Originally Posted by
Weaponry Expert
Originally Posted by BlazerFan
The laws are pointless? Did you swim here from Cuba?
My goodness you're a @@%$%+! idiot. And a racist too.
What is your solution ? Tell me that. Oh that's right you don't @@%$%+! have one.
No matter what you @@%$%+! do.....players will take money and boosters will be willing to give it. So tell me why there are rules against something that is inevitable and harms nobody? Tell me that you moron. I'll wait....
Oh that's right....there is no reason for them. They are pointless. It's perfectly legal and within the rules for any regular college student to accept money, but it's somehow morally unjust when that student also happens to play football on Saturdays? Get out of here son. It's the modern day era of prohibition. You can't ban something that's inevitable and you can't prevent players from getting paid when the entire world of college football is based upon money. Anybody who thinks differently is an idiot. So yes...the rules in place are pointless. And this isn't my opinion. It's evident by the continuous violations of the rules my numerous programs across the entire country.
If the rules aren't pointless, then why is damn near every major program in the country breaking them? Why are Bama, Auburn, Oregon, Miami, USC, UNC, OSU, LSU, etc all being investigated for violations relating to the same damn rule?
I'm not even going to break it down for you because quite frankly it would be a waste of key strokes on your simple-minded %!%.