**2012-13 "Gentlemanly" NBA PG Discussion Thread**

Aight, I read the first few responses here and it's interesting. I'm gonna read the entire post then P4L, but I have a point right now. At first I was for D Rose to come back this year, the more I thought about it, I changed my mind. For his type of injury and the way he plays, it's better for him and his team that he sit the entire season. The comparison between him and AP isn't a good one. AP doesn't have to jump. He cuts, yeah, but D Rose does that in addition to jumping etc. Like I said, P4L....


I can't wait for the rest of your post later on - assuming it's as good as the one you just did. Pure gold.

:lol: I sense you are already gonna go off on how I don't see how the two can be compared. I'm basically saying they're explosive in different ways though. Of course AP jumps, but not as frequently. AP goes north south and east west mostly. D Rose does that plus jumping more frequently. He needs more time to properly heal. I'd rather have him sit extra. For his timetable, he's not going to back until late April at the earliest. Might as well just let him sit rather than risk re-injury. That's all I meant. Look, I KNOW how S&T gets down. I lurk and wind up doing this most of the time :smh:. I've trolled Knick fans in their thread a little, but I swear I won't do it again. Not worth it here, I'm too old for that anyway. Now back to the topic at hand... first off, there are a TON of good PG's in the game. Top 5 to satisfy the thread argument: CP3, D Will, Rondo. I think those three are interchangable on any given night, but there's TP, there's Westbrook (he tends to go nut tho). Then you have Nash who is still effective. I might even come back again, but take my top 3. Then you also got the next crop like Jrue, Wall, and Kyrie. Be back later...
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This thread LOL.

All Imma say...D-Will is the best PG in the league. No debate

What league are you talking about? This statement was true when he played in that overseas league :lol:

Oh really now? Your SERIOUSLY saying it isn't even debatable? Did you see what he had to play with last season? :x

The last 15-20 games of the season, he was without a doubt the best PG in the league. Deron gets no types of respect!

I say he's top 5 but to say he's number 1 and that's there's no need for debate is blasphemous PG is the deepest position in the NBA no matter who you think is number one your def going to need to explain why, and we can't judge someone of 15 - 20 games Jeremy Lin is proof of that.

Yeah the "no debate thing", I was watching a D-Will Highlight tape at that time and just felt like adding that in...but it's certainty debatable.

But yeah, the D-Will hate all over the sports world is :x

During that survey thing, D-Will wasn't even mentioned as a top PG in the league :smh:

Yea it's ok bro but the no debate thing threw me off, my top 3 are Paul Rose Deron and in. No particular order.

PG is such a tough position to rank though... You can make a strong argument for so many PG's :nerd:

IMO, Williams is being ranked in the top-3 SOLELY off of his reputation. Why does he deserve to be in there after his time in NJ? We giving him a pass for this year and a half much like how people forget about Randy Moss' time in Oakland?

Rant: It's downright foolish to suggest Wall is a bust or wont amount to anything. I dont know if there is a PG in the league who could have lifted up the Wall-era Wizards. Think I'm kidding? How did Deron Williams do in NJ playing with a bunch of bums? This was arguably the best PG in the league before he came to Jersey and he couldnt find hardly any rhythm while playing w/ the Nets. Dude was the epitome of YOLO - jacking up shots and not playing like the PG we all watched thrive in Utah. Similar situation in years past for Wall.

Now, i'm not giving wall a pass or anything along those lines, but this year should be huge for him. Traditionally, the 3rd season is when you see a PG really come into their own. I fully expect Wall to make a big jump in his development because he has much better/smarter teammates around him.
I never knew this many people didn't hold D Will in high regard. He's still my favorite PG in the league and IMO the best and will prove it this year. I think I said this already but still
CP3 puts on a clinic in every game that he plays. He has textbook game management from start to finish, I would even dare to say he is top 5 most clutch players in the league and he doesn't have to score to be clutch.

D-Will is a better scorer, but CP3 is an on the court coach.
from my debate in the NBA thread.

Is it really that outlandish to prefer Nash over Rondo as a better pg
I don't think it's that outlandish to prefer Nash over Rondo, but I don't think your reasons make sense.
They're probably the two best passers in the league. There's not much disparity there, if any.
His shooting has improved.

Its his mental prowess and ability to take control of the game is the issue.

Maybe its more a knock on his teammates than him.

Who knows
Bruh, what? Rondo is one of the smartest players in the league and has taken over plenty of games when the lights are the brightest.

The argument for Nash over Rondo is obviously shooting. Nash is one of the greatest shooters ever; Rondo is still well below average. Despite Rondo's brilliance in every other area, his inability to shoot has been one reason for the Celtics' offensive struggles.
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Fam its pretty outlandish considering Rondo is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league in his mid twenties and Nash is damn near 40 years old and plays NO defense. Thats before we consider the fact that Rondo is faster, a better rebounder, better when it comes to driving the lane and penetrating the D, as well as leading the league in assists last year.

Fact of the matter is there are zero GMs in the NBA that would take Nash over Rondo . Not for a game, a playoff series, a full season or the rest of their careers in general.
OK i can respect the whole argument.

Listen just bc I listed Nash over Rondo, doesnt mean I dont believe that Rondo is a great player
Reminds me of like back in 01 back when the two guard was loaded with ai, kobe, vince, stackhouse was putting up over 25 a game, t mac was coming into his own, Ray Allen, Allen Shouston, Mike finley etc. Such a great time for pg's right now you can't go wrong with anybody. Every team almost has a top tier PG. With that being said, even with all the flack he gets Russel Westbrook to me is the best PG in the league. He's not the most pure pg, but no PG with the exception of rose maybe, can take over a game from a scoring standpoint the way Russel can. He can get to anywhere on the floor and can get his shot anytime he wants hitting that shot over 45 % of the time. He's a career 6.8 assist guy. Everyone gets on him for his turnovers and dude averages just as much turnovers as a lot of the other top tier guys like Dwill, Nash. Not to mention he just lead the thunder as a pg to the NBA finals. 

Russel, Rondo, Chris paul, Deron williams, and Tony Parker.  But you can make a case for all of these guys. Gotta love the NBA.
So...let's talk Kyrie Irving for a second.

Let me say that this kid is the absolute TRUTH. He can score at will from anywhere on the court. Getting to the rim is no problem, x'ing dudes up on the regular, and he has range for days. On top of it all - he shoots at a VERY high %. I don't even think it would be too outlandish to say that he could be the leading scorer from the 1 position even when Derrick Rose is 100% healthy. I have no doubt that he'll average something around 25ppg this year.

That being said, how much does he actually facilitate the Cavs offense? Is he even the primary ball-handler when on the court? Do you consider him a TRUE PG? I see him more of a scoring guard role - as of now. Maybe other Cavs fans can chime in.
^^ I couldn't agree with this post more. Kyrie is the truth and surely will be an all-star this season.

ps, my boy dropped 21 11 and 3 tonight against the Lakers. Not bad for his first ever NBA game!
bump and update

1. paul
2. rondo
3. westbrook
4. parker

5. deron williams
6. stephen curry
7. kyrie irving
8. holiday
9. nash
10. lillard
I actually just saw that. After I went and found this post I went through the Warriors thread with the intention of bumping all my Steph Curry posts. I'm just glad that hes finally playing at the level that I expect him too and IMO it will only go up from here.
Deron Williams
Tony Parker
Ty Lawson

would be my 10 in that order.
At this point, I really fail to see how Deron Williams is in anyone's top-5 list.
I want to know how Lawson just automatically pops up into people's top 10 after declining from a year before :lol:
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