[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, even if I think it's pathetic, because what's pathetic to me is ignoring certain things that areunacceptable behaviors for the sake of wanting to believe a fairy tale. It's like knowing that your parents buy your Christmas presents but still wantingto believe it's all Santa Clause, and holding in contempt anyone who tells you 'It's your parents, not Clause.'
23ska909red02 wrote:
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, even if I think it's pathetic, because what's pathetic to me is ignoring certain things that are unacceptable behaviors for the sake of wanting to believe a fairy tale. It's like knowing that your parents buy your Christmas presents but still wanting to believe it's all Santa Clause, and holding in contempt anyone who tells you 'It's your parents, not Clause.'

I don't know about that SKA...I mean the man is dead.

Everybody has done things wrong in their life time. Now TRUST me what he did / didn't do is wrong. IF he slept with those children and molested thosechildren that's some thing that he will have to deal with in the after life.

But who are we to judge him right now? The man was great at what he did and he brought joy and happiness to so many folks in the world I just feel that rightnow is not the time to bash him for something that we are not 100% sure happened.

I want the man to rest in peace and if he did those horrible things I believe god will handle that.

I don't want to ignore what happened I just feel this is not the right time for it. The man went through a lot in his time on this earth and now he is atpeace.
See, that's the thing.

#1. I'm not bashing him for something we're not sure about. If a kid said _______ happened, and Mike offered a defense as to why _______ happened, thenyou'd have to b naive to say '_______ never happened.' Now, what is ________? What fills in the blank? For me, it's exactly what the kids sayhappened and exactly what Mike defended: multiple kids sleeping with him in his bed and playing around in his bedroom. That definitely happened, and that'sdefinitely, by itself, not anywhere CLOSE to acceptable.

#2. I'm not judging him. I'm not saying he deserves this or that, or that he's finally gotten what he deserves, or that he's rotting in hell.All of those things would be judgments. I'm just not joining everyone in sainting a man that did something terrible but also established himself aspossibly the greatest solo act of all time.

For me, the message left or the rest of the world to believe in the whole saga of his life is this: 'If you bring joy into the living rooms of BILLIONS ofpeople, the bar of behavior set for you to get away with things will be set pretty freaking high.' Like, 'sleeping with kids in your own bed' isdefinitely something you can get away with, prompting millions of apologists to run to your defense. What else is under that bar as long as I put smiles onbillions of people in my life? Murder? Rape? Or is one of those over the bar? Maybe domestic violence? Like, if I were to go n a musical journey thatculminated in me topping ALL of Michael Jackson's numbers, but it were plainly obvious that I went through a period of time where I was knocking my wifearound, I would be exonerated by my success, right?

See what I'm saying? I don't like that message, not from the therapeutic standpoint that I make my living in.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, even if I think it's pathetic, because what's pathetic to me is ignoring certain things that are unacceptable behaviors for the sake of wanting to believe a fairy tale. It's like knowing that your parents buy your Christmas presents but still wanting to believe it's all Santa Clause, and holding in contempt anyone who tells you 'It's your parents, not Clause.'
I just don't understand how this is affecting YOU personally. If dude's want to pay their respects and think he's on par with Jesus orMother Teresa don't they have the right to do so? It's the same deal with people who believe that some dude died on two sticks to save us all, or asupreme being created the world in 7 days, or those who believe that we're just bags of meat who eat sleep drink defaecate and #$%% and that's ourpurpose. Everyone has the right to their own opinions however flawed they may be or however outlandish they may be. I mean it's one thing to disagree withhow people feel it's another to be DISRESPECTFUL and call them out as pathetic how they feel and what they believe.
I agree with you SKA that MJ certainly had a dark past, but everyone is celebrating the better parts of his life. While what he did with those kids isdefinitely twisted we can use these few days to pay tribute to the man who changed music.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, even if I think it's pathetic, because what's pathetic to me is ignoring certain things that are unacceptable behaviors for the sake of wanting to believe a fairy tale. It's like knowing that your parents buy your Christmas presents but still wanting to believe it's all Santa Clause, and holding in contempt anyone who tells you 'It's your parents, not Clause.'
I just don't understand how this is affecting YOU personally. If dude's want to pay their respects and think he's on par with Jesus or Mother Teresa don't they have the right to do so? It's the same deal with people who believe that some dude died on two sticks to save us all, or a supreme being created the world in 7 days, or those who believe that we're just bags of meat who eat sleep drink defaecate and *#%% and that's our purpose. Everyone has the right to their own opinions however flawed they may be or however outlandish they may be. I mean it's one thing to disagree with how people feel it's another to be DISRESPECTFUL and call them out as pathetic.
Who said it was affecting me personally? I never said it's angering me or ticking me off or that I'm getting ready to protest or startsome website or anything.

Me voicing my opinion on people 'sainting' him affects you personally as much as people 'sainting' him affects me. How much does me voicing myopinion on the matter affect you personally? None, right?

Same here.

And how is it disrespectful for me to call someone else as pathetic but not disrespectful for me to be called out as pathetic?
He says that what I said is pathetic and I say that what he said is pathetic,but I'm the one you target? The hell?
23ska909red02 wrote:
See, that's the thing.

#1. I'm not bashing him for something we're not sure about. If a kid said _______ happened, and Mike offered a defense as to why _______ happened, then you'd have to b naive to say '_______ never happened.' Now, what is ________? What fills in the blank? For me, it's exactly what the kids say happened and exactly what Mike defended: multiple kids sleeping with him in his bed and playing around in his bedroom. That definitely happened, and that's definitely, by itself, not anywhere CLOSE to acceptable.

#2. I'm not judging him. I'm not saying he deserves this or that, or that he's finally gotten what he deserves, or that he's rotting in hell. All of those things would be judgments. I'm just not joining everyone in sainting a man that did something terrible but also established himself as possibly the greatest solo act of all time.

For me, the message left or the rest of the world to believe in the whole saga of his life is this: 'If you bring joy into the living rooms of BILLIONS of people, the bar of behavior set for you to get away with things will be set pretty freaking high.' Like, 'sleeping with kids in your own bed' is definitely something you can get away with, prompting millions of apologists to run to your defense. What else is under that bar as long as I put smiles on billions of people in my life? Murder? Rape? Or is one of those over the bar? Maybe domestic violence? Like, if I were to go n a musical journey that culminated in me topping ALL of Michael Jackson's numbers, but it were plainly obvious that I went through a period of time where I was knocking my wife around, I would be exonerated by my success, right?

See what I'm saying? I don't like that message, not from the therapeutic standpoint that I make my living in.

I feel you. Trust me I feel you.

Its not a great message but come on. We do know that celebrites get away with so much more then what you and me could get away with.

Its not right. I can can understand why you feel the way you do...

But I just have so many great memories of mike. My mom and I watching Motown 25th and us both in shock when he busted out the moon walk, moms bumping Mikebecause we both loved his music.

I won't turn a blind eye to the last 10 years. I just choose not think about it right now. I just want to think of the good times.

Kinda like when my cousin passed on. He wasn't living right banging you know the whole 9. But when he passed all I could think about was us having fun askids.

I don't know...I guess we agree to disagree.

R.I.P Mike.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, even if I think it's pathetic, because what's pathetic to me is ignoring certain things that are unacceptable behaviors for the sake of wanting to believe a fairy tale. It's like knowing that your parents buy your Christmas presents but still wanting to believe it's all Santa Clause, and holding in contempt anyone who tells you 'It's your parents, not Clause.'
I just don't understand how this is affecting YOU personally. If dude's want to pay their respects and think he's on par with Jesus or Mother Teresa don't they have the right to do so? It's the same deal with people who believe that some dude died on two sticks to save us all, or a supreme being created the world in 7 days, or those who believe that we're just bags of meat who eat sleep drink defaecate and *#%% and that's our purpose. Everyone has the right to their own opinions however flawed they may be or however outlandish they may be. I mean it's one thing to disagree with how people feel it's another to be DISRESPECTFUL and call them out as pathetic.
Who said it was affecting me personally? I never said it's angering me or ticking me off or that I'm getting ready to protest or start some website or anything.

Me voicing my opinion on people 'sainting' him affects you personally as much as people 'sainting' him affects me. How much does me voicing my opinion on the matter affect you personally? None, right?

Same here.

And how is it disrespectful for me to call someone else as pathetic but not disrespectful for me to be called out as pathetic?

I mean see that's the thing I don't understand why you would go to lengths to point out that MJ was how to say... "odd" in hisbehavior with children right after the guy passed on if you have no qualms personally . And I didn't see anyone call you out as pathetic so I don't getwhere you're coming from in your last sentence.
Man, let's stop with the Michael Jackson talk...he is a polarizing figure and he has affected a lot of peoples lives. A lot of people have strong opinionsabout him, whether positive or negative, but there's a thread for that in General. I think we should go back to the original intents and purposes of thisthread, which is to discuss LA LAKERS basketball.

Originally Posted by mogzz04

Man, let's stop with the Michael Jackson talk...he is a polarizing figure and he has affected a lot of peoples lives. A lot of people have strong opinions about him, whether positive or negative, but there's a thread for that in General. I think we should go back to the original intents and purposes of this thread, which is to discuss LA LAKERS basketball.


Your right...

But its the off season and the really is nothing for us to discuss until July 1st IMO.

On top of that the off season thread ALWAYS goes off track from time to time. Trust me in the next 2 days all this mike talk will be over with.
See, that's the thing.

#1. I'm not bashing him for something we're not sure about. If a kid said _______ happened, and Mike offered a defense as to why _______ happened, then you'd have to b naive to say '_______ never happened.' Now, what is ________? What fills in the blank? For me, it's exactly what the kids say happened and exactly what Mike defended: multiple kids sleeping with him in his bed and playing around in his bedroom. That definitely happened, and that's definitely, by itself, not anywhere CLOSE to acceptable.

#2. I'm not judging him. I'm not saying he deserves this or that, or that he's finally gotten what he deserves, or that he's rotting in hell. All of those things would be judgments. I'm just not joining everyone in sainting a man that did something terrible but also established himself as possibly the greatest solo act of all time.

For me, the message left or the rest of the world to believe in the whole saga of his life is this: 'If you bring joy into the living rooms of BILLIONS of people, the bar of behavior set for you to get away with things will be set pretty freaking high.' Like, 'sleeping with kids in your own bed' is definitely something you can get away with, prompting millions of apologists to run to your defense. What else is under that bar as long as I put smiles on billions of people in my life? Murder? Rape? Or is one of those over the bar? Maybe domestic violence? Like, if I were to go n a musical journey that culminated in me topping ALL of Michael Jackson's numbers, but it were plainly obvious that I went through a period of time where I was knocking my wife around, I would be exonerated by my success, right?

See what I'm saying? I don't like that message, not from the therapeutic standpoint that I make my living in.
I feel you. Trust me I feel you.

Its not a great message but come on. We do know that celebrites get away with so much more then what you and me could get away with.

Its not right. I can can understand why you feel the way you do...

But I just have so many great memories of mike. My mom and I watching Motown 25th and us both in shock when he busted out the moon walk, moms bumping Mike because we both loved his music.
I can understand that.

My apologies for raining on anyone's parade.

That truly wasn't my intent, and right now probably definitely isn't the time.

My fault, guys.
I won't turn a blind eye to the last 10 years. I just choose not think about it right now. I just want to think of the good times.

Kinda like when my cousin passed on. He wasn't living right banging you know the whole 9. But when he passed all I could think about was us having fun as kids.
See, it really is just a matter of two different perspectives. I'm not saying the things I'm saying because Jackson is distant to me; thisis just th way I am.

The hardest I've ever been hit by death was when the only 'best friend' I've ever had got shot as a result of his gang activity. I'vetalked about it before on here, but I had a friend that I was in 3 different group homes with, and after we both got out on our own, I got to work, and he hitthe streets. Long story short, I got a call from one of our old therapists one day that he had been shot dead in his own home. They got in, sprayed everyone,and left.

God as my witness, I never went to his funeral, because I was so mad at him. Not going to lie, I think about him today, like writing about it right now thissecond, and I'm mad at him. I don't think about how tight we were with each other and how we used to hoop together and try to help each other get girlsin high school. Nah. I'm disappointed with the decision he made that ultimately took him away from me and from this world, from his people.

Not to get too deep, but that whole ordeal is the only reason why I really don't get too close to anyone, because you never know when they're going tofall into something like drug addiction or start banging or just doing something that causes y'all to no longer be close. You know? But if you're notclose to anyone in the first place, then it really doesn't matter who around you starts banging and what not.

I know that was far more than necessary, but my point was that it really is just two different perspectives on the same situation. You remembered (and probablysill remember) your cousin in a positive way. I think about my dude, and I'm disappointed by how he left this world, the decisions he made in the end.

There are so many sports adages that some of us live by, and what I'm talking about is definitely fused into sports; it's something we hear alot:

"It's not how you start; it's how you finish."

This is the last thing I'm going to say in regards to this...when someone of MJ's stature passes away so suddenly and unexpectedly, most people whoadmired him for what he did musically and as a humanitarian want to remember the good times where he was that fun, electric, genius of a man. No one isforgetting or denying anything that happened in the 90s and in 2005, but FACT is MJ was AQUITTED of those molestation charges, and although I believe himhaving little kids in his bed was wrong, I truly believe those boys parents were looking for and got a serious payday. The reason I say this is that if someonereally was molesting my child and I found out about it, there would be no way in hell that person would ever see the light of day again, no amount of moneywould be satisfactory for something like that. I would not rest until he/she was behind bars for a VERY long time.

But anyway, I ask you ska, why would someone want to focus on the negative when someone they admire or is close to them passes. When my grandmother died theweekend before my senior prom, I wasn't remembering the times she whooped me with switches or anything like that, I wanted to remember the great woman shewas and all she taught and instilled in me as a person.

Some of us, like me, didn't grow up on MJ per say in his heyday, but my parents and relatives sure did and passed his music onto me and in that greatlyinfluenced my musical tastes, dance and allowed me to be exposed to the genius that this man was musically. I'm just showing a token of my appreciation forall this man has given the world, I feel that deep down MJ was a good human being, just lonely and really was always a kid a heart which may have led to someof the inappropriate things he did.
Well to get back on track some of my championship gear came in....

I also got a couple of glass sets for my dad and father in law.

All I have to do is throw championship patches on my bynum and gasol and I will have the whole starting 5 in gold with the championship patches....
Mamba, you asked why Ska would think negatively about his friend passing, while you chose to think positively of your grandmother, same for Tupac and hiscousin. That's just it, every person in this world handles grief differently. It's just fact. Some shut down, some crack jokes, some get angry andso on and so on. It's what makes each of us unique in this world. He's not judging anybody or anything like that, he's just offering his opinionon something. It's the same if we were all in here arguin over liking/hating Sasha.

Oh and for everyone, I don't care if my daughter is 6 or 26, she sleeps in anyone's bed, there'll be a shotgun situation coming soon. Believethat.


Dyhard -- That issue came thru yesterday man, it is friggin beautiful. Major props man, 'preciate it somuch.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Well to get back on track some of my championship gear came in....

I also got a couple of glass sets for my dad and father in law.

All I have to do is throw championship patches on my bynum and gasol and I will have the whole starting 5 in gold with the championship patches....
Were you able to order the jersey via phone/web, or did you go to the team LA store?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mamba's avatar:

KB8SD's avy:

Y'all caught the fever, too, huh?


I guess it's very few of us remembering him for his great music and his disturbing affinity for having 4-year old sleeping in his bed with him, like I wouldn't be hung from the highest rafter if I said that I just like having little boys in my bed with me, just for shhh and giggles.
ska...first off...fever? huh?...idk if youve noticedthere are a lot of michael jackson fans all over the world...im pretty sure you know that...from the ppl who stuck with him through his trials andtribulations...there were thousands among thousands of fans supporting him during his trials in the 90s and 2000s...the man is a legend no doubt aboutthat...not only his music but his dance moves made what he is today...the kick and the moonwalk...hell every song i hear i bust out the michael jackson andusually gets everyone amped...the man also made music video what it is today...he broke the color barrier being the first african american artist to have hisvideo (thiller) play on MTV...we all know hes a cook but what celebrity isnt?...it was the parents fault they let their child hang out with michael in thefirst place knowing he has that he was charged in the first place...anyways regardless of what you say and such...michael jackson will always be remembered...ifor one lost one of my boyhood idols saddened and we were truly blessed to have him on this earth...RIP mike

tupac...nice pick ups again bro
tupac, I've looked all over NBA.com and I can't find the jerseys w/ the finals patch. Do you have a direct link.
el producto79 wrote:
tupac, I've looked all over NBA.com and I can't find the jerseys w/ the finals patch. Do you have a direct link.

Oh...my bad. Team LA store will put the patch on for you, you have to drop the jersey off with them and pick it up or they can mail it back to you.

As far as Laker new era hats the best places are the Team LA store, hatland.com or any Socal footlockers, FA's and Champs.

These are all the hats in my collection. The mitchell and ness ones are the best IMO becasue the colors always match the jersey perfect. Also check ebay I got5 mitchell and ness laker caps for 70 shipped. These hat's on the site retail for 28 plus 12 bucks shipping on EACH hat. I made out well...

I just realized that I don't need any more laker hats...
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