories to further divide races, and no one cares when a black man kills another black man. 

But if a white man does it, regardless of circumstance he is immediately branded as a racist, and it's front page news. 

You're just not a smart person then obviously, because unlike you I don't focus on or comment about race regarding shootings, killings, etc.

The fact that you're bringing race into it by attempting to call me a racist (without reason) shows how focused you are on it. Be real. 
Many communities are outraged over crimes commuted by black people. However, most black criminals are tried and convicted.
All those white people protesting I believe are doing it cause it's the new activism fad like Kony or the "Bringourgirlshome" movements. All of those NYC hipsters get to go back to their gentrified apartments and live off daddys allowance while black kids are still getting shot in the hood.

White people aren't protesting systematic racism cause forbid they actually have to do something about it.:lol:

Well if that's the case, nothing's going to change.whether we like it or not white people are the majority in America. They've got the money, they've got the political influence, and they've got the power. If white America doesn't wake up and get behind something changes is going to be very difficult.
We all know that this isn't true. The media spins all the stories to further divide races, and no one cares when a black man kills another black man. 

But if a white man does it, regardless of circumstance he is immediately branded as a racist, and it's front page news. 

You're just not a smart person then obviously, because unlike you I don't focus on or comment about race regarding shootings, killings, etc.

The fact that you're bringing race into it by attempting to call me a racist (without reason) shows how focused you are on it. Be real. 
Many communities are outraged over crimes commuted by black people. However, most black criminals are tried and convicted.

Just making sure this is visible.
Many communities are outraged over crimes commuted by black people. However, most black criminals are tried and convicted.

Communities are outraged by crimes committed by any people.

Is your issue that black criminals shouldn't be convicted, or that criminals of other races should be convicted just as often as black criminals?
I haven't done any research on this and this maybe because of what the media decides to throw at us but any and outrage on my part comes from the fact that armed/unarmed black men are getting killed but the fact that you hear about white men in similar or worse situations being brought into custody without being killed. But like I said I've done no research on the matter. Maybe white guys are being shot and killed just as often.
In this situation a white man would have been blown away in the same fashion. 
Anton made a comment earlier about malpractice. If for whatever reason they don't want to charge cops criminally, in the very least, they need to be brought up in civil court with the state/department sued for malpractice. Accidents happen sure, but when a doctor makes an accident and kills someone, he or the hospital gets sued. If they can't bring them up on criminal charges, bringing them up civilly is a must with the department/state being sued. Maybe if more states/departments are sued and losing money you'll have more responsible officers doing their best to follow proper procedure.
Hospital here put like 15 patients at risk for CJD because they didn't properly clean some equipment.

I know them folks got nice checks
In this situation a white man would have been blown away in the same fashion. 

Maybe in this situation. I'm not entirely sure that's it's still not an issue for police in general though. Especially with the overall criminal perception that Americans have about black people.
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I feel like you guys are also blowing the amount of white on black crime in America way out of proportion. Not necessarily anyones individual fault as the media has been putting a large spin on racism lately to increase ratings. But statistical evidence shows that African Americans commit much more crimes against white than vice versa. 
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I'm catching up. Was this shooting justified if so why are the blacks protesting when the dude had a gun pointed at the cop?
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