[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

In an attempt to give Sasha Vujacic a fresh start during training camp, Lakers coach Phil Jackson asked Sasha Vujacic to cut his hair and the backup guard complied.
"Last year, Sasha got injured on the first day of training camp and it literally limited him for three weeks," Jackson told the Los Angeles Daily News. "So he got off to a bad start and never recovered. So we've asked him to cut his hair and he did. He's going to have a new look. I think it's a total fresh start. I think Sasha played with his hair more than he played on the court last season."
Originally Posted by tuna629

In an attempt to give Sasha Vujacic a fresh start during training camp, Lakers coach Phil Jackson asked Sasha Vujacic to cut his hair and the backup guard complied.
"Last year, Sasha got injured on the first day of training camp and it literally limited him for three weeks," Jackson told the Los Angeles Daily News. "So he got off to a bad start and never recovered. So we've asked him to cut his hair and he did. He's going to have a new look. I think it's a total fresh start. I think Sasha played with his hair more than he played on the court last season."

i hope we would just cut sasha period.
Honestly, I can't see Phil leaving while Kobe is still playing.

I have a strong feeling that they'll both leave together, meaning Phil will be with us for a while longer.
[h1]Lakers head to training camp: That's entertainment![/h1]

So much for the Lakers' post-soap opera phase.

Last season was pretty exciting with the team winning a title, but, as their fans can tell you, it still came up short on drama.

The franchise, which once featured a war of titans between Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, was reduced to Sasha Vujacic and Jordan Farmar, who were more like first-graders who wouldn't share.

Happily, or not, entertainment value is once more not an issue as the team opens camp this week with everyone wondering how the newest member of the Lakers Family will fit in.

No, not Ron Artest. Khloe Kardashian, who's expected to become Khloe Kardashian Odom this weekend.

(The Clippers also open camp with prize rookie Blake Griffin and the best roster, by far, in their history. Not that many people want to hear about them after last season's March of the Zombies, so anything they do will be a surprise . . . which they're actually good enough to pull off.)

Of course, with the Lakers' What-Me-Worry coach, not even Lamar Odom's marriage to a star of an ongoing TV reality series poses a major problem. This is good for them, because en route to last season's title, they demonstrated that they already had enough to work on with focus, consistency or whatever polite word you prefer for a team that didn't always play hard.

Who can forget the day when they beat the Yao Ming-less Houston Rockets in Game 7 here, and Kobe Bryant, asked what he'd learned about his team, answered:

"We're bipolar."

That was the day Trevor Ariza said, "We were stubborn. We thought we could win on sheer talent" . . . and Farmar and Vujacic got into a spat on the bench during the fourth quarter.

For Phil Jackson, this was nothing. Jackson coached Shaq and Kobe in the days he had to hold them apart, or trust that someone would. In Chicago, he had Dennis Rodman and Bison Dele, in the halcyon days when a Saudi crown prince was denied entrance to the dressing room to meet Michael Jordan in Washington, and a Bulls official said, "There's a crown prince in every city."

No NBA coach has repeated as many times as Jackson, whose Bulls teams won four titles in his five defenses -- the only miss came with Jordan off playing baseball in 1994 -- and whose Lakers went two for three, for a grand total of six of eight.

So, yes, Jackson thinks this Lakers team can repeat too, and, no, it doesn't get easier.

"I've been telling them [this players] that it's always harder to do it twice," Jackson said last week. "It's a challenge physically, it's a challenge mentally because everybody's prepared for you, and you're coming off a long season.

"You've done extraneous things [Editor's note: such as Pau Gasol's playing for Spain in the recently concluded European tournament] and the drive's not there. But we are perfectly capable of doing this again."

In the good, or bad, news for the Lakers, they won last season's title at about 7.5 on a scale of 10, as far as realizing their potential.

With Andrew Bynum a minor factor, unable to recover his form of January when he was hurt, Jackson went with the Gasol-Odom tandem the Celtics had bounced around the previous spring. This time, against Orlando, it was good enough.

Bynum, who had averaged 14.1 points and 8.0 rebounds, was at six and four in the playoffs. If he goes back to last season's numbers, the Lakers go from good to great; if he goes up from there, they can be dominating.

On the other hand, Bynum, whose first three seasons were one long growth spurt, copped his first attitude when he was benched last spring. With Jackson happy to go to Odom as soon as Bynum gives him a reason to, Bynum will have to put up or shut up.

Speaking of putting up . . .

After the injuries, defections, et al., that ended the local careers of Elton Brand, Corey Maggette, Sam Cassell and Shaun Livingston, the Clippers thought they had seen it all, only to see last season turn into a debacle, even for them.

Baron Davis arrived out of shape with his nose out of joint. With a few notable exceptions, such as Eric Gordon, Marcus Camby and Al Thornton, their key guys mailed in the whole season.

Now the entire franchise is on the spot, starting with Davis, Chris Kaman and, last but not least, Coach Mike Dunleavy, who would have been fired two years ago, except for his $5.4-million-a-year contract, which has this season and next left.

The contract actually gave them unprecedented managerial stability, allowing Dunleavy, who runs the basketball operation, the chance to dig himself out. With one lucky break, getting the top pick that handed them Griffin, they have turned the entire situation around -- personnel-wise, at least. Now, there remains the little matter of doing it.

"I think we're an afterthought," Dunleavy said, putting it lightly. "I don't think people respect us. It was that way when I got here [in 2003]. Then we had some success, but now it's like that again."

It could be some exciting season.

Having missed the Kardashian Kids' saga to this point, I went on E! Online, which featured video of the episode in which Kim uses her hand-held to hack into the voice mail of Khloe's (now former) boyfriend, Rashad McCants, the NBA guard now with Houston.

Sure enough, McCants has more women on the line. As their affectionate messages come over Kim's speakerphone, Khloe leaves the room in tears.

Don't miss the episode in which the Lakers go on their first road trip.


[h1]He has some words of wisdom for Lamar and Khloe[/h1]As the Lakers' Lamar Odom prepares to wed Khloe Kardashian here in L.A. on Sunday, let me propose a little toast to the bride and groom:


OK, I feel better now. Sometimes it's good to get things off your chest. We're happy for you kids, we really are. After all, everybody knows athletes make the best husbands. They are selfless, caring people. Just ask any bouncer or street cop.

To you, Khloe, we offer only our best wishes. By all accounts, you've snagged yourself a real mensch, a sweetheart, a Dalai Lama (check out the haircut).

Lamar might be the most consistently personable sports figure in L.A. Even Derek Fisher gets a little huffy now and then. But Lamar's the real deal.

Sure, he can retreat unexpectedly at times, as he did in the Houston series. But he usually shows up eventually and comes through at crunch time. So never count your hubby out. He's a team player, which can be good for a marriage.

I cry at weddings, court sentencings and any other event involving a huge loss of personal liberty. So, Khloe, let me keep this short. May this, your first marriage, also be your best. Enjoy every minute of it. And please, when Lamar slips up, please don't kill him. The Lakers will need him down the stretch, probably about the time Ron Artest clocks Jack Nicholson for no apparent reason.

Remember, Khloe, you're not marrying one man, you're marrying an entire league. A very loopy league.

Lord help you, child.

To you, Lamar . . .

Seriously, what are you doing, dude? You play in the NBA. You can date indefinitely. Why buy the cow when the dairy farm is free? Even Phil won't get married, and he's older than the Bible. He's older than love itself.

"Khloe is smart and beautiful, and that is very hard to find," you told US magazine.

Oh, I don't know. This is Los Angeles. Turn on the tube. Open a window. Smart and beautiful women are everywhere. One just fell on my windshield. Splat. In L.A., smart and beautiful women are almost a public nuisance.

But, OK, I get it. In matters of the heart, all bets are off. There was this guy in the gym the other morning, married 40 years (and looked it). Anyway, he and his wife dated for all of five weeks. Sometimes you just know, he says.

Certainly, the Kardashians (rhymes with Car-Crashians) really appreciate you jocks. Dad used to pal around with O.J. Simpson, no matter what he did. Khloe's mom ended up remarried to Bruce Jenner. And Khloe's big sister Kim dated Reggie Bush. Hey, are there any sisters left for Luke Walton?

A few tips on achieving a blissful marriage, from a true believer in the institution:

1. Listen, listen, listen (or at least tilt your head and pretend).

2. Surprise her with little gifts (pregnancy doesn't count).

3. If you completely disappear for three or four days, be sure to call. Women really like that.

So in closing, I urge you to ignore the cynics who say this marriage will be great for the Celtics and almost assures the Cavaliers of their first-ever title. I disagree. I think you will survive marriage to become an even better player.

Just watch out for your new mother-in-law coming down the lane.

Mazel tov, baby.


It shouldn't amaze us anymore, but it still does to me. Kobe sought one of the greatest post-game players to expand his game.

MyFoxHouston: Monday Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant was in Houston for a two-hour workout with Olajuwon.

Olajuwon said Bryant reached out to him for help with his moves in the post.

"He gave me the biggest compliment," Olajuwon said. "(He said) You are the best (at the) mid-post and post move.

"He wanted me to show my moves to him."

Olajuwon said his style of play in the paint is really suited for a guy like Bryant.

"In my mind most of my moves for a guy (with) that agility can use it better than the big guy," Olajuwon said. "Because my moves are not really for the big guy.

"It's for the guards and small forwards. So he would benefit most on the post because of his agility.

"It was so much fun because how he picks it up. I worked with him for two hours, step by step."
Olajuwon expects Bryant to be even better than he was last season when he led the Lakers to the NBA Championship.

"Adding those moves to his game, watch out for him this year," Olajuwon said. "I understand his dedication. His desire to win and stay on top.

"That's what I respect most about him."

By the way, Olajuwon said he would never have held one-on-one sessions like this if he was still playing.

"You don't want to give them your secrets," Olajuwon said'


Can't wait to see the dream shake!
Originally Posted by E3LAL

It shouldn't amaze us anymore, but it still does to me. Kobe sought one of the greatest post-game players to expand his game.

MyFoxHouston: Monday Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant was in Houston for a two-hour workout with Olajuwon.

Olajuwon said Bryant reached out to him for help with his moves in the post.

"He gave me the biggest compliment," Olajuwon said. "(He said) You are the best (at the) mid-post and post move.

"He wanted me to show my moves to him."

Olajuwon said his style of play in the paint is really suited for a guy like Bryant.

"In my mind most of my moves for a guy (with) that agility can use it better than the big guy," Olajuwon said. "Because my moves are not really for the big guy.

"It's for the guards and small forwards. So he would benefit most on the post because of his agility.

"It was so much fun because how he picks it up. I worked with him for two hours, step by step."
Olajuwon expects Bryant to be even better than he was last season when he led the Lakers to the NBA Championship.

"Adding those moves to his game, watch out for him this year," Olajuwon said. "I understand his dedication. His desire to win and stay on top.

"That's what I respect most about him."

By the way, Olajuwon said he would never have held one-on-one sessions like this if he was still playing.

"You don't want to give them your secrets," Olajuwon said'

Can't wait to see the dream shake!

And this is one of the reasons why I see Kobe playing at a high level well in to his late 30's.

The dude's work ethic is second to nobody and he's such a basketball nut who truly loves the game .
Just saw on the news that the wedding was all for show and non-binding. Lamar and free willy are concentrating on getting the pre-nup straight.

I also saw that Kobe, Phil, and Dr. buss were there.

@ the fact they got Dr. Buss to leave Pechanga and come to this fiasco.Dude never even came to the Laker's championship parade or the Finals but he shows up for this sham
Too excited for Lakers this season. We got the WEST on Lock
On the other hand, the east is lookin
Celtics with Sheed andMarquis Daniels, Cavs with Shaq... definitely going to be interesting this year
Originally Posted by E3LAL

It shouldn't amaze us anymore, but it still does to me. Kobe sought one of the greatest post-game players to expand his game.

MyFoxHouston: Monday Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant was in Houston for a two-hour workout with Olajuwon.

Olajuwon said Bryant reached out to him for help with his moves in the post.

"He gave me the biggest compliment," Olajuwon said. "(He said) You are the best (at the) mid-post and post move.

"He wanted me to show my moves to him."

Olajuwon said his style of play in the paint is really suited for a guy like Bryant.

"In my mind most of my moves for a guy (with) that agility can use it better than the big guy," Olajuwon said. "Because my moves are not really for the big guy.

"It's for the guards and small forwards. So he would benefit most on the post because of his agility.

"It was so much fun because how he picks it up. I worked with him for two hours, step by step."
Olajuwon expects Bryant to be even better than he was last season when he led the Lakers to the NBA Championship.

"Adding those moves to his game, watch out for him this year," Olajuwon said. "I understand his dedication. His desire to win and stay on top.

"That's what I respect most about him."

By the way, Olajuwon said he would never have held one-on-one sessions like this if he was still playing.

"You don't want to give them your secrets," Olajuwon said'

Can't wait to see the dream shake!

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Just saw on the news that the wedding was all for show and non-binding. Lamar and free willy are concentrating on getting the pre-nup straight.

I also saw that Kobe, Phil, and Dr. buss were there.

@ the fact they got Dr. Buss to leave Pechanga and come to this fiasco. Dude never even came to the Laker's championship parade or the Finals but he shows up for this sham
damn serious?
Well.......congrats Lamar. I guess.

Kobe going to the dream to work on his game. Child please. This dude finds ways to work on his game every single year, and he just adds new ways to kill you. Hate on that.

Walton......um, you seem to be doing good for yourself.

Sasha, I'm glad you cut your hair, I wonder if that means he's focused to try and make up for last season. Hope that's the case.

Bunch of Lakers at the wedding huh? Few years ago that wouldn't have happened. Glad to see that happening.

That pic of Artest with Kobe is Shuges best hope of us being ruined. I know why he posted that in here.
Prolly got Artest on the payroll to self implode.
I am stationed on board the USS Nimitz for those who were asking.

We are in the middle of the combat zone right now so I can't give the exact location but we are flying missions to support the troops on the ground.

As far as the Laker collection goes you know its phat. I will take pics of everything I got once I get back in to the states.

I can't wait for the season guys.
good luck to you pac...home to see you soon during the season

btw if you ever wanna donate me some Laker gear to me...i will welcome that too
...even though youre like a foot taller than me
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Just saw on the news that the wedding was all for show and non-binding. Lamar and free willy are concentrating on getting the pre-nup straight.

I also saw that Kobe, Phil, and Dr. buss were there.

@ the fact they got Dr. Buss to leave Pechanga and come to this fiasco. Dude never even came to the Laker's championship parade or the Finals but he shows up for this sham
damn serious?

[h1]Jerry Buss -- Laker-Sized Chip on His Shoulder[/h1]
Posted Jun 18th 2009 12:40PM by TMZ Staff

Orlando fans weren't the only ones who couldn't care less about the Los Angeles Lakers' victory parade yesterday.Jerry Buss -- the dude who owns the team lock, stockand barrel -- had better things to do ... playing poker at a cheesy casino all by his lonesome.


Jerry was so engrossed in his hand at the Bicycle Casino -- 10 miles from the parade route -- he wasn't even looking up at live TVcoverage of the celebration. We're thinkin' any other owner would be leading the band!

Turns out, this is S.O.P. for Jerry. His peeps tell us Buss has never attended a championship parade because he hates the traffic and the attention.

Hope he's not bettin' with the Lamar Odom money ....

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/18/jerry-buss-laker-sized-chip-on-his-shoulder/#ixzz0STK7Hv2D
I am dead right now at Artest
, first you see a glamorous looking pick with Kobe and Vanessa then scroll down to see Ron Ron with that fitted.

at Kobe's earing, my goodness, looking like a light bulb.
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