2010 NBA Trade Deadline thread

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

he thought of the Knicks needing to be completely rebuilt is laughable,LeBron steps in and they are a top 2-3 team in the East with Orlandoand Atlanta next season.

please tell me what teams you could see finishing above a LeBron James led team in the East next season....Bobcats? Raptors? Heat? Bulls? Celtics are sunday morning rec gym ballers at this point.

This would also apply to the Nets or anyone else as well.

as far as being in the elite 1-3 teams, i just dont see it. The top 3 teams in the east either,

A. Have a defensive philosophy

B. WANT to play defense

C. have CAPABLE defenders.

D. Rebound the basketball.

I just dont see this knick team shedding the current culture once lebron walks through the door.
Originally Posted by agold1002

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

he thought of the Knicks needing to be completely rebuilt is laughable,
LeBron steps in and they are a top 2-3 team in the East with Orlando
and Atlanta next season.

please tell me what teams you could see finishing above a LeBron James led team in the East next season....Bobcats? Raptors? Heat? Bulls? Celtics are sunday morning rec gym ballers at this point.

This would also apply to the Nets or anyone else as well.

if lebron goes to the knicks they are a top 3 team in the east behind atlanta and orlando....and they dont get past either of them if they get the chance to play them. they dont make a deep playoff run and they are not a threat unless lebron is averaging 45 points a game....thats alteast for his 2011 to 2012
sounds like the Cavs up to this point.

ok smart people what size do the knicks have, what catch and shootplayers do the Knicks have other than that white boy, who on that teamplays D, who is the hustle man cause Lee would be gone, who on thatteam would Lebron trust with the ball, the coach don't understand theword defense, it's a word from another galaxy to him, who on that teamwould other teams respect so Lebron won't go one on one all night. Whatdoes NY have to offer basketball wise, forget all the stuff outside thearena, I'm talking about on the court. What does NY have to offerbasketball wise that no other team can't. I'll be waiting, and don'tinclude Lee, Robinson, or Harrington, cause they all will be gone
Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari are both better young players than anyone on the Cavs roster under the age of 27 by next season. Are they not?

David Lee is as good of a #2 option than anyone on the Cavs....but you say he'll be gone? I guess that would mean Bosh or Amare would be here, I think they'd do okay.

D'Antoni doesn't understand defense, Mike Brown doesn't understand offense. It's a wash.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Knicks in serious talks for McGrady

The New York Knicks are getting closer to reaching the Houston Rockets’ demands for Tracy McGrady(notes) and his $23 million expiring contract, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

The Knicks and Rockets have designed the framework of a deal that would unload New York’s Jared Jeffries(notes), Jordan Hill(notes) and either Al Harrington(notes) or Larry Hughes(notes) for McGrady, Joey Dorsey(notes) and Brian Cook(notes).

As talks stood on Monday, the price of dumping the burdensome contract of Jeffries – who is owed $6.9 million next season – comes with the Knicks and Rockets exchanging 2011 first-round picks and the Knicks’ 2012 first-round choice going to Houston. New York also might include a 2010 second-round pick.

The Utah Jazz own the Knicks’ first-round pick in 2010.

The completion of the deal isn’t imminent, but sources involved in the discussions are increasingly confident that after months of back and forth, which intensified over All-Star weekend, an agreement is within reach. TNT’s David Aldridge first reported that talks between the teams had picked up.

One of the hang-ups in the deal, sources said, could be the Knicks’ inclusion of either Harrington or Hughes. There are slight variations of the trade that would change depending on which of the two veteran Knicks’ expiring contracts are included. With Harrington over Hughes in the deal, the Rockets wouldn’t need to include Cook.

For the Knicks, the trade would accomplish two important things: First, it would get Jeffries’ salary cleared out, something general manager Donnie Walsh has tried to do since taking the job. This would give the Knicks even more flexibility to be a major player in this summer’s free-agent market. Also, the Knicks want to take a good look at McGrady and let him play as much of a role as he can handle the rest of the season. They may consider re-signing him for next season, based on his performance.

Rockets GM Daryl Morey would get Hill, the untested eighth pick in the 2009 draft, and first-round picks that could prove valuable. This will get the Rockets a significant measure of value for McGrady, who they exiled in December. McGrady, sources said, is excited about the possibility of joining the Knicks.

Knicks fans just got their pre-Christmas gift for the year.

Morey cleaning house with those draft picks though.
Wow, NY giving up 2 lottery picks for T-Mac

Realistically, I don't think NY is getting Lebron, Wade or Bosh. If Amare goes to Cleveland this week, then they aren't getting him either. If Atlanta have a good showing this postseason, which I think is highly likely, then NY can say goodbye to Joe Johnson as well. So who CAN the Knicks get? Boozer and Gay? I think NY fans are getting hyped up for nothing

Also are the Celtics still down on Rondo? I know this would never happen, but what if they could send a package of Ray Allen and Rondo for CP3 and change from the Hornets
. I don't even like the Celtics like that, but that would be crazy.

Walsh is DEFINATELY serious with the fact that he WILL get either Lebron, Wade, Bosh or one of the two and by that time hes hedging his bets, the Knicks will not be in the lottery.
If he can get rid of Jeffries and Hughes, and gives up Jordan Hill, I'm for it. Thats a clear indication David Lee will be coming back, and rightfully so.

If the Suns do trade Amare to the Cavs, I'd say theres a 45% chance he leaves. In that case, load the money truck to D.Wade and Bosh
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

he thought of the Knicks needing to be completely rebuilt is laughable,LeBron steps in and they are a top 2-3 team in the East with Orlandoand Atlanta next season.

please tell me what teams you could see finishing above a LeBron James led team in the East next season....Bobcats? Raptors? Heat? Bulls? Celtics are sunday morning rec gym ballers at this point.

This would also apply to the Nets or anyone else as well.

as far as being in the elite 1-3 teams, i just dont see it. The top 3 teams in the east either,

A. Have a defensive philosophy

B. WANT to play defense

C. have CAPABLE defenders.

D. Rebound the basketball.

I just dont see this knick team shedding the current culture once lebron walks through the door.

so, you can't name a team. okay.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

ok smart people what size do the knicks have, what catch and shoot players do the Knicks have other than that white boy, who on that team plays D, who is the hustle man cause Lee would be gone, who on that team would Lebron trust with the ball, the coach don't understand the word defense, it's a word from another galaxy to him, who on that team would other teams respect so Lebron won't go one on one all night. What does NY have to offer basketball wise, forget all the stuff outside the arena, I'm talking about on the court. What does NY have to offer basketball wise that no other team can't. I'll be waiting, and don't include Lee, Robinson, or Harrington, cause they all will be gone
you realize that if this trade goes down, we will have enough money for ANOTHER good player, correct?

add onto there that we have Gallinari and Chandler, we'll be fine.

worry about your team, my team is fine.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by agold1002

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

he thought of the Knicks needing to be completely rebuilt is laughable,
LeBron steps in and they are a top 2-3 team in the East with Orlando
and Atlanta next season.

please tell me what teams you could see finishing above a LeBron James led team in the East next season....Bobcats? Raptors? Heat? Bulls? Celtics are sunday morning rec gym ballers at this point.

This would also apply to the Nets or anyone else as well.

if lebron goes to the knicks they are a top 3 team in the east behind atlanta and orlando....and they dont get past either of them if they get the chance to play them. they dont make a deep playoff run and they are not a threat unless lebron is averaging 45 points a game....thats alteast for his 2011 to 2012
sounds like the Cavs up to this point.

ok smart people what size do the knicks have, what catch and shootplayers do the Knicks have other than that white boy, who on that teamplays D, who is the hustle man cause Lee would be gone, who on thatteam would Lebron trust with the ball, the coach don't understand theword defense, it's a word from another galaxy to him, who on that teamwould other teams respect so Lebron won't go one on one all night. Whatdoes NY have to offer basketball wise, forget all the stuff outside thearena, I'm talking about on the court. What does NY have to offerbasketball wise that no other team can't. I'll be waiting, and don'tinclude Lee, Robinson, or Harrington, cause they all will be gone
Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari are both better young players than anyone on the Cavs roster under the age of 27 by next season. Are they not?

David Lee is as good of a #2 option than anyone on the Cavs....but you say he'll be gone? I guess that would mean Bosh or Amare would be here, I think they'd do okay.

D'Antoni doesn't understand defense, Mike Brown doesn't understand offense. It's a wash.

and I liked how you switched that up and asked about the Knicks future when all I wana know is what the Cavs have going forward on their roster outside of Mo, Andy and Hickson, who LeBron has inflated the value of each and every one.

you can let me know, too. Do you wana say Hickson is better than Chandler or Gallinari? you wana say Mo is as good as Lee?

Outacontrol, animalthug, eneyekaeeye...whoever.

Tell me what the hell is on the Cavs roster entering next year and beyond that is that good?
Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

he thought of the Knicks needing to be completely rebuilt is laughable,LeBron steps in and they are a top 2-3 team in the East with Orlandoand Atlanta next season.

please tell me what teams you could see finishing above a LeBron James led team in the East next season....Bobcats? Raptors? Heat? Bulls? Celtics are sunday morning rec gym ballers at this point.

This would also apply to the Nets or anyone else as well.

as far as being in the elite 1-3 teams, i just dont see it. The top 3 teams in the east either,

A. Have a defensive philosophy

B. WANT to play defense

C. have CAPABLE defenders.

D. Rebound the basketball.

I just dont see this knick team shedding the current culture once lebron walks through the door.
so, you can't name a team. okay.

Fine, ill play along. But first, get out your crystal ball and tell me what free agency will look like this summer.

you're missing the point

lbj alone will not change the culture of this team.

RIGHT NOW if lebron is on the knicks theyre not a top 3 team in the east, pal.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

theres always been many knicks fans, there starting to come out of their caves since its 2010
Since when has there been so many knicks fan?

damn, guys are hoppin on that bandwagon EARLY

always been a Knicks fan. had this sign for a good minute too. i just don't post as much as allen cuz I've only seen like 20 Knicks games in the last 4 years cause of where I'm at, but I always let my thoughts be known.

I was one of the fans for Iverson. I wanted Ramon Sessions too, and I've wanted TMac for awhile too.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
not sure if youre being sarcastic but, Mo was a replacement. was he not?

RIGHT NOW if lebron is on the knicks theyre not a top 3 team in the east, pal.
and I'm talking about next year when the Celtics enter a nursing home 1 by 1.

any team LeBron goes to in the east would be top 3.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
not sure if youre being sarcastic but, Mo was a replacement. was he not?

RIGHT NOW if lebron is on the knicks theyre not a top 3 team in the east, pal.
and I'm talking about next year when the Celtics enter a nursing home 1 by 1.

any team LeBron goes to in the east would be top 3.

Just saying that you are writing us off early. Especially if we replace Ray with a young, solid sg.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
not sure if youre being sarcastic but, Mo was a replacement. was he not?

RIGHT NOW if lebron is on the knicks theyre not a top 3 team in the east, pal.
and I'm talking about next year when the Celtics enter a nursing home 1 by 1.

any team LeBron goes to in the east would be top 3.

Just saying that you are writing us off early. Especially if we replace Ray with a young, solid sg.

and if you can't, what happens? you resign ray in the offseason? play tony allen at the 2, and watch as teams crowd the paint?
We've seen the erode quite a bit each year now since they big 3 showed up, and this applies to the depleted bench as well.. I dont see a Monta Ellis or Kevin MArtin pumping that much life back into them.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Lebron could leave and I wouldn't give a *##+ long as we sign SOMEBODY good, I'm a Cavs fan not just a Lebron fan, I'm also a fan of the NBA first

what in the hell does cleveland have to offer if lebron leaves?...
the cleveland nightlife/lifestyle......

sorry i couldnt keep a straight face
Originally Posted by BangDak

Since when has there been so many knicks fan?

damn, guys are hoppin on that bandwagon EARLY

Wait, who here hasn't been in the Knicks thread this year or in years past?  Gonna say something like that, name names.
A typical response from you, always wanna quote and say stupid %%+$ but when quotes are brought to you with real info in it you resort to these ******ed @+@++*% posts.  Stick to general homer.
Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
Come on Mez you can't be serious.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Mo Williams is an all star, you can't say the same for those Knicks players (David Lee deserves an *)
not sure if youre being sarcastic but, Mo was a replacement. was he not?

RIGHT NOW if lebron is on the knicks theyre not a top 3 team in the east, pal.
and I'm talking about next year when the Celtics enter a nursing home 1 by 1.

any team LeBron goes to in the east would be top 3.

Ok, next year the celtics suddenly drop off a cliff.

But miami resigns wade and picks up bosh.

jj resigns with atl.

3 teams.

superior to this nyk squad+lbj.
So gullible.

I don't get wrapped up with LBJ, point is with the free agents available the next two seasons (after this one) the Knicks team will be in a GREAT spot.
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