18 year old shot by Police in Berkley missouri.

You try to solve small problems first

Its like saying we can't totally cure about the flu, so why should we encourage people to get their vaccinations

One is a small problem, one is must more complexed problem

Having more accountability and safeguards in police and citizen interactions is a start

Also I don't understand why you keep talking about race

I'm just talking about asking the police to do their do job which is to SERVE and PROTECT the community
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I feel like you guys are also blowing the amount of white on black crime in America way out of proportion. Not necessarily anyones individual fault as the media has been putting a large spin on racism lately to increase ratings. But statistical evidence shows that African Americans commit much more crimes against white than vice versa. 

King leopald II of Belgium killed nearly 10 million Africans in the Congo 1885-1908. Lol it all depends on ow far you want to take it back. Sure you can get stats from the last 50-100 years but if you're going to do that then let's see the situation as a whole. Ultimately more white people have killed blacks. Some did it for entertainment. Some black babies were used as alligator bait in the south.
Ok so we agree to solve the police killing unarmed citizens first

Then after that we'll move on the other problems
Yea because after you solve this problem, people will actually move on to addressing black on black violence and other causes of black death.

Because the media is going to actively try to bring heavy exposure on these other issues

Cause social media is going to be heavily trending #stoptheviolence

LOL that blacklivesmatter nonsense should come with a disclaimer......only when a cop shoots a black person.

The police DO protect and serve, not everyone sees them as the enemy. The bad apples are not a reflection on the entire profession.

Protests and marching and creating bills will actually work because the issue here is that the justice system is ignoring a certain segment of the population. This stuff attracts attention and media - which is the only way the system will acknowledge what's happening.

Independent investigations, fair trials, and an honest process. That's all people want. The people higher up can snap a finger and all of this can be done tomorrow. People protest because that stuff is NOT happening.

Violence and crime is a COMPLETELY different issue. It requires a lot more than media attention, a lot more than protests (which there have been in the past). And again, I've repeated over and over - the system that cares so little about black people that it allows them to be killed without an honest investigation, trial and process - is the same system that created these cities overrun with murder. Severe negligence is what created these communities. The high murder rates is the result of many, many careless decisions by those in power. It's going to take time to undo all of that.
#blacklivesmatter isn't just about ****** getting gunned down by police.

When you're disrespected, constantly targeted, given stiffer penalties, shown negative images about your people....

That all gets rolled into #blacklivesmatter
I remember dudes tried to pull that bull **** with me in a previous argument. Get so mad they gotta attack the poster instead of the posts.

Of course in my case the IG link didn't belong to me just used to insult but it always brought the lulz.

Lets see if that actually is him before you guys continue to make offensive comments about him and break the ROC.

Dude its him. What are the freakin odds i randomly get followed by a sneakerhead named Marcus at the exact time im arguing with a dude named Marcus in this thread while he makes a comment on here about my IG avatar being a car.....
I know nothing about what you're talking about though.

Going off what you said, why would he choose to follow you?
But what has that got to do with anything? Is it supposed to tell me that blacks are just more criminally inclined? 
No, just to point out that this 'white skin colored people commit more crime against  brown colored people' mentality is false and only holding people back. 
Then to what DO you attribute it?  

At some point, you have a choice to make.  

If you see severe racial disparities in arrests, prosecutions, and sentencing, you can choose to believe that this represents some sort of innate "truth" about the criminal proclivity of different racial groups, or you can choose to believe that this instead represents the vulnerability of different groups vis-à-vis poverty and targeting.  

Let's say you're willing to acknowledge that poverty has more to do with crime than race.  In fact, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you don't believe that people of color are genetically predisposed to violence.  Congratulations, you're more receptive to logic than the hopelessly ignorant stormfront bigots from whom you pinched that racist "infographic."  (A pretty severe rule violation, by the way.)

How, then, do you account for the racial disparities in wealth and poverty?  

If your response includes the words "culture" or "effort," you are invoking racist stereotype in attempt to "disprove" racism and reinforce the myth of the egalitarian meritocracy.  

This is the new racism.  It is the neoliberal, "post-racial" attempt to situate contemporary racial inequality as a function of "personal responsibility", or, to quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan, some "tangle of pathology."  

In other words, it is the shifting of blame from genetic to cultural, from the institution to the individual.  

Let's be clear:  when you begin to stereotype "cultural deficiencies" and present this as the justification for racial inequality, you are practicing racism.  The only difference between your mode of thinking and that of an 18th century racist is you're not saying "it's who they are," but, "it's who they CHOOSE to be."  In some ways, that's even more insidious.  

Ultimately, to account for racial disparities in contemporary America you either have to accept the existence of racism, or you have to invoke racism itself.
I go to get my daughters gifts arranged and these sws start googling instagram accounts since I stopped acknowledging them [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

That gave me a good laugh though :lol
Figures I was right :{ :lol

Dudes be thirsty to make it personal.
That IG account is 100% Marcus. Don't let his denial fool you.
So you telling us 12 yr olds got daughters now? It's either you wrong or you complimenting that young man's yamb intake.

I mean really the reasoning behind you saying it's him don't even make sense.
I see the comment on page 8 that I reported 7 hours ago is still there but we can't have a Draya thread

What post is this? 8o

I agree BUT ignoring these police shootings is dumb because there's a long history of that too...

Hell I wish black folks were this passionate about group economics...it would solve a lot of problems cause money talks especially when you have control over it

Most passionate I've seen is black sorority chicks getting ads pulled of that vh1 reality show [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] but these idiots still supporting L

I never said ignore police shootings, I'm saying why aren't these "blacklivesmatter" sheep as passionate about the other 99.9% cause of black lives being taken? No one has an answer to that question of course. It's easy to march and pretend to be dead on the floor.
Anton, I do not necessarily disagree with you about the other problems the black community or in general minorities have with each other as far as doing better, the target with the face, and the lack of the apparent equal passion for is a huge problem BUT you can't just keep entering these threads that while might be slightly related on a grander scheme really shouldn't be mixed together. You can't keep co-opting threads to keep hammering down the same points and discussions you want to have. If a cop is in the wrong and takes the life of another minority youth and ppl express their outrage I don't see how that's the place for you to bring up the countless occurrences of killings amongst minority youth between each other.

You can make a thread and have that discussion there or make threads about events that directly relate to what you feel is a more important discussion topic bruh.

Right now, a lot of your posts just seem to be regressive to this topic. Not productive.

This is about police being able to kill citizens without being held accountable or tried for their actions. 

Tell me why police forced to use justified lethal force should have to pay? >D
Cuz they're not all justified.
We should all just carry guns then. Kill each other during disputes. No reason to throw hands like the old days. It depends what state you're in with regards to your gun use as a justifiable defense argument.

You have a very left wing, uninformed view, on the 2nd amendment. 
That doesn't make him wrong or you right.

It just makes it apparent that you think you knew what the founders intended when writing the 2nd amendment despite the society of this country being 200+ years removed from that time unless you don't think that much is different and if that's the case, you're right and if other laws are unjust when it comes to carrying firearms, the ppl should just ignore all pick up weapons and revolt with equal power the next time the police force commit a heinous crime on those they swore to protect and serve.
But what has that got to do with anything? Is it supposed to tell me that blacks are just more criminally inclined? 

No, just to point out that this 'white skin colored people commit more crime against  brown colored people' mentality is false and only holding people back. 

Then to what DO you attribute it?  


At some point, you have a choice to make.  

If you see severe racial disparities in arrests, prosecutions, and sentencing, you can choose to believe that this represents some sort of innate "truth" about the criminal proclivity of different racial groups, or you can choose to believe that this instead represents the vulnerability of different groups vis-à-vis poverty and targeting.  

Let's say you're willing to acknowledge that poverty has more to do with crime than race.  In fact, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you don't believe that people of color are genetically predisposed to violence.  Congratulations, you're more receptive to logic than the hopelessly ignorant stormfront bigots from whom you pinched that racist "infographic."  (A pretty severe rule violation, by the way.)

How, then, do you account for the racial disparities in wealth and poverty?  

If your response includes the words "culture" or "effort," you are invoking racist stereotype in attempt to "disprove" racism and reinforce the myth of the egalitarian meritocracy.  

This is the new racism.  It is the neoliberal, "post-racial" attempt to situate contemporary racial inequality as a function of "personal responsibility", or, to quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan, some "tangle of pathology."  
In other words, it is the shifting of blame from genetic to cultural, from the institution to the individual.  

Let's be clear:  when you begin to stereotype "cultural deficiencies" and present this as the justification for racial inequality, you are practicing racism.  The only difference between your mode of thinking and that of an 18th century racist is you're not saying "it's who they are," but, "it's who they CHOOSE to be."  In some ways, that's even more insidious.  

Ultimately, to account for racial disparities in contemporary America you either have to accept the existence of racism, or you have to invoke racism itself.
View media item 1321239

View media item 1321240

LOL that blacklivesmatter nonsense should come with a disclaimer......only when a cop shoots a black person.

Sadly that seems to be the case. There are no protests for the constant, unrelenting murders in Chicago and other urban areas. Only when a few black people get killed this year by cops (yes a few is still too many).
Sadly that seems to be the case. There are no protests for the constant, unrelenting murders in Chicago and other urban areas. Only when a few black people get killed this year by cops (yes a few is still too many).


You all so badly want to blame the media for the "black lives matter nonsense," blame them for that too. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening.

I'll wait for whatever weak *** rebuttal comes next...
Your logical fallacy is: Special Pleading

You moved the goalposts or made up an exception when your claim was shown to be false.
I'm getting tired of you dudes pretending like you actually care what is going on in Chicago.

You're only using it as a deflection to what is being discussed in the many threads involving cops killing Black people.

I don't remember most of y'all in this thread: http://niketalk.com/t/526101/news-report-chicago-gangs-shoot-out-on-basketball-court

Y'all won't so bad to believe that nobody cares about the violence going on in Chicago.

Just because it's not all over your tv screen and you don't really care doesn't mean others don't.
I love how theirs apparently 33 different videos in that gas station.. Yet they've only released two (which they admitted to editing for the families respect... you know the same family they let watch their son die in the streets for an hour). And the dash along with the body camera he was assigned was just off.

These dudes shouldn't have the power to edit videos how they see fit. they are manipulating evidence.
Of course it's deflection

You call one of theirs out and they say "what about black on black crime"

Quick to group all blacks together but yet they don't take claim to the criminals of their race

Like I said before...they want black people to live a moral standard they don't even own up too....had black people apologizing for the bmore killer but these ******* ain't apologizing for brown or garner killer. Instead they raise funds and celebrate how one of their own took a life of an unarmed man.
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