2011 New York Jets Season Thread ( 8-8 ) SHOTTY STEPS DOWN , PLAYERS BASH SANCHEZ ....

Originally Posted by MPire

Dude blew up in the huddle for whatever reason then took off his helmet and some of his equipment indicating he wasn't playing no more. Then the whole time the jets are driving down the field he is sitting on the bench looking the other way not even paying attention to his team moving the ball. Dude pulled a Randy Moss but ten times worse.

im reading more about his blow up and the more i hear, the more i want him gone.

a complete disgrace for a captain.

they need to stop going after questionable character guys  thinking they'll flourish under a players coach like rex.   it works for 1 season or when the teams winning but after a while their true character comes out.

say what you want about sanchez and most of it is justified but it's inexcusable for holmes to show him up like that in public.  sanchez was giving his best effort out there (he didn't do a good job though) but him and everyone else was giving their best effort and for a team captain to act like that is a joke.

teams have disagreements and conflict all the time but what seperates good teams from dyfunctional ones is that the good teams fix the problems behind closed doors.

from tweets by Vrentas and Manish:

"he quit" one teamate said of holmes "its happened for the past two or three weeks. its happened all season"

OC Brian made the call to bench holmes in 4Q

LT on holmes "there were some guys in the huddle unhappy w/tones demeanour. its tough to follow a captain who behaves in that manner"

Slauson on jets jarring in huddle: "it started off between holmes & another guy, then everyone came at each other, it was bad"

Revis on the immediate future of the jets "there are going to be changes. you are going to see some different faces"
I can't even defend Sanchez after that game. He better put in work this summer.

What is the point of Mulligan to me he single handlely change the outcomes of the game with that face mask penalty.
Schotty must of really didn't really want that first down with those plays.

I hope the Jets go after Garcon this offseason he can stretch field.

I'm not that disappointed because I expected I loss. This game told our whole season. Start off strong like we are unstoppable. Then in middle of the game just go up and down. Just to have a chance to win at the end and then throw it all the way at the end.

Manning is not coming to the Jets. We have a lot of holes to fix. Not just who is under center
I can't even defend Sanchez after that game. He better put in work this summer.

What is the point of Mulligan to me he single handlely change the outcomes of the game with that face mask penalty.
Schotty must of really didn't really want that first down with those plays.

I hope the Jets go after Garcon this offseason he can stretch field.

I'm not that disappointed because I expected I loss. This game told our whole season. Start off strong like we are unstoppable. Then in middle of the game just go up and down. Just to have a chance to win at the end and then throw it all the way at the end.

Manning is not coming to the Jets. We have a lot of holes to fix. Not just who is under center
please no peyton or matt flynn to the jets. although i don't think matt flynn is a stud outside of GB. not a knock on flynn...more a compliment on GB's receivers and team.
please no peyton or matt flynn to the jets. although i don't think matt flynn is a stud outside of GB. not a knock on flynn...more a compliment on GB's receivers and team.
I don't blame Holmes one bit for quitting today not one.  This guy Sanchez threw to him once? U gotta be kidding me!  I doubt any of the CB of the dolphins was shutting down Holmes all game.  Kerley had almost as much yards as Sanchez throwing at one point just on that one throw alone.  Sanchez threw 2 picks to the D-line?!?!  not the LB not the CB but the D-line.  No way a third year qb should be making these *++#%@+ decisions.  Defense was inconsistent this season but I also believe David Harris got robbed from the pro bowl.  See u guys in the offseason.  Hopefully it will be a good one.   
I don't blame Holmes one bit for quitting today not one.  This guy Sanchez threw to him once? U gotta be kidding me!  I doubt any of the CB of the dolphins was shutting down Holmes all game.  Kerley had almost as much yards as Sanchez throwing at one point just on that one throw alone.  Sanchez threw 2 picks to the D-line?!?!  not the LB not the CB but the D-line.  No way a third year qb should be making these *++#%@+ decisions.  Defense was inconsistent this season but I also believe David Harris got robbed from the pro bowl.  See u guys in the offseason.  Hopefully it will be a good one.   
Originally Posted by d5

I don't blame Holmes one bit for quitting today not one.  This guy Sanchez threw to him once? U gotta be kidding me!  I doubt any of the CB of the dolphins was shutting down Holmes all game.  Kerley had almost as much yards as Sanchez throwing at one point just on that one throw alone.  Sanchez threw 2 picks to the D-line?!?!  not the LB not the CB but the D-line.  No way a third year qb should be making these *++#%@+ decisions.  Defense was inconsistent this season but I also believe David Harris got robbed from the pro bowl.  See u guys in the offseason.  Hopefully it will be a good one.   

he's a team captain,  when he's not giving a damn, it's a bad look on the entire team. does he have a right to be pissed? yeah he does but you handle that behind closed doors. quitting on the team is an embarassment.  quite a few players on the team have voiced their displeasure regarding holmes and it says alot.  when a respected veteran like ladanian tomlinson says what he says about santonio holmes it says all that needs to be said.
Originally Posted by d5

I don't blame Holmes one bit for quitting today not one.  This guy Sanchez threw to him once? U gotta be kidding me!  I doubt any of the CB of the dolphins was shutting down Holmes all game.  Kerley had almost as much yards as Sanchez throwing at one point just on that one throw alone.  Sanchez threw 2 picks to the D-line?!?!  not the LB not the CB but the D-line.  No way a third year qb should be making these *++#%@+ decisions.  Defense was inconsistent this season but I also believe David Harris got robbed from the pro bowl.  See u guys in the offseason.  Hopefully it will be a good one.   

he's a team captain,  when he's not giving a damn, it's a bad look on the entire team. does he have a right to be pissed? yeah he does but you handle that behind closed doors. quitting on the team is an embarassment.  quite a few players on the team have voiced their displeasure regarding holmes and it says alot.  when a respected veteran like ladanian tomlinson says what he says about santonio holmes it says all that needs to be said.
Tomlinson said after the game that Holmes quit after the shouting match he got into.

Can't have a "captain" letting emotions get to him in the wrong manner. Why was he appointed captain anyway?
Tomlinson said after the game that Holmes quit after the shouting match he got into.

Can't have a "captain" letting emotions get to him in the wrong manner. Why was he appointed captain anyway?
dont blame holmes for being upset,this team has no future with sanchez as the qb. this dude self destructed in crucial moments this year
dont blame holmes for being upset,this team has no future with sanchez as the qb. this dude self destructed in crucial moments this year
Originally Posted by bkmac

Tomlinson said after the game that Holmes quit after the shouting match he got into.

Can't have a "captain" letting emotions get to him in the wrong manner. Why was he appointed captain anyway?

that's what i wanna know.  i don't know what's going on behind closed doors but rex needs to stop being buddy buddy with these guys.   i don't want them signing anyone who has character problems from here on out.   guys like holmes are great to have in a contract year or when its smooth sailing but their true colors come out when things aren't going good.

if he's back on the team next season and he has that C on his jersey still, something is wrong with the jets organization. 
Originally Posted by bkmac

Tomlinson said after the game that Holmes quit after the shouting match he got into.

Can't have a "captain" letting emotions get to him in the wrong manner. Why was he appointed captain anyway?

that's what i wanna know.  i don't know what's going on behind closed doors but rex needs to stop being buddy buddy with these guys.   i don't want them signing anyone who has character problems from here on out.   guys like holmes are great to have in a contract year or when its smooth sailing but their true colors come out when things aren't going good.

if he's back on the team next season and he has that C on his jersey still, something is wrong with the jets organization. 
I still think Sanchez has the tools. His problem is always trying to do too much. I'm surprised a lot of the slack is coming down on Mark and not equally on the O-Line and the play calling. The offense as a whole is *%#. We need a real running back. Green is a second option.
I still think Sanchez has the tools. His problem is always trying to do too much. I'm surprised a lot of the slack is coming down on Mark and not equally on the O-Line and the play calling. The offense as a whole is *%#. We need a real running back. Green is a second option.
Now that I had time to digest this loss, man what a roller coaster season.

Team chemistry looks to be in shambles right now just judging off of what the beat writer's have been saying.
Revis isn't answering any questions, Bart Scott flipping the bird to a photographer and when asked about his status as a Jet, apparentley he simply said "All I know is that his contract is guaranteed next year..." and that's that.

When it comes to off-season moves or changes....

1. Deal with the chemistry of the team.

This last loss vs. the Dolphins put a huge damper on the team's morale. You got players from each side pointing the fingers at each other. No way should a team do that to each other. It's unacceptable. Like what LT said, you've got to play 100% for each and every snap, no matter what the situation is. To have guys quit on the team during a game is totally unacceptable. To have players in the team point fingers to other players on why the team is struggling is unacceptable (Cromartie on the offense). This is Rex's team, and as the coach of this team, it is imperative to fix this up. I feel like this is the most important move to fix before anything else. He said it himself… He’s supposed to be the pulse of this team. This season, he somehow lost that pulse.

2. Schotty's gotta go.

I remember seeing a post from David Clowney's twitter account, where he tweeted during a Jets game about how by seeing the offensive formation of the Jets, how he knew what the play call was going to be. This is from a dude who was cut a year ago. Just hearing that just boggles the mind.
What happened to the running game? Sure the shaky performance by the O-Line contributed to the lack of production, but there was a huuuuge drop in attempts. What happened to certain plays that worked the first two years? Aka quick slants to Holmes or Keller? Quick 3 step drops like that will minimize the amount of sacks. !%!! just got frustrating as the season went on. The Giants game just did it for me.

3. Out with the old, in with the new

Fortunately for the Jets, we still have many young pieces in this team where we won't need a complete overhaul, but there's still a lot of work to be done. Starting with the RT. In 5-7 step back drops, Sanchez almost 90% of the time didn't have the proper protection to allow his receivers finish their routes. You can tell the lack of protection rattled Sanchez throughout the season. He just looked uncomfortable in the pocket every time. Ducasse isn't the answer. It's imperative to look at a high draft pick to fill the RT position or pick up a FA this offseason.
Older vets like B. Thomas and B. Scott are iffy to come back next season, so it’s time to have some fresh legs in there. Past few years we’ve never had a legitimate pass rusher and always leaned on exotic blitzes to get to the QB. We need a consistent pass rusher to hurry the QB.
I would also like Tannenbaum to address the Safety position. We face Gronkowski twice a season…. That says enough.

4. Holmes: Is he in or is he out?

Appointed captain Santonio Holmes has to have a sit down with the upper management and Sanchez. We can’t have this tension in the locker room. It is vital for Tone to be on the same page with a young QB like Sanchez, as well as the new Offensive coordinator. We need Tone to give it his all on the field and off… if he can’t, then it’s time to let our biggest playmaker go.

I believe that’s it for now. Obviously I can list more but these are the main points that we should address. Sorry for the long read…….. it was a frustrating season and I had to get a lot off my chest. lol
Now that I had time to digest this loss, man what a roller coaster season.

Team chemistry looks to be in shambles right now just judging off of what the beat writer's have been saying.
Revis isn't answering any questions, Bart Scott flipping the bird to a photographer and when asked about his status as a Jet, apparentley he simply said "All I know is that his contract is guaranteed next year..." and that's that.

When it comes to off-season moves or changes....

1. Deal with the chemistry of the team.

This last loss vs. the Dolphins put a huge damper on the team's morale. You got players from each side pointing the fingers at each other. No way should a team do that to each other. It's unacceptable. Like what LT said, you've got to play 100% for each and every snap, no matter what the situation is. To have guys quit on the team during a game is totally unacceptable. To have players in the team point fingers to other players on why the team is struggling is unacceptable (Cromartie on the offense). This is Rex's team, and as the coach of this team, it is imperative to fix this up. I feel like this is the most important move to fix before anything else. He said it himself… He’s supposed to be the pulse of this team. This season, he somehow lost that pulse.

2. Schotty's gotta go.

I remember seeing a post from David Clowney's twitter account, where he tweeted during a Jets game about how by seeing the offensive formation of the Jets, how he knew what the play call was going to be. This is from a dude who was cut a year ago. Just hearing that just boggles the mind.
What happened to the running game? Sure the shaky performance by the O-Line contributed to the lack of production, but there was a huuuuge drop in attempts. What happened to certain plays that worked the first two years? Aka quick slants to Holmes or Keller? Quick 3 step drops like that will minimize the amount of sacks. !%!! just got frustrating as the season went on. The Giants game just did it for me.

3. Out with the old, in with the new

Fortunately for the Jets, we still have many young pieces in this team where we won't need a complete overhaul, but there's still a lot of work to be done. Starting with the RT. In 5-7 step back drops, Sanchez almost 90% of the time didn't have the proper protection to allow his receivers finish their routes. You can tell the lack of protection rattled Sanchez throughout the season. He just looked uncomfortable in the pocket every time. Ducasse isn't the answer. It's imperative to look at a high draft pick to fill the RT position or pick up a FA this offseason.
Older vets like B. Thomas and B. Scott are iffy to come back next season, so it’s time to have some fresh legs in there. Past few years we’ve never had a legitimate pass rusher and always leaned on exotic blitzes to get to the QB. We need a consistent pass rusher to hurry the QB.
I would also like Tannenbaum to address the Safety position. We face Gronkowski twice a season…. That says enough.

4. Holmes: Is he in or is he out?

Appointed captain Santonio Holmes has to have a sit down with the upper management and Sanchez. We can’t have this tension in the locker room. It is vital for Tone to be on the same page with a young QB like Sanchez, as well as the new Offensive coordinator. We need Tone to give it his all on the field and off… if he can’t, then it’s time to let our biggest playmaker go.

I believe that’s it for now. Obviously I can list more but these are the main points that we should address. Sorry for the long read…….. it was a frustrating season and I had to get a lot off my chest. lol
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

I still think Sanchez has the tools. His problem is always trying to do too much. I'm surprised a lot of the slack is coming down on Mark and not equally on the O-Line and the play calling. The offense as a whole is *%#. We need a real running back. Green is a second option.
I agree with you. Obviously Sanchez isn't at an elite level, however it's imperative for the O. Coordinator to balance out what he can't and can do.
The past 2 seasons it was essential for the Jets to run the ball and set the tone for the game.

Sanchez, if you want to define him, is more of a rhythmic QB - where he needs certain pieces to go well for him to be comfortable.

Proper Running game = Proper Play Action (which he's probably the best at doing).

It was clear 5-7 step back drops didn't work all year (big reason was the lack of protection), so why not set the tone for quick 3 step drops ala Pennington days to set the defense off balance?

That was the main problem this year... the opposing defense was never off-balance, therefore we couldn't execute anything.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

I still think Sanchez has the tools. His problem is always trying to do too much. I'm surprised a lot of the slack is coming down on Mark and not equally on the O-Line and the play calling. The offense as a whole is *%#. We need a real running back. Green is a second option.
I agree with you. Obviously Sanchez isn't at an elite level, however it's imperative for the O. Coordinator to balance out what he can't and can do.
The past 2 seasons it was essential for the Jets to run the ball and set the tone for the game.

Sanchez, if you want to define him, is more of a rhythmic QB - where he needs certain pieces to go well for him to be comfortable.

Proper Running game = Proper Play Action (which he's probably the best at doing).

It was clear 5-7 step back drops didn't work all year (big reason was the lack of protection), so why not set the tone for quick 3 step drops ala Pennington days to set the defense off balance?

That was the main problem this year... the opposing defense was never off-balance, therefore we couldn't execute anything.
Holmes is stuck with us unless he is traded. That contract is horrible

I will never understand how that slant and go route only worked only one time this year

In the first round I have no idea what they should draft. Seams like anybody they draft would be an overdraft.

We need a receiver that can stretch the field so our idiot receiver can do work underneath

Vjax, Meachem, and Garcon can do that
Holmes is stuck with us unless he is traded. That contract is horrible

I will never understand how that slant and go route only worked only one time this year

In the first round I have no idea what they should draft. Seams like anybody they draft would be an overdraft.

We need a receiver that can stretch the field so our idiot receiver can do work underneath

Vjax, Meachem, and Garcon can do that
it's going to be an interesting offseason to say the least.

perhaps i'm looking into it to much but getting rid of quality team player guys like allan faneca, thomas jones, tomlinson (who's most likely gone), jericho cotchery, damien woody, tony richardson, kris jenkins etc has had an effect as well. i mean it's unrealistic to keep all of those guys of course but this current team has nowhere near the amount of good solid voices and leaders in the locker room that the 2009 and 2010 teams had.

reagarding holmes, contract wise he's stuck with the team pretty much but if there was a way to get rid of him i would prefer it. wide receivers are expendable. every team randy moss got traded from had a better record the following year, philly did just fine without a team cancer in t.o, dallas won their first playoff game in 13 years the season after he left. wide receivers can be replaced. hell the jets went 3-1 without him to start the 2010 season and the team that traded him went to the super bowl the season after he was traded. everything said about holmes by players on that team following the dolphins loss says alot. he needs to make things right and it has to be sincere.

if he's stuck on the team, he has some serious work to do this offseason to get back in favor with the guys in that locker room and he has to be sincere about trying to fix things. judging off his reputation i don't see that happening.

aside from that, i hope schotty wows the jaguars and gets that job.

rex needs to hold these guys accountable, he's not going anywhere soon unless he shoots himself in the foot, by delivering any type of guarantee other then guaratneeing that the team is going to work hard and do everything possible to improve.

i hope the necessary moves are made this offseason to allow the team to rebound from this horrible season. defense, o line, and a backup qb are the priorities.

on a positive note, since 1999, more then half the teams that have won the super bowl won 9 or less games the previous season. a good offseason can work wonders.
it's going to be an interesting offseason to say the least.

perhaps i'm looking into it to much but getting rid of quality team player guys like allan faneca, thomas jones, tomlinson (who's most likely gone), jericho cotchery, damien woody, tony richardson, kris jenkins etc has had an effect as well. i mean it's unrealistic to keep all of those guys of course but this current team has nowhere near the amount of good solid voices and leaders in the locker room that the 2009 and 2010 teams had.

reagarding holmes, contract wise he's stuck with the team pretty much but if there was a way to get rid of him i would prefer it. wide receivers are expendable. every team randy moss got traded from had a better record the following year, philly did just fine without a team cancer in t.o, dallas won their first playoff game in 13 years the season after he left. wide receivers can be replaced. hell the jets went 3-1 without him to start the 2010 season and the team that traded him went to the super bowl the season after he was traded. everything said about holmes by players on that team following the dolphins loss says alot. he needs to make things right and it has to be sincere.

if he's stuck on the team, he has some serious work to do this offseason to get back in favor with the guys in that locker room and he has to be sincere about trying to fix things. judging off his reputation i don't see that happening.

aside from that, i hope schotty wows the jaguars and gets that job.

rex needs to hold these guys accountable, he's not going anywhere soon unless he shoots himself in the foot, by delivering any type of guarantee other then guaratneeing that the team is going to work hard and do everything possible to improve.

i hope the necessary moves are made this offseason to allow the team to rebound from this horrible season. defense, o line, and a backup qb are the priorities.

on a positive note, since 1999, more then half the teams that have won the super bowl won 9 or less games the previous season. a good offseason can work wonders.
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