2011 New York Jets Season Thread ( 8-8 ) SHOTTY STEPS DOWN , PLAYERS BASH SANCHEZ ....

@DavidClowney David Clowney

What's sad is I swear I'm sitting here calling out plays before they run them and I haven't been with the #Jets in a year come tomorrow

Kris Jenkins
Look I retired because I love being able to walk for my kids more than the NFL. It was a hard thing to do, but I feel confident that the Jets can get it together. I just don't know what the hell is going on right now?!?!?!

This dude is killing me. Our defense is playing fine but Sanchez is single handily giving away the game.
This dude is killing me. Our defense is playing fine but Sanchez is single handily giving away the game.
Sanchez is walking a thin line.
man, as much as i hate to say it, im tempted to pencil in 2-3 already for next week.

this was just one of those #+#+!! everything that could go wrong did go wrong type games.

it's cliche but you could be rock bottom one week and turn things around the next in the nfl. they got an opportunity to right the ship in a huge way next week. if they pull the upset off 3-2 1-0 in the division and a huge huge win.

being realistic though i just want them to show me something next week. after the patriots game the schedule gets alot better. this is why the raiders loss pissed me off alot though, baltimore and new england back to back on the road, it was huge to win that game.

whatever though, it's going to be a long week this week.
man, as much as i hate to say it, im tempted to pencil in 2-3 already for next week.

this was just one of those #+#+!! everything that could go wrong did go wrong type games.

it's cliche but you could be rock bottom one week and turn things around the next in the nfl. they got an opportunity to right the ship in a huge way next week. if they pull the upset off 3-2 1-0 in the division and a huge huge win.

being realistic though i just want them to show me something next week. after the patriots game the schedule gets alot better. this is why the raiders loss pissed me off alot though, baltimore and new england back to back on the road, it was huge to win that game.

whatever though, it's going to be a long week this week.
how Tannebaum couldnt get ONE veteran back  up o lineman this whole offseason is a joke, starting to lose a lot of confidence in Mark, cant really defend dude ne more
how Tannebaum couldnt get ONE veteran back  up o lineman this whole offseason is a joke, starting to lose a lot of confidence in Mark, cant really defend dude ne more
I dont want to say I told you so....But I told you so.

This team just isn't very good. Holes all over.

- Mark Sucks...Been saying this since the kid was drafted.  He is just not good, there is no other way around it.  That's my team but that sure as hell ain't my QB.  If he is back next year I don't know what I'll do.
- Two decent running backs but neither is good enough to be a full time starter. Both are better as change of pace backs.
- Offensive Line just looks awful, Mangold being out makes a huge difference though since he leads that group.

- D-Line has been our biggest weakness for a while.  We have no playmakers there and it limits what Rex can do with that group.  Drafting Wilkerson was a step in the right direction but we still sorely miss having a dynamic playmaker there.
- Harris and Scott are great on the inside but the OLB's still lack guys who can really get to the quarterback or make plays.
- Jimmy has not looked like the same guy this year after the injury and Eric Smith still sucks.

I'm going to be shocked if we make the playoffs.  We had a nice little run but tis time to start retooling, get a real QB of the future in there so we can still take advantage of the blue-chip guys that are still young (Nick, Ferg, Revis).
I dont want to say I told you so....But I told you so.

This team just isn't very good. Holes all over.

- Mark Sucks...Been saying this since the kid was drafted.  He is just not good, there is no other way around it.  That's my team but that sure as hell ain't my QB.  If he is back next year I don't know what I'll do.
- Two decent running backs but neither is good enough to be a full time starter. Both are better as change of pace backs.
- Offensive Line just looks awful, Mangold being out makes a huge difference though since he leads that group.

- D-Line has been our biggest weakness for a while.  We have no playmakers there and it limits what Rex can do with that group.  Drafting Wilkerson was a step in the right direction but we still sorely miss having a dynamic playmaker there.
- Harris and Scott are great on the inside but the OLB's still lack guys who can really get to the quarterback or make plays.
- Jimmy has not looked like the same guy this year after the injury and Eric Smith still sucks.

I'm going to be shocked if we make the playoffs.  We had a nice little run but tis time to start retooling, get a real QB of the future in there so we can still take advantage of the blue-chip guys that are still young (Nick, Ferg, Revis).
Everyone jumping ship 4 games into the season. Relax, we've had these types of game every year since Rex became our coach. We'll bounce back. I guarantee you this will not happen again this year. This team WILL respond. Not a guaranteed win but you will see they will come out and at least COMPETE. LaDanian, Darrelle, Bart, Santonio and even Plaxico will not let this team fold.

There are holes but every team has holes. Our offense has been anemic against teams who don't have defenses even remotely compared to the Ravens. The 5 INT game against the Bills in 09 and the Dolphins game last year. %%%% happens. I wish we had come out to play but there will be games like this.
Everyone jumping ship 4 games into the season. Relax, we've had these types of game every year since Rex became our coach. We'll bounce back. I guarantee you this will not happen again this year. This team WILL respond. Not a guaranteed win but you will see they will come out and at least COMPETE. LaDanian, Darrelle, Bart, Santonio and even Plaxico will not let this team fold.

There are holes but every team has holes. Our offense has been anemic against teams who don't have defenses even remotely compared to the Ravens. The 5 INT game against the Bills in 09 and the Dolphins game last year. %%%% happens. I wish we had come out to play but there will be games like this.
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