2012-2013 Dallas Mavericks Season Thread. VOL: 17-23, last time I updated thread, they were 11-10...

I have no idea if Darren and Rick are clashing, but it's not a good look when we don't really have a back-up PG right now. DoJo will be starting at PG, but so far from what we've seen from him... He's taken on more of a slashing/attacking/scoring role, which he's been terrible at. Having no Delonte West really hinders us. Normally we've had someone off the bench to provide a scoring punch, but with no JET/Barea/Delonte, we've been having a hell of a time once our starters go out.

It's only going to be more difficult against Chicago tonight too. I just hope Darren can string together a few good games and this will all go away. I honestly don't believe he hurt his finger that bad, because I saw no mention of it. Could be wrong, but we'll see.
And the Troy Murphy Experiment is over. :pimp:

I have nothing against the guy personally, but he just brought nothing to the team we couldn't get elsewhere. Play Vince and Brand on the floor at the same time, there's absolutely zilch that Murphy could contribute that those couldn't. Vince shoots/scores better than him, and Brand is a better rebounder/defender than him. Thank God that is over.

That said, even though I'm not a huge fan of Fisher, it's better than having Dominique Jones or Roddy Beaubois trying to run point for us. It's sad that Delonte West couldn't work out for us this year, but I like that Fisher at least brings leadership to the squad. He's capable of being a PG out there, but not being a hindrance to anyone at the same time. While I don't think he should be getting more minutes than Collison under any circumstances, at least tonight he didn't get exposed too badly, and I can appreciate the little things he did. Decent passing, attacking the glass, boxing out, etc.

For as much **** as I've given him, Vince has done an admirable job this year. Outside of Juice and Kaman, he's the most reliable scorer we have. He doesn't get the superstar treatment like he did in his glory days in Jersey and Toronto, and I can tell it frustrates him quite a bit, but he's still embracing his role well. He's playing much better defense this year than last, and he is really aggressive grabbing boards and boxing out. He's just displaying a lot more effort out there. He seems to be in slightly better shape too. It's early, and his numbers may not show it, but I feel like he's just more comfortable out there. He's taking a lot more perimeter shots which I'm actually more comfortable with him taking. When you're shooting identical FG%/3PT%, you want him to take more 3PT shots.

A big part of Vince's success I feel like has to be the rotation. Even though this year Rick is shuffling the rotation around a lot, Vince's roll hasn't changed. He is to come into the game, provide energy and a scoring punch off the bench, similar to how JET was for many years. Last year, we had Vince go through so many more changes. Not only was it his first year, but he went from starting with Kidd, Marion, Dirk, and Haywood, to the bench alongside Jason Terry, and everywhere in between. With Kidd dominating the ball so much, that really isn't a great fit. Neither is coming off the bench with JET, who also dominates the ball. Vince essentially turns into a spot-up shooter, and he deserves more. Coming off the bench for this team, he can have the ball in his hands more, he can try and create for himself, or he can be that spot-up shooter. With Dirk in the line-up so many shots go through him that it's harder for Vince to get shots off, and he needs more shots to get him going.

I mentioned it in the NBA season thread, but I'm glad that Rick Carlisle is getting over his phobia of Elton Brand. Even though Jae is going through an unbelievably rough stretch right now, I like Elton coming off the bench because he's a big that can score, and that's going to be his role on the team for the rest of the year. Between Dirk and Kaman, I don't see why Brand can't still average 25 minutes a night. Dirk shouldn't play more than 31-32 minutes a game, and Kaman never played more than 30 minutes in recent history, so that leaves AT LEAST 34 or 35 minutes for back-up PF/C. The rest of those minutes should go to Wright or James, depending on who is available. Brand is just far too good to be getting sub-20 MPG. Like in Philly, he ends up playing 19 minutes, yet nabs 17/8, and we lose by 2. Inexcusable. Tonight he plays ten more minutes, grabs several more boards, same offensive production, and plays great post defense. Stupid not to play him, and now that Murphy is gone, no excuse Rick.

The other back-up minutes are iffy. Wright has played great all year, but Sarge is bigger, stronger, and less of a liability on defense, even though he's still pretty raw. Sarge plays just well enough to edge out Wright, even though Wright is better in every facet on offense.

Jae was the one player who came to play against LA the other night, but since then he's been trash. 3/20, and 0/11 from deep. As was the case with Murphy, I want OJ or Vince shooting threes, not really anyone else. This isn't the 2011 Mavs where Kidd, Dirk, Barea, JET, Peja, and Cardinal were all super efficient from deep, that isn't this team. Jae found success tonight driving to the basket. Not jumpshots. He doesn't have to be Faried all the time, but he can't be a perimeter shooter. We don't need him for that.

Not having Dirk out there really makes me appreciate Shawn Marion so much more. Marion may not seem like he's having a great year, but he's still extremely active on defense, and he has been getting baskets around the rim, which is what we need from him. Actually hasn't been too bad shooting it either. He's been the glue guy all along here in Dallas, and he's taken it with pride. I would have no issues if he ends his career here in Dallas. I'm not sure how many more years he has in him, but good defenders stay that way a lot of times. I understand he's 34, but he's still in phenomenal shape for a 34 year old.

I have no idea what's in store for Fisher/Collison dynamic, but as long as Fisher isn't playing 30 minutes a game, I have no issues. Dominique just isn't polished enough to be playing with all these veterans, and Dallas and Rick have lost all faith in Roddy. I still believe in Darren Collison. He has just gotten NOTHING from the perimeter recently. He was great the first 8 games or so, and really struggled for most of the games after that, but he's still putting up admirable numbers. He's just not shooting it at the clip he was. Not getting the same rolls. Rick won't let him cool down that much, and I expect to see some good things from him coming up.

We don't play again until Wednesday, that's three days off. Three days off to help get Dirk ready, help get Fisher acquainted with Dallas, and three days to get ready to win on the road. Wednesday will be tough, but it's not a game we can't win. I expect Dirk back on the practice court sometime next week. That leaves his return somewhere between the 15th and the 23rd.

I have several dates circled as potential comeback games. I originally had the 12th marked, but that seems a bit early now. The 20th or the 21st, against Miami or Memphis respectively, or the 23rd or the 27th, against San Antonio or OKC respectively. 12 games in the next 27 days, that's not too bad.
:smokin @ the 2nd half yesterday.

I hope my dude is outta that slump.. Wanna see him show out on national TV Wed.
Even before he choked at the line this loss would've been on OJ
Dude wasn't playing like a #1 option, just floating around all game only taking 10 shots :stoneface: .. Although he did have 7 assists

He doesn't look comfortable yet in his role on offense.
He doesn't look comfortable yet in his role on offense.

He can't excel in the half-court. When they're pushing the pressure on offense is when he thrives. Fast-break, go to the basket, or pull-up jumpers instead of dribbling the ball for 20 seconds and taking a contented shot.
All of that will be cured once Dirk comes back.. When the pace slows down that pick & roll will be deadly
OJ proved why the offense should be going through him this week including tonight against PHX :pimp:

He can score, but he can also make plays for others. Great game Juice
yeah but he still needs to work on his decision making especially when he's getting pressured or trapped hard. i want to see more oj more at the mid-post up and working the pick and roll. i also feel like lately when OJ is out there with DC he doesn't attack as much as he usually do.
I'm mad that _ was legit saying he was a BUM last year, like not even starting material in the league :smh:
I'm mad that _ was legit saying he was a BUM last year, like not even starting material in the league :smh:

Forgive them, for they just do not know the blaspheme that they were putting out there :smh:

O.J. tonight though :pimp: :pimp: defended Harden phenomenally in the fourth too. He's been great since the addition of Fisher. LOVE him with Fish in the backcourt. Fisher doesn't step outside of himself as much when he's on the floor with Juice.Plus, as of late Rick has been using O.J. in more 1/4 flat sets, and using him in screen rolls which is awesome to see, maximizing his game.

If Juice can continue with this 23 5 and 5 type of production, Dallas is going to be dangerous when Dirk comes back. With OJ and Dirk in the fourth, they can win any game down the stretch. Darkhorse team for sure if Dirk comes back strong.

3 of the last 4 :pimp:
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I went camping Thursday, and missed all of the Phoenix game.

OJ Mayo in the clutch these past few games though! :x It'll be interesting once teams start trapping on him late in games, see how he handles that. That's what bothered Dirk for so many years, but he learned how to get out of it, or fight through it.

I like how on that clinching jumper, OJ's pivot foot starts from the inside of the three-point line, and before he puts the ball down, it's like a foot outside. :rofl: :nerd:

A couple things on the past 10 games or so that I've been picking up on.

The Jae Crowder experiment is wearing thin. The potential is there, and I'm not saying he's not putting in the work, but he's approaching the game far too mentally right now. I think after his great start, Rick gave him the green-light to look for his shot, shoot those open threes, but they just HAVE NOT hit. He started the year getting about 9 PPG, but that's dipped down to 6, and his FG%/3PT% has gone to ****. After his career-high 15 against LAL, he's 1/17 in three point attempts. That's 16 wasted possessions right there. :smh: He still hustles a lot on defense, and holds his own, but he needs to rebound the ball better, and get to the paint and draw that contact. What makes Jae even worse is his FT% is sub-.500. Can't have that on the floor.

Rick's also starting to learn that he has three very talented big men even with Dirk out. I was getting sick and tired of Brandan Wright getting DNP-CD's. It's absurd. The guy is the second best big defender, he's extremely efficient, he doesn't take bad shots, and he shoots ~65%, about the same as what he shot last year! Brand also proves to be valuable when you play him more than 24 minutes. He needs to be in that 25-30 minute range in order to get the best out of him. Kaman is the goods offensively, and having someone like Brand clean up for him on both ends is extremely useful. I'm kind of okay with Brand only getting 14 minutes tonight because of how he played and how well Wright was doing out there. Best part, no more Troy.

I'm okay with what Vince brings to the table right now. It's not great efficiency offensively, as he's only slightly better shooting from inside than outside, but he's been playing his *** off out there. He's hustling, he's playing D, and he's scoring, which is the biggest asset of his. No Dirk means that we need someone to score 15-18 PPG alongside OJ, and he's filled that void quite a bit this year. He'll also get some dudes in there every now and again, and that's when I want him to be strictly a spot-up shooter. When Dirk/OJ/Darren are on that court, if Vince is out there with them, I don't want to see no goddamn ISOs.

OJ has been great, and that doesn't really need to be brought up. Everyone that comes through here knows that. What I love most about him and Darren is based on something I was afraid of. I was afraid Darren and OJ wouldn't get along, both young dudes with something to prove. Either they put on a great front, or they enjoy playing with each other. I always see Darren amped to see OJ doing so well, and vice versa once Darren gets his thing going. I feel like as long as OJ keeps this up, Dirk comes back good, and the bigs keep finding SOMEONE consistent on a nightly basis, Darren will get more comfortable. He just has to rid himself of these really simple turnovers that keep plaguing him.

Won a tough one tonight, got another tough couple coming up. Interested to see how we play against DMC, and how our first meeting with Boston will go. :nerd:

Things could be worse. We could still be below .500. We're not. Dirk's chugging away. Fingers crossed.
Crowder started off good & once he earned a spot his shot has went to **** :x
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