2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Raw was awful.

Good parts were...


2. Zack Ryder is a ****old.

3. Zack Ryder can't use crutches.

4. Eve's asscrack.
– During tonight’s Raw SuperShow broadcast in the Philadelphia area, WWE advertised The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels for the March 19 Raw emanating from the Wells Fargo Center. The advertised main event is WWE Champion CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler.

The Undertaker is also advertised to appear on the following Raw shows: February 20; March 5; March 12. Michaels is scheduled for the March 5 and March 12 shows.


Get well, Zack.

Okay, now this is how you get simpy for Zack..

On the next RAW after EC.

Ryder rides with Cena down the ramp. Ryder says "Cena, you beat Kane. I know you're my Broski. Friends 4Ever?" Cena says"NO.." Kane then throws Ryder off the stage before Cena could stop him. Cena goes to pick up his body. Ryder is dead. John whispers to his corpse "I mean't to say I will be you broski FIVE-ever..." (Classic Cena line) Cena cries and Zack dies. RAW OVER.

Or is it.....?

The next RAW we finally get an updated condition status on Ryder..

Spoiler [+]

License to print money, people.

Spoiler [+]
I need a writing job stat.
Watching on West Coast time:

I appreciate how Big Show helped get Daniel Bryan over, but GOD DAMN I HATE HIM AND HIS CHARACTER.

I never cared much for Paul Wight, even back when he was The Giant in WCW, always thought he was ***!$!% annoying.
The funny thing about this Cena/Zack/Eve storyline is you could see chaos coming a mile away..

Earlier this year..I wrote http://niketalk.com/topic/325728/Wr...15-1-13-Smackdown-Bryan-vs---DQ--Worl?page=26
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Regarding Zack Ryder..

Last night I realised John Cena is a terrible friend, he really hasn't lived up to the "loyalty" part of his mantra.
It's not just Zack, look at the fates of some of the others that have been friends or allies with Cena.

Got fired, got dumped, got rabies.

Team WWE from SS2010

Edge - Suffered a career ending injury
Chris Jericho - Emotinally scarred
Bret Hart - Gone
John Morrison - Gone
R-Truth - Conspiracy Victim, was fired at one stage

The Miz (co-tag-team champ)
Conspiracy Victim, was fired at one stage

The Nexus
In kayfabe it's arguable that nobody has benefited from their time in the Nexus. Some even got wished well in their future endeavours or suffered a suspension. Sure they weren't exactly best buds but his former tag-team partner David Otunga offered the hand of friendship on multiple occasions only to be rejected.

Redd Dogg
Forgotten who he was? So has Cena.

Great Khali
Was supposed to be on the 2010 Summerslam team with Cena but got taken out by Nexus, returned in a crappy storyline with Jinder Mahal where his only win was against Jinder himself, now he's gone.

Mick Foley
Cena wasn't appreciative of all the effort poor Mick put into "this is your life", hardly surprising when he didn't even support his own father. Cena just stood by as Mick suffered a Rock-bottom.

Evan Bourne
Little Evan Bourne was crushed when he realised that Cena had abandoned him and felt no choice but to turn to drugs.

Yoshi Tatsu
Stuck on superstars/NXT, completely changed his look after he realised that his "friend" had forgotten him.

Batista and HBK
Both of the partners he won the world tag-titles with have retired, probably due to the mental scars Cena left upon their souls.

Alex Riley
The emotional damage Cena did to Alex Riley rendered him unable to beat the Miz or Dolph Ziggler, two short little tree stumps who are like 1/3 his size. He is now relegated to doing promo work for Mattel and wrestling on Superstars and dark matches with an injured hip. Not to mention that they screwed up his entrance the first time that they did team up.

Zack Ryder

Poor Long Island Iced Z
Damn, man. DAMN.
omg channel surfing and i see cena kissing this chick and the camera pans to zack ryder in a wheel chair with roses looking dejected i cant breathe 

what the hell 
Originally Posted by NobleKane

omg channel surfing and i see cena kissing this chick and the camera pans to zack ryder in a wheel chair with roses looking dejected i cant breathe 

what the hell 

change the channel back to raw right now to laugh some more..
this guy did not just do that 

dudes in the crowd "cena? can you see him now??" 

guess this was a valentines day edition of raw 
just read the impact spoilers for this week.

russo or no russo, its the same crap
Holy %!*% what the +@#% did I just watch??????

Ryders face after seeing Cena kiss Eve and Ryder being ruthlessly pushed off the ramp both had me LOLZING.

HHH and HBK was epic but it got lost in the shuffle of a shenanigan filled Raw.

Lobo killed it tonight though. That interview was epic. How'd you pull that off?

*crosses fingers for a part 3*

Starting up Raw now.
I still don't understand why Kane cares about Cena embracing the hate.
A debate?  Really?
These guys are supposed to hate each other, trying to win the WWE Title, yet they're all just standing next to each other like best friends?

Is Truth a face or heel?  He acts like a face, but everyone hates him.  His character is all-time awful.  And what's the point of trading Ziggler to SD?  He'd be on Raw anyway.

Punk is going to crumble quicker than the cookie cream of his ice cream bars?  Ok Miz.

I completely agree with Dolph.  I wish I could have these 15 minutes of my life back.  What a terrible opening segment.  Jericho's promo on Punk was the only thing that made it semi-watchable for a few minutes.
Not gonna lie though.

Last night Truth's comments in the debate was one of the few times that I have lol'd at something that was supposed to be funny in the WWE in recent times.

Although I think they send him to Smackdown, tone the comedy down a tad, and develope him into more of a dangerous psycho.  

And I love the way he has played into the "What?" chants. (*%*+ you Stone Cold)

"Don't what me..."
"Ok...What me."
They have Undertaker coming off as too desparate, not a good look. The way they had HHH turn it to make it seem he won the war is lame. SM looked like he is enjoying the retired life.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

They have Undertaker coming off as too desparate, not a good look.
Granted, I am intrigued over the build up over the rematch, but HHH walking around like he ended the damn streak and that he doesn't need to go through with it. He should be irate that he nearly ended UT's career and STILL couldn't get the job done, much like HBK was. That is my only issue with the storyline thus far.
I don't think that Captain or Aqua.

I think the company stance of HHH is a great angle to this. HHH is saying he does not want to end the streak with taker due to business (And the dig at Shane was a Nice touch, no one can say otherwise that it wasn't. him and Steph will be the owners). but they are painting that picture that would it be good business to have HHH put his wrestling career on the line to beat him that third time out???? They are going down that road where It will be no holds bared, no DQ, and HBK as the ref.

I think you guys should go back and look at the HBK/Taker 2 build up (from the Slammys). Shawn did not hide it. HHH is. They will make it that this is eating away at him that he was able to walk away but still got the loss. The Undertaker is not coming off desperate. He wants to win and leave HHH in the middle of the ring unable to leave on his own. I think the Clips of Taker going back on everything HHH said have been great. (We all knew some how they would incorporate the hair.) Now it is time to paint the HBK/HHH part. And last night HBK and HHH did that. The only part I did not like was the part where HHH said Shawn was living through him when it came to the streak when last year, HHH wanted him ringside/reffing then. I think that was not necessary but a nice response from the "Marrying her" comment.
^ Perhaps, that does sound logical, and it is still early in the story so we shall see how they continue it, hopefully it pans out the way you described.
THey had him come off as Mankind with the whole cutting of the hair it took away from what we all know to be the deadman. I mean leave the hair cutting/pulling for Bruts, Mankind and Edge.
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