[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Peace out Rambis

In other news, not a big Crooks and Castles fan but my goodness at this tee
i hope rambis does well in minny. i know asst coach jim clemons didn't do too well on his own coaching the mavs.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

I was never a fan of Rambis with the Lakeshow, although Kurt has been known as one of the most intense / gritty players - that never transitioned with the players we put on the court.
are u crazy bright?...rambo was the man!

I'm talking about as a coach.

nvm...i agree with u
...id rather have b.shaw as our coach
Originally Posted by bright nikes

I was never a fan of Rambis with the Lakeshow, although Kurt has been known as one of the most intense / gritty players - that never transitioned with the players we put on the court.
SAME. ever since HE was the one responsible for getting rid of RODMAN !!!!!
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Yup, happy trails Rambis!

I hope you do well in Minny, you got a great young core of players there.

I was never a fan of Rambis with the Lakeshow, although Kurt has been known as one of the most intense / gritty players - that never transitioned with the players we put on the court.

No one "believed" in his defensive philosophy and I'm glad he gets an opportunity somewhere else.

I'm with you man. During the 80's and showtime Rambo was that guy you respected for the grit & hustle, but as far as future coach ofthe Lakers after Phil retires? nah I just didn't see it and wouldn't feel comfortable with him as the next head coach. I remember during the 1999lockout shortened season him and Kobe got into pretty bad on the sideline & in the locker room, basically because Kobe didn't respect him as a headcoach which really led to the hiring of Phil Jackson the next season.

As far as the next head coach after Phil retires? It's got to be B Shaw or Byron Scott. Byron's current contract with the Hornets expires after thisseason, and also Kobe respects both of these guys because Byron took Kobe under his wing and mentored him during Kobe's rookie season and Byron's finalyear with the Lakers. B Shaw Kobe respects him because of the battles the 2 went through during the 3 peat years and also because B Shaw was one of the guyswho was like the middle man who Kobe listened to when him & Shaq were feuding with each other.
[size=+2]Meet the 2009-10 Laker Girls Team



BEAST Mode here. The girls that's I'm really feelin on this years squad are:







The Diesel back up to his media !%#%% ing ways again:

If someone involved in the game of basketball ever bad mouths Shaq in any way, he better run and hide behind the goal posts on the playground, 'cause Shaq is coming with an arsenal of childish insults that have no grounds. Unfortunately, that is what Shaq has been known for in the latter part of his career: yes, he's the funny man on the microphone, but he's also a man who asked Kobe to, 'Tell him how his a** tastes,' and he called Stan Van Gundy a 'front runner and master of panic' just 'cause he felt like it. He may have had some sort of run-ins with Kurt Rambis and Mychal Thompson in the past, but seriously? As a man who claims to be all that and a bag of chips, why does he have to stoop to that level? It's irritating and it's clear that Shaq gets away with it simply because he's Shaq. The Big Diesel joined Mason & Ireland on ESPN Radio in LA to mock Thompson and Rambis, comment on NBA players' ignorance when it comes to supplements, and his hopes that PETA doesn't come after him when he breaks out his winter clothing.

We heard you in an interview and your response to the worst player you ever saw was a tie between Kurt Rambis and Mychal Thompson. What didn't you like about Thompson's game?

"I never even really seen his game, they just told me to name some horrible players. Those were the guys that came to mind, never really waste your time and saying things as a youngster, 'Oh, I wanna be like Mychal Thompson. Oooh, look at his baseline fadeaway. Wow. Daddy, can you teach me the Mychal Thompson fadeaway? Sure, son. Forget Kareem, let's work on Mike's moves. If I could be like Mike."

What do you think of Kurt Rambis as a coach?

(Shaq makes distortion noises over the phone, hangs up and calls back). "That's what I like about him, and if you ask me the same question again, I'll lose another connection."
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

The Diesel back up to his media !%#%% ing ways again:

If someone involved in the game of basketball ever bad mouths Shaq in any way, he better run and hide behind the goal posts on the playground, 'cause Shaq is coming with an arsenal of childish insults that have no grounds. Unfortunately, that is what Shaq has been known for in the latter part of his career: yes, he's the funny man on the microphone, but he's also a man who asked Kobe to, 'Tell him how his a** tastes,' and he called Stan Van Gundy a 'front runner and master of panic' just 'cause he felt like it. He may have had some sort of run-ins with Kurt Rambis and Mychal Thompson in the past, but seriously? As a man who claims to be all that and a bag of chips, why does he have to stoop to that level? It's irritating and it's clear that Shaq gets away with it simply because he's Shaq. The Big Diesel joined Mason & Ireland on ESPN Radio in LA to mock Thompson and Rambis, comment on NBA players' ignorance when it comes to supplements, and his hopes that PETA doesn't come after him when he breaks out his winter clothing.

We heard you in an interview and your response to the worst player you ever saw was a tie between Kurt Rambis and Mychal Thompson. What didn't you like about Thompson's game?

"I never even really seen his game, they just told me to name some horrible players. Those were the guys that came to mind, never really waste your time and saying things as a youngster, 'Oh, I wanna be like Mychal Thompson. Oooh, look at his baseline fadeaway. Wow. Daddy, can you teach me the Mychal Thompson fadeaway? Sure, son. Forget Kareem, let's work on Mike's moves. If I could be like Mike."

What do you think of Kurt Rambis as a coach?

(Shaq makes distortion noises over the phone, hangs up and calls back). "That's what I like about him, and if you ask me the same question again, I'll lose another connection."

What a douche... Thompson was a good Laker and a an even greater radio host.
No need for him to say those things. I want two things for Christmas, win for the Lakets and Kobe dunking on that big loser
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Someone's messing with the diesel:






but why is shaq hating on rambo and thompson?...they were role players...not a lot of kids are gonna grow up looking up to them compared to a big name likebird or magic
...looks like shaq isnt gonna retire a Laker if he keepsthis up

LALAKERFAN213 wrote:
I would tell you where i got my emblem at, but the site stole my credit card number and maxed it out

damn that sucks fam...but good looking out
...did u get that fixed asap?...anywhere else i can find those window stickers in the bay?
Yeah, got everything back.

You can try those little booths that make decals at the Great Mall.
Im sure you can get one made there.
Just read on the LA times Pau broke his finger and is having surgery!

Out 3-4 weeks

[h1]Pau Gasol: Surgery on left index finger[/h1]
It sounds worse than it is. Reports out of Spain, where Pau Gasol is playing with his country's national team, indicate that LA's very tall, very talented, very important F/C jammed his left index finger in practice and was taken to the hospital where surgery was performed.

He's expected to miss about three weeks of action, putting his participation in the European Championships (EuroBasket) in question. The Lakers know of the injury but don't have much information beyond the basics above.

The news, while obviously not good, isn't necessarily calamitous, either. While Gasol is a guy who utilizes both hands extremely effectively, assuming the damage is limited and heals between now and, say... early October, it won't have an impact on anything the Lakers do going forward. Meanwhile, while national team play is incredibly important to him, on this side of the pond many fans would just as soon see Gasol get some well earned rest.

My Spanish isn't great- I'm sticking to the nuts and bolts here- so if there's information in the Marca post linked above that ought be translated, feel free to do so below!

Update (6:17 pm): The reports above conflict about which finger specifically Gasol injured. Initial reports from the Spanish press said it was his left index, but a phone call from Gasol's agent Arn Tellem to the Lakers indicated it was his left middle finger, the latter being the one you may have flipped at the computer upon reading the news.
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes


all the hate on Sasha...just wait

yall gona make me have to bring back the Team Vujacic sig back before October
October? mines never left homie

its football season now, Sasha knows whats up

He'll be fine before he needs to play the basketball that we care about. Plus it gives the rest of his body rest. He's been playing nonstop for like 2years just like Kobe.
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