2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Let's see how far they can bury Ryder worse than they have already...

guess throwing him off the ramp in a wheel chair with a broken back...again does the trick
Oh my Lord, here comes this bisch to overact..Ryder must be legit hurt cause theres noway Cena would have moved that wheelchair so gently otherwise..
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Let's see how far they can bury Ryder worse than they have already...

4w is gonna have a field day when he watches this in the morning...

The only thing that came out of this Kane vs. Cena feud is Zach Ryder's career being dunzo as far as relevant in the WWE. HHH can only DREAM of burying someone in the way WWE has with Ryder.
First Miz girl, now Ryder girl. We need gifs of that, and a gif of Kane pushing Ryder off the stage in slow mode
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

that was horrible final segment...hated it

That makes two of us. It would have been a great segment if Eve just took her top off and ran around the ring.
I thought Kane was gonna come out and Ally himself with Ryder, but when he pushed him off I literally
. And the fact that he didn't even fall on padding...damn
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