2011 New York Jets Season Thread ( 8-8 ) SHOTTY STEPS DOWN , PLAYERS BASH SANCHEZ ....

Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

2-3 coming up?...i think so 
Need faith bruh.
Maybe we needed this L. We gotta fix up numerous things on the Offense.

Plus Run DMC running all over us was a rude awakening.  

- That Sanchez pick bothered me though. 

- Holy Cro. 

- Our bread and butter is the run. If we don't set the tone with the run, it'll be a long game - I don't care if Sanchez slings it for over 300+ yards.

- Pass-rush where art thou?
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

2-3 coming up?...i think so 
Need faith bruh.
Maybe we needed this L. We gotta fix up numerous things on the Offense.

Plus Run DMC running all over us was a rude awakening.  

- That Sanchez pick bothered me though. 

- Holy Cro. 

- Our bread and butter is the run. If we don't set the tone with the run, it'll be a long game - I don't care if Sanchez slings it for over 300+ yards.

- Pass-rush where art thou?
Defesne did not show up today, can't argue agaisnt that...

But its frustrating to see our two playmakers not involved in the offense until the last 10 minutes of the game.  Check down passes all game when the raiders secondary is doo-doo.  We are lucky we are not 1-2 right now

Baltimore prolly gonna smack us next week too
Defesne did not show up today, can't argue agaisnt that...

But its frustrating to see our two playmakers not involved in the offense until the last 10 minutes of the game.  Check down passes all game when the raiders secondary is doo-doo.  We are lucky we are not 1-2 right now

Baltimore prolly gonna smack us next week too
They were really touchy on Cro on those of those PI and holds. I don't that he deserved half of them so I was able to forgive him for his bad coverage there. But that fumble was just icing on he cake. That was just too much!
They were really touchy on Cro on those of those PI and holds. I don't that he deserved half of them so I was able to forgive him for his bad coverage there. But that fumble was just icing on he cake. That was just too much!
This loss hurts, just because it could have been easily avoided.

-The defense !+*# the bed, not much more to say there.
-The O-Line held up in the beginning and then crumbled. Wayne Hunter
, Baxter held his own though in place of Mangold.
-Cromartie can have 5 Pick-6's in a single game, and he will still irk me somehow. Dude has no football IQ whatsoever. His injury was bruised lungs, went to hospital but returned to the team.
, you have Santonio Holmes, and you throw his way twice? You decide to wait to throw the ball, and throw it somewhat further down the field, in the end of the 4th quarter?!
-Sanchez with that bonehead INT in the endzone, no excuse there. You can't do that, 3rd year QB or veteran.

Next week will be just as hard, if not harder, against the Ravens. Hopefully we have a good week of practice and Rex has them ready this time.
This loss hurts, just because it could have been easily avoided.

-The defense !+*# the bed, not much more to say there.
-The O-Line held up in the beginning and then crumbled. Wayne Hunter
, Baxter held his own though in place of Mangold.
-Cromartie can have 5 Pick-6's in a single game, and he will still irk me somehow. Dude has no football IQ whatsoever. His injury was bruised lungs, went to hospital but returned to the team.
, you have Santonio Holmes, and you throw his way twice? You decide to wait to throw the ball, and throw it somewhat further down the field, in the end of the 4th quarter?!
-Sanchez with that bonehead INT in the endzone, no excuse there. You can't do that, 3rd year QB or veteran.

Next week will be just as hard, if not harder, against the Ravens. Hopefully we have a good week of practice and Rex has them ready this time.
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

2-3 coming up?...i think so 

Plus Run DMC running all over us was a rude awakening.  

- That Sanchez pick bothered me though. 

- Holy Cro. 

- Our bread and butter is the run. If we don't set the tone with the run, it'll be a long game - I don't care if Sanchez slings it for over 300+ yards.

- Pass-rush where art thou?
-They knew their run defense was bad. It's always suss. We just face very few great RB's in any given season.
-Sanchez directed everyone, receivers and defenders, to the spot where he wanted to throw the ball then threw that interception.
He knows what he needs to do. It's just a matter of if he will do it.

-Cromartie is really hit or miss. I'm only mad at him for that fumble. The holding and pass interference calls weren't always fair.

-The defense barely sent all out blitzes. I thought that was the point of having this tandem at CB.

-The Raiders made our D look small. Like seriously, outside of Harris and Scott our linebackers are munchkins.

You see one of two types of teams in victories these days. A team that primarily rushes and has a QB that maintains towards victory or a team who's QB goes ham week in and week out either killing or uplifting his team towards victory. If the Jets can't run it then we need Sanchez to step up and take control like he did yesterday in the closing moments. He might've not scored but he gathered his balls and went after the victory and that's one good thing that I took out of it. I believe that he's got to go over Schotty's head sometimes in order for him to take his game to the next level and get this team where it needs to be. Look at the landscape of the league in 2011. Every week we've got a third of the leagues QB's going ham for 300+ passing yards. No defense looks like themselves so far. The Steelers struggled week 1, Ravens week 2 and now the Jets got exposed. It happens. We'll be ok.
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

2-3 coming up?...i think so 

Plus Run DMC running all over us was a rude awakening.  

- That Sanchez pick bothered me though. 

- Holy Cro. 

- Our bread and butter is the run. If we don't set the tone with the run, it'll be a long game - I don't care if Sanchez slings it for over 300+ yards.

- Pass-rush where art thou?
-They knew their run defense was bad. It's always suss. We just face very few great RB's in any given season.
-Sanchez directed everyone, receivers and defenders, to the spot where he wanted to throw the ball then threw that interception.
He knows what he needs to do. It's just a matter of if he will do it.

-Cromartie is really hit or miss. I'm only mad at him for that fumble. The holding and pass interference calls weren't always fair.

-The defense barely sent all out blitzes. I thought that was the point of having this tandem at CB.

-The Raiders made our D look small. Like seriously, outside of Harris and Scott our linebackers are munchkins.

You see one of two types of teams in victories these days. A team that primarily rushes and has a QB that maintains towards victory or a team who's QB goes ham week in and week out either killing or uplifting his team towards victory. If the Jets can't run it then we need Sanchez to step up and take control like he did yesterday in the closing moments. He might've not scored but he gathered his balls and went after the victory and that's one good thing that I took out of it. I believe that he's got to go over Schotty's head sometimes in order for him to take his game to the next level and get this team where it needs to be. Look at the landscape of the league in 2011. Every week we've got a third of the leagues QB's going ham for 300+ passing yards. No defense looks like themselves so far. The Steelers struggled week 1, Ravens week 2 and now the Jets got exposed. It happens. We'll be ok.
Originally Posted by NY Mavurs

I feel like our defense is just too slow now..maybe its just me
nope its true, thomas and pace on the outside chasing rbs and slot wrs 
....and I know Leonhard is popular with fans but he really doesnt deserve to be starting, slow small and for his "smarts" hes caught out of position a lottt
Originally Posted by NY Mavurs

I feel like our defense is just too slow now..maybe its just me
nope its true, thomas and pace on the outside chasing rbs and slot wrs 
....and I know Leonhard is popular with fans but he really doesnt deserve to be starting, slow small and for his "smarts" hes caught out of position a lottt
Leonard has been used more in these past three games as a Slot Corner than a safety. Eric Smith has been left to be lone safety in most situations this season. IDK why Rex has him setup that way at all. Maybe it is the injury to the leg???? I just hate that all of a sudden our SS is now acting as a CB in most of the Defensive situations.

And lets be honest here, I agree about the speed of Thomas and Pace, But Thomas gets to the QB, RB, and at times the TE more than Calvin Pace has in all of his tenure with the Jets (And the "He was injured" excuse does not work with him, he was signed to be a PASS RUSHER and when he is out there, Bart Scott gets more looks at hitting the QB than he does).

If someone come next off season is cut, I will not be surprised if Pace is gone. (and B Thomas will be a FA AND 32 YRS OLD, I think he will be gone too but I rather him then Pace.)
Leonard has been used more in these past three games as a Slot Corner than a safety. Eric Smith has been left to be lone safety in most situations this season. IDK why Rex has him setup that way at all. Maybe it is the injury to the leg???? I just hate that all of a sudden our SS is now acting as a CB in most of the Defensive situations.

And lets be honest here, I agree about the speed of Thomas and Pace, But Thomas gets to the QB, RB, and at times the TE more than Calvin Pace has in all of his tenure with the Jets (And the "He was injured" excuse does not work with him, he was signed to be a PASS RUSHER and when he is out there, Bart Scott gets more looks at hitting the QB than he does).

If someone come next off season is cut, I will not be surprised if Pace is gone. (and B Thomas will be a FA AND 32 YRS OLD, I think he will be gone too but I rather him then Pace.)
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

Originally Posted by NY Mavurs

I feel like our defense is just too slow now..maybe its just me
nope its true, thomas and pace on the outside chasing rbs and slot wrs 
....and I know Leonhard is popular with fans but he really doesnt deserve to be starting, slow small and for his "smarts" hes caught out of position a lottt

Nope ur defense isnt slow its just the AL Davis offense is too fast. We have the fastest offense in the league who practices against the fastest defense in the league every week.
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