[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

athletes really piss me off sometimes

you have doctors, teachers, cops, firemen making nowhere near what these athletes are making

arguing over 9 mill or 10 mill when people are getting laid off left and right and struggling to pay their mortgages is asinine

they put a ball in a hoop for 6 months......it really upsets me when they talk about "taking care of their families"

LO is a good guy, but come on man, you should feel honored to make 9 mill a year to play basketball
Originally Posted by DaddyRabbit251


If we don't get LO back Gooden would be a solid pickup imo.

He can give 10 and 6 or 7 rebs off the oak consistently.

He's not as versitile as LO but dude can help us alot

well since he made $14 mill last year in the last year of his contract, then he probably sees 10 mill as a big enough pay cut

he fails to understand that he is now a bench player and he can't make more than Ginobili and other solid players who have been all-stars

LO is over-valuing himself.

........that damn Varejao contract that stupid Cleveland forked over really hurt the Lakers. Now LO figures if Varejao gets 8+ mill then he deserves way more.
doyung9 wrote:
2g00d4u wrote:
Odom needs to fire his agent ASAP. His agent is the one holding everything back

Dude needs to take matters into his own hands.
Until Lamar Odom comes out and says otherwise, I'm gonna believe it's Lamar Odom holding everything back.

Trust, if I wanted to sign, my agent would not tell me no like my mother.

You guys believe what you want, but if Lamar Odom wanted to sign for $36 mil/4 years yesterday, he would have. Unless there's another deal, somewhere else for 5 years that his agent is negotiating, which we don't know about.

at people acting like his agent is his dad and he's some child star who needs all his deals approved.


Lamar is playing his hand. Dr. Buss is playing his.

Lamar upped the ante by not getting in contact with the front office so Dr. Buss countered his move by pulling the deal.

Sooner or later somebody is going to have to show their cards.

Right now there is nothing we can do but wait. The media might be putting much more into this to make it a story.

I am just going to try to stay as calm as possible and be on the look out for anymore news. The minute I see something that hasn't been posted I will putit up.
HE DONT WANT THE 10 MIL..although it would be nice

he has said he has agreed on the money buss has offered, but hed rather have a longer contract..so the money offered isnt the issue..look at ric bucher'srecent tweets

I would expect this: LO back to LAL or not will be decided in next 24 hours.

Just an FYI: if Lakers do abandon LO, they aren't doing any sign&trades. Nobody out there they consider comparable they'd want to get.

Where LO goes if not LA: Miami or Por, although the latter has shown no interest. FYI, he didn't reject 3yr/27m, he asked for a 4th yr.

It's like this: Phil wants him, but LO has to make nice w/Dr. Buss, who's ticked LO didn't jump at what Buss sees as generous offer.

Neither LO nor his agent has ever asked for 5 yrs, 50m
. LO wants a 4th yr or 4 for 36. That's the hang-up.
Bucher know as much as you or I, that dude has lost so much credibility on here over the past couple of years , I take his "predictions" with a grainof salt
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

HE DONT WANT THE 10 MIL..although it would be nice

he has said he has agreed on the money buss has offered, but hed rather have a longer contract..so the money offered isnt the issue..look at ric bucher's recent tweets

I would expect this: LO back to LAL or not will be decided in next 24 hours.

Just an FYI: if Lakers do abandon LO, they aren't doing any sign&trades. Nobody out there they consider comparable they'd want to get.

Where LO goes if not LA: Miami or Por, although the latter has shown no interest. FYI, he didn't reject 3yr/27m, he asked for a 4th yr.

It's like this: Phil wants him, but LO has to make nice w/Dr. Buss, who's ticked LO didn't jump at what Buss sees as generous offer.

Neither LO nor his agent has ever asked for 5 yrs, 50m
. LO wants a 4th yr or 4 for 36. That's the hang-up.

After reading this I am confused...but then it makes sense.

Last week we were lead to believe that the deal was done. LO was coming back. Then talks broke down. Then buss pulled the offer...

I don't know what to believe. I just hope Lamar comes back so all can be good in laker land.
Originally Posted by thachosen123

Bucher know as much as you or I, that dude has lost so much credibility on here over the past couple of years , I take his "predictions" with a grain of salt
hes still an insider and knows more about whats going on inside the nba than we do..unless we work for the nba
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

If he's wanting four years for 36, give it to him. That's a really fair offer for both sides.

See.....that sounds simple right.

Problem is there have been reports of us offering him 4 years 36 mil. He shot that down. So what are we supposed to do?
hes still an insider and knows more about whats going on inside the nba than we do..unless we work for the nba
Says who? ESPN? Truth is, he knows nothing more than us fans who probably have the same access to information that he does with the way theinternet is these days. When was the last time this guy was right about anything? The guy gathers info and just speculates just like we do.
To this day I still
when I think back to when dude said that "kobe bryant has played his final game as a laker"

Dude was extremely confident too
C'mon Lamar, what are you thinking?!

In other news, we won the ESPY award for best team and PJ won best coach.
^^ yep I just read that

Miami is trying to convince Odom to take 5 yrs/ 34 mill ...........probably tellin him he'll start and play with Wade, Boozer and J.O.

hes stupid if he takes that offer

I don't know what to think of Riley can actually pull that off, both LO AND Boozer?

What would the terms of both deals be? they HAVE to lose something
Turk, Trevor, and Lamar fire your agnets... Vinny Chase style!!!
Rick Beuker (sp?) says if things don't fall through, Joe Smith and Gooden are other possibilities?
Originally Posted by NIMO007

Turk, Trevor, and Lamar fire your agnets... Vinny Chase style!!!
Rick Beuker (sp?) says if things don't fall through, Joe Smith and Gooden are other possibilities?


well, out of the 2, I'd rather have Gooden

but I'd rather have better options than that as a replacement for Odom
have you guys ever stopped and thought about it deeply,
what if maybe lamar has problems with kobe and does not want to play with him ?? have you guys ever though about that??
I've thought about the idea that teammates may dislike Kobe. But I doubt that's the case right now with Lamar. It seems far from the truth with hiscomments about how he loves LA and wants to stay. It has to be more of a business decision because if it was personal, he would have never said that he wantedto come back. It would make no sense for him to try to work out a deal or have any emotional anguish over the lack of a deal. If it was personal, dude would bein Miami right now with a signed offer sheet.
badboyf0life420 wrote:
have you guys ever stopped and thought about it deeply,
what if maybe lamar has problems with kobe and does not want to play with him ?? have you guys ever though about that??
That has run through my mind. He did have a good relationship with wade. It seems kobe and Lamar get along but we don't know.

I thought the same thing about Ariza but then the video came out with them hugging after he took the deal to houston.

Who knows. Who cares. We are a great team with Kobe. We would just be a better team with Kobe and Lamar.
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