2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Originally Posted by dnycemodel

"Can he see you now Cena!!"
Might be the greatest episode of raw in a min. 
- Wheelchair Ryder dead

- Crowd hates Eve

All I needed was a Del Swag or Ricardo cameo
Welp, I %$%#*%+ loved it. Damn, %$+%% is a $+@%%@*$%*!!. Isn't it, John? He don't want to embrace the hate. But he WILL embrace that ###!
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I thought Kane was gonna come out and Ally himself with Ryder, but when he pushed him off I literally
. And the fact that he didn't even fall on padding...damn
How ^@%#(@* far did he toss Ryder 
can somebody make sense of all this for me?  lol

wwe wanting to capititalize on ryders twitter petition, and then kicking him to the curb is all i can come up with
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

some of those fan comments had me DYING.

IDC how bad it came across...the burial of Ryder and the Eve/Cena stuff tonight was !%%%%%* hilarious. Had me laughing most of the time.

Only in WWE will you see the HBK/HHH/Taker segment and Eve/Kane/Ryder/Cena segment on the same show.
Originally Posted by toine2983


So much shenanigans on this episode of Raw.

Seriously. I love shenanigans! Best RAW. Could have used more wrasslin' but I'm not complaining.
Everything that happened on RAW almost made me forget that Brodus Clay wasn't on
. Oh well, if he stays off T.V my prediction for him will still be intact (Debut and not lose a match until WM).
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Let's see how far they can bury Ryder worse than they have already...

4w is gonna have a field day when he watches this in the morning...

The only thing that came out of this Kane vs. Cena feud is Zach Ryder's career being dunzo as far as relevant in the WWE. HHH can only DREAM of burying someone in the way WWE has with Ryder.

Wait one minute here!

Ryder is far from buried. He's being beat down to a point where no one will think he'll ever be able to return. In a few months, he comes back with an all out attack on Kane like we haven't seen before (Well just a really brutal attack) and go over Kane a few times, He's back. Change his music up and make him a little more serious and boom.

You guys are acting like he's receiving a epic burial, but if WWE can muster the storylines, they can make him a legit star.

How was the rest of Raw though? I only caught the last 3 minutes.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

^@%# Eve, she wasn't wrestling with him in the ring!

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How was the rest of Raw though? I only caught the last 3 minutes.
Bruh, Eve kissed Cena after he rescued her from Kane and Ryder saw the whole thing. Then Eve put Ryder in the friend zone while he was wheeling away in his wheel chair.

Ryder is finished, man.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

some of those fan comments had me DYING.

IDC how bad it came across...the burial of Ryder and the Eve/Cena stuff tonight was !%%%%%* hilarious. Had me laughing most of the time.

Only in WWE will you see the HBK/HHH/Taker segment and Eve/Kane/Ryder/Cena segment on the same show.
I need a gif of that little girl trying to play it off that she wasn't just caught crying on the titantron
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Let's see how far they can bury Ryder worse than they have already...

4w is gonna have a field day when he watches this in the morning...

The only thing that came out of this Kane vs. Cena feud is Zach Ryder's career being dunzo as far as relevant in the WWE. HHH can only DREAM of burying someone in the way WWE has with Ryder.

Wait one minute here!

Ryder is far from buried. He's being beat down to a point where no one will think he'll ever be able to return. In a few months, he comes back with an all out attack on Kane like we haven't seen before (Well just a really brutal attack) and go over Kane a few times, He's back. Change his music up and make him a little more serious and boom.

You guys are acting like he's receiving a epic burial, but if WWE can muster the storylines, they can make him a legit star.

How was the rest of Raw though? I only caught the last 3 minutes.

Watch the HBK/HHH segment
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Peep Game

^@%# Eve, she wasn't wrestling with him in the ring!

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How was the rest of Raw though? I only caught the last 3 minutes.
Bruh, Eve kissed Cena after he rescued her from Kane and Ryder saw the whole thing. Then Eve put Ryder in the friend zone while he was wheeling away in his wheel chair.

Ryder is finished, man.
Wait another minute. Zach got friend zoned? That changes everything.

Ryder and Cena feud post Mania? Cena wont turn heel ever.

Or Ryder is in fact just another Jobber. Irrelevant.
I agree that this is far from being buried, this is just building up to have Ryder overcome it all.

I'm seeing this like one of those teenage movies.
You got the geek who likes the popular chick and is friends with the football player cause he feels bad for him.
Football player takes his crush and the school bully is on his +@@.
They push him to his breaking point (pun intended) only to come back and get at all of the ones who did him wrong.
Now.. for Part 2 of an interview with a WWE Writer..

What's the deal with MITB @ Mania?
"MITB is almost definitely happening. Cody vs. Goldust is almost set in stone at this point but there's also some that want him in the MITB match instead. Sheamus winning the Rumble was a last-minute decision, Triple H suggested it would be less predictable and more beneficial."

Is Miz donezo?
"There's definitely heat but not enough to ruin his career or anything. The fact that Truth isn't injured helped."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897948Is there heat on Dunn for darking Bryan/Sheamus last year?
"Last time I talked to Kevin Dunn he acted like he did everyone a favor by saving their match for this year. I don't think he cares."

Who was supposed to be the RAW GM?
"Originally, Donald Trump. Now everybody wants David Otunga to become the Raw GM. I'd expect it to happen as soon as Lauranitis's run is over.

Is Mason Ryan on the #!$% list? Why haven't we seen him?
"He's not on the #!$% list, but people have realized how green he is along with the fact that fans don't really want that kind of thing right now."
What's the deal with Hawkins/Reks?
"Hawkins and Reks are both in limbo right now, there's nothing we can do with them."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897954What's a typical day like?
"Show up to work, eat some donuts, talk to the heads of creative about what the plan for the day is, spend a few hours doing outlines, present outlines, participate in a group think-tank, discuss plans for the next day, go home. That's about the gist of it."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897955What do people in the back think of Dunn?
"He's not popular by any means. I'd say most of the older employees aren't very well liked by the young team."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897960What happened to the Jerimiah kid from TE?
"He showed no respect for anyone, got in Dusty's face, called the other wrestlers (Rollins included) generic, put himself over by saying he'd do way better than they would. Stuff like that. He will never get a job working for this company."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897972Why the %#*! is Khali back? Ring Ka King?
"Khali was rehired in part because Jinder Mahal isn't getting over.

Do you mark for wrestlers?
"The first time I met Shawn Michaels I felt like a 10 yearold. I even did the most unprofessional thing a writer can do and asked for an autograph. I've got it framed on my wall now."

Do you know about botchamania?
"Botchamania is extremely popular around the office. I don't think it's farfetched to say I see someone watching it every week."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897991What's the deal with the Divas division?
"My opinion is that it's extremely misused. I think the girls deserve a lot more than they get. Beth Phoenix vs. Kharma should get a good amount of attention but I don't expect it to be the change that the division needs."

What's the general feeling on Sin Cara?
"A lot of denial. I think everyone still expects him to bounce back and become one of the biggest draws in the company."

Has Punk ever had legit heat?
"Yeah, especially during ECW. Not so much after that but he was never anyone's favorite guy either."

What does the company look at when hiring?
"Look and mic skills are the #1 and #2 things that are looked at first. Next would be in-ring talent and backstage personality. If you're a nice guy who has a good look and can talk on the mic, you'll probably go far. Being a good worker is more of a bonus."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1897998Are the intentionally %$#+$%* over my boy Zack Ryder?
"I don't think it's intentional. Zack Ryder has a lot of support."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898001Will Regal ever get a ME push?
"We've discussed Regal getting the title many times. Recently there was a movement to try to push him into a feud with Bryan at Wrestlemania but it didn't get enough steam. Every time we bring it up the seniors bring up his wellness violation that ended his last push."
What is the attitude of Creative to people like Ryder who get over outside the mechanism of the shows? Do you think they felt forced to push him and/or disappointed with how he did?
"It's good that they're being proactive as long as they don't go too far. Ryder very very nearly went too far but luckily for him he did well enough for it to not matter."

What plans were there with Henry as champ before his injury, was Bryan always going to cash in when he did?
"Henry was supposed to be the champion going into Wrestlemania at the time. Bryan's cash-in was basically a knee-jerk reaction to him getting injured."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898033Views on Cody/Barrett?
"Barrett isn't as hot as he once was but he's still a future world champion. You can quote me on that. No plans to take the belt from Cody yet."

What is up with NXT?
"I don't know what went wrong with NXT. They moved me off the team after 3 and since then everyone seems pretty uncaring about it. I think it's going to become the third brand pretty soon."

Does anyone watch TNA?
"The last time anyone really talked about TNA was when they let Jeff Hardy wrestle in their main event stoned out of his mind. I have never heard a company get buried more than TNA during that week."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898042Why didn't they leave Hunico masked?
"They thought he would get too many cheers with a mask on."
http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898057Any tag division plans?
"Gabriel and Kofi might be teaming up in a few months, beyond that no."

Who's going to have a huge 2012?
"I think Cena but if that's too obvious I would say Sheamus."

Does creative get involved in scripting matches?
"The matches themselves aren't very scripted, especially not by us. We decide what we want them to convey then the road agents and the wrestlers do everything else. I think if I tried to suggest spots and stuff I'd be laughed at."

Most talked about FCW talent?
"Mr. Cesaro"

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898077Do you really not have anything ideas people? AKA Creative has nothing for you
"Creative has nothing for you." is code for "We don't want you here." You give us any wrestler at any time and we can give them something to do. But we can't do anything if we're specifically being told not to.

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898078What's the status on Bourne?
"Heat. Lots."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898082What's it like working with Orton?
"I like Randy. He didn't complain once, at least to us, when asked to lose cleanly to Mark Henry and that says a lot about him."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898083Is big Johnny getting it in with the divas?
"I've heard the rumors about him and the divas too but I don't think they're true personally. I think if they were then some diva would've been treated vastly better than any of them have in the last several years. Personally I'm not really a fan of him, I think he's out of touch but the same can be said for a lot of people there. His character is fantastic though."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898086Who's winning Cena or Rock?
"I don't know anything about the match but my guess is Cena. Everybody expects the crowd to be 100% behind The Rock."

Is Skip going to be coming to the roster soon?
"Everyone is still high on Skip. Probably after WM."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898097When is Christian coming back?
"Christian should be back any week now, last I heard he was fully healed and just doing some light rehab."

Is Kofi the new Morrison as far as main event spots sometimes but never winning the big one? Think he'll win MITB?
"I wouldn't say "new Morrison" exactly but you're pretty much right. Kofi is there to be the spot guy. Can't really comment on MITB, the Raw team almost always takes care of it when it features both guys. If it's someone on our side I would say Barrett undoubtedly has the best chance."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898110Are indy wrestlers ignored?
"It's not that they don't exist, but the company doesn't really feel the need to seek out wrestlers. The idea is that if they're good they'll come to us eventually for a tryout and that's all we need to know. I've suggested bringing in a lot of outside wrestlers personally, but none of them have been hired. FCW does tryouts pretty often, I know it's at least once a year but you can probably find out more on their site."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898117Why can't TNA compete?
"I think TNA has a good roster with a terrible creative team. I cannot fathom the decisions they make, but people on here say that all the time about us so I don't know how much that is worth. I don't watch impact of their PPVs but I'll youtube matches if I hear good things. I'm a big fan of Katie Lea so I've watched a lot of her work as Winter."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898120Is the Cena/Kane storyline a bust?
"The Kane storyline is considered a success and I'm inclined to agree. I like it a lot.

Why does creative bury the talent they're trying to push? I'm speaking specifically about the last 3 or 4 United States Champions who are constantly losing matches.Why has Jack Swagger been off television since he won the strap? I've never seen someone's winning of a title get them even less TV time.
"I think they're too quick to use them in main event storylines. They want to give those guys a belt but then want them to work with the maineventers which inevitably leads to them losing to said maineventers. Swagger is selling the beatdown of Cena eventhough he's been on Superstars."

Who will be in MITB?
"Pretty much the usual suspects. The only surprising entrant being discussed is Gabriel."

Kaval was doomed from the start, right?
"Right. They were against him winning NXT2 from the start."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898156Is Punk ME cemented?
"Punk will be around for awhile. I think a lot of people wish otherwise but Vince is confident in him now and that's all that matters".

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898161How strict is creative on character? By that, I mean how much say do superstars get on ring name, finishers, finisher names, etc.
"We don't really tell them that much. Don't use a name that you've used previously and don't use a name that could potentially offend someone and you're probably fine. The best way into WWE is to go to FCW as soon as you feel like you're in the best shape you'll ever be in and have talent on the mic. It doesn't really matter how much success you have on the indies."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898162Would pitching an idea to creative that involves you going over stars/getting titles garner you heat, or would they run with it if they like it?
Heat. Wrestlers who come and say "Hey I should beat ___" are generally looked down on. The proper way to go about things is to simply say you want to work with someone. Chances are you'll get the win at some point anyway.

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898184Thoughts on Truth?
"Way more entertaining than anyone knew he could be. I heard him called the next WWE Champion last year, but that ended up being CM Punk, then Del Rio."

http://boards.420chan.org/wooo/res/1897774.php#1898198What's the deal with Johnny Curtis?
"Curtis is likely a victim of the same thing that hurt Kaval. The NXT team handpicked him despite him not having a lot of support within WWE. He essentially has to prove himself all over again because the seniors don't care what the NXT team thinks."

Yeah, man. Ryder is far from done. I'm hearing only good things about him from the right people. He's not leaving anytime soon. SORRY
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