2009 NFC North Trash Talk Thread...(Time to apologize for talkin crazy Bears fans/S4L3)

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by wismonty21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by wismonty21

^ Did you watch the Packers/Cardinals preseason game from a few days ago though? They looked for real man.....honestly. Like a whole different squad than last year.
That's because it was the third string playing.
Maybe you should watch the game instead of commenting on it with zero knowledge of what actually happened.

Rodgers absolutely TOYED with the Cardinals FIRST-string defense. Go back....watch that game, tell me what you think. Rodgers literally targeted DRC and went right at him and guess who came out on top every time....Rodgers. Yes, I realize that it's just the preseason, but is it not FIRST-string offense .vs. FIRST-string defense for most of the first half? And guess what...the score at the end of the first half: Packers 38, Cardinals 10.
Nice sarcasm detector.

You can put all the weight you want in the preseason but those performances don't amount to much. Even if they did, I wouldn't feel all that great considering it was the Cardinals defense. But go ahead and get pumped off that win, I would too after a 6-win season.
I like how you think your arguing with a packer fan

Dudes a viking fan.

Your salty as hell
Yeah, I always get salty when I'm talking preseason football. Nice work there.
You assuming dude is a Packer fan when hes a Viking fan has nothing to do with Pre-season games.

Your even saltier
What do I care if he's a Packer fan or a Vikings fan? He could be a Bengals fan as far as I'm concerned. Dude pointed out a preseason gameagainst a weak defense like it actually means something.
THE GR8 wrote:
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

I don't understand how people are saying the bears will win the division? They have a skilled sissy for a QB and no receivers, plus a defense full of geezers. Can someone explain this to me?!
Best QB/RB combo in the L, WRs who are underated cause they have never played with a legit QB, a solid Oline, a very talented TE duo helps the recieving game as well as Forte, a defense which is underated and when all healthy is not much worse than they were the superbowl season. We are finally fixing our issues at safety, we got alot of up and coming dudes in the secondary, while the LB combo of Briggs/Urlacher is second to none and we have a GREAT front 4.

Not to mention one of the best ST unit in the league with Hester, Gould, and Maynard... speaking of which since yall Pack fans seem to be getting all hyped over preseason (
) did any of yall witness Hesters punt return last night...

heeeees backkkk... the acceleration is just







> Your teams "combo"


^ Ask anybody in this thread if they believe Cutler / Forte is better than ANY of the above combo's I'm pretty sure the majoritywill side with me. How can you proclaim to have the best QB/RB in the league when they haven't even played a REAL game with each other yet. You fail attrying to backup HIS stupidity.
at this threadbeing 10 pages in less than 24 hours.

This year's going to be
Originally Posted by jose cansec0

THE GR8 wrote:
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

I don't understand how people are saying the bears will win the division? They have a skilled sissy for a QB and no receivers, plus a defense full of geezers. Can someone explain this to me?!
Best QB/RB combo in the L, WRs who are underated cause they have never played with a legit QB, a solid Oline, a very talented TE duo helps the recieving game as well as Forte, a defense which is underated and when all healthy is not much worse than they were the superbowl season. We are finally fixing our issues at safety, we got alot of up and coming dudes in the secondary, while the LB combo of Briggs/Urlacher is second to none and we have a GREAT front 4.

Not to mention one of the best ST unit in the league with Hester, Gould, and Maynard... speaking of which since yall Pack fans seem to be getting all hyped over preseason (
) did any of yall witness Hesters punt return last night...

heeeees backkkk... the acceleration is just







> Your teams "combo"


at dude reaching and thin king he won the argument.

Only 2 i can maybe agree with is McNabb/Westbrook and Rivers/LT... but i still dont know because at this point in there careers while Forte and Westbrook are apretty even match Cutler is one of the emerging QBs in the L, and McNabb while i still have great respect for the guy is older, and skillwise idk if he cankeep up with Jay. His arm strength is just ridic and Cutler posted much better stats last season. The same can be said for SD while Cutler and Rivers arepretty much on the same level, as much as i respect LT he is getting very old and his production has declined immensely and idk if i would take him right nowover and up and coming guy like Forte who did fmore for our offense last season than maybe any other RB in any other offense. He WAS our offense, from hiscarrying load, to recieving, blocking, etc. Dude is an all around stud.

but come the *#%% on with some of those...

Matt Ryan may have been somewhat impressive last season but he aint nearly up there with Cutler, and Forte is a MUCH better all around back than Turner (and iwas one of the Bears fans who was highest on us going after Turner when he was a FA but now i see why we didnt
), Manning and Jacobs
i love Jacobs and i got much love for my hometown team but Jacobs cant stayhealthy worth @#$+, he has NEVER dealt with the carry load like Forte did last year who is one of the more durable backs in the league. And Jacobs is thefurthest thing from a complete back.

Those weree more than reaches. IMO Cutler/Forte MAY be the best QB/RB combo, and if they arent they are very, very close to the top. And if you wanna take someone else, i can safely say that no QB/RB combo has more potential than the 26 year old Cutler and the 23 year old Forte

How can you proclaim to have the best QB/RB in the league when they haven't even played a REAL game with each other yet.
as much as i +#+#$@% hate their guts, people were claiming that the Celtics had one of the best Big 3s the NBA has seen in a while right afterthey got Ray and KG, before they played together... and what happened? They won a championship
at dude reaching and thin king he won the argument.
Anyways, I did. This isn't the NBA, you can't claim to be the "Best" without even touching the field. So dudes statementwas dumb just like anyone else who tries to back it up.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

as much as i respect LT he is getting very old and his production has declined immensely
O yeah?

2008 LT - 12 TDs, 1,100 YDs
2008 Forte - 12 TDs, 1200 YDs

Very old and his production has declined immensely? His worst season in a Chargers uniform is just about the same as Forte's rookie season which is beingused by you and other Bears fans to show us how Forte is one of the best backs in the league (calling him a part of the best QB/RB combo, etc.)
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

at dude reaching and thin king he won the argument.
Anyways, I did. This isn't the NBA, you can't claim to be the "Best" without even touching the field. So dudes statement was dumb just like anyone else who tries to back it up.
Great argument. Thumbs up i dont even know how to respond to that argument. But clearly youve won this argument because you claim so... so ishould just back off.

How is it any different to claim people the best before they played in the NBA than it is in the NFL. Fact is when you put 2 of the brightest stars together atthe QB and RB position they are gonna generate some hype and just as it was in the *%%%*$+ Celtics situation the hype was there for a reason. Because when youput players that good together, good @!@$ probably comes outta it. Fact is Cutler is one of the brightest young stars at QB right now and Forte is as well atRB and is already being hailed by some as possibly the leagues most complete QB (i for one still think its Westbrook but he DEF up there). Even though theyhavent played together it is clear that they should be hailed as a deadly combination just from what they have done away from themselves just like it was whenthe "Big 3" came together in *%%%*$+ Boston. And when the season starts, youll see why the hype is there
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

I don't understand how people are saying the bears will win the division? They have a skilled sissy for a QB and no receivers, plus a defense full of geezers. Can someone explain this to me?!
Best QB/RB combo in the L, WRs who are underated cause they have never played with a legit QB, a solid Oline, a very talented TE duo helps the recieving game as well as Forte, a defense which is underated and when all healthy is not much worse than they were the superbowl season. We are finally fixing our issues at safety, we got alot of up and coming dudes in the secondary, while the LB combo of Briggs/Urlacher is second to none and we have a GREAT front 4.

Not to mention one of the best ST unit in the league with Hester, Gould, and Maynard... speaking of which since yall Pack fans seem to be getting all hyped over preseason (
) did any of yall witness Hesters punt return last night...

heeeees backkkk... the acceleration is just






> Your teams "combo"
@ you believing these guys are a better combothen ours all but 1 combo on that list is worse then our combo.(the 1 i removed)

westbrook cant stay on the field and forte was far better then him last year cutler mcnabb was about on the same level(if we going by QB rating)

dont you ever in yo life compare jay and forte to romo and barber again you will only make yo self look more foolish

rivers a beast LT not so much again forte is above him

eli and jay are about on the same level (again thats if you going by qb rating) but forte and jacobs.........
dont make me laugh ill take forte 10 times out of 10
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by THE GR8

as much as i respect LT he is getting very old and his production has declined immensely
O yeah?

2008 LT - 12 TDs, 1,100 YDs
2008 Forte - 12 TDs, 1200 YDs

Very old and his production has declined immensely? His worst season in a Chargers uniform is just about the same as Forte's rookie season which is being used by you and other Bears fans to show us how Forte is one of the best backs in the league (calling him a part of the best QB/RB combo, etc.)
You basically proved my point there. LT took a big production hit last season and at his age and with the emergence of Rivers it isnt gonna getany better. He wasnt beeter than Forte last season and Forte was a @+%#*#! rookie last season. Basically Forte is only going up while much love to LT hes afirst ballot HOFer IMO but hes only going further down. But even last season Forte was better, i expect a bigger difference this season.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by THE GR8

as much as i respect LT he is getting very old and his production has declined immensely
O yeah?

2008 LT - 12 TDs, 1,100 YDs
2008 Forte - 12 TDs, 1200 YDs

Very old and his production has declined immensely? His worst season in a Chargers uniform is just about the same as Forte's rookie season which is being used by you and other Bears fans to show us how Forte is one of the best backs in the league (calling him a part of the best QB/RB combo, etc.)
You basically proved my point there. LT took a big production hit last season and at his age and with the emergence of Rivers it isnt gonna get any better. He wasnt beeter than Forte last season and Forte was a !@!%%@@ rookie last season. Basically Forte is only going up while much love to LT hes a first ballot HOFer IMO but hes only going further down. But even last season Forte was better, i expect a bigger difference this season.
LT will be back this year. 1300+ yards and 12+ TDs
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

I do
how when we was 9-7 with orton bum %%$

fraij da 5 11 wrote:
Boston Big 3 = 60% of their whole starting line up... its a lot different.
and how much of the offense will run throw cutler and forte


but what do the cubs got to do with this thread?

and just in case you dont understand that im saying you failed
Man its pretty clear Bears fans cant take jokes on here

I failed cause i posted a funny gif of a bear scared of a lion and the bear wasnt old enough
Just the fact that we are talking about this means that Cutler/Forte is a nasty combo. We all know they are gonna do some great stuff on the field. As far asbeing the best in the league, probably not, but they do have the most potential. We could be looking back at the end of this year and saying that they were thebest.

Trying to bring Dallas into this is just laughable.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Two more to throw in for better than the Bears combo...



did you even read the thread? the falcon combo was already put in there

@ really thinking that old @!% man is better then cutler
Man its pretty clear Bears fans cant take jokes on here

I failed cause i posted a funny gif of a bear scared of a lion
i can take a joke and i seen wat you was tryin to do there......but the only problom is a baby bear is a ......wait for it.........cub
dont EVER mention Favre and AP in that category

There was a reason that the Vikes were the only team desperate enough to bid on Favre while the Bears were one of MANY teams (including the Vikes prob) thatwere rumored to go after Jay. %!$@ it ill take Rodgers/Grant over AP/Favre simply because Grant is much closer to an elite RB than that old bum is to an eliteQB.

and how much of the offense will run throw cutler and forte

one of them will be featured in a play 100% of the time

Trying to bring Dallas into this is just laughable.
at that lists of combos
My god, these Bears fans are annoying already.

It's a shame my dude went to a team where fans can't handle having nice things.
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