2012-2013 Dallas Mavericks Season Thread. VOL: 17-23, last time I updated thread, they were 11-10...

Didn't watch other than the last two minutes, but Vince chucking, and OJ only getting up nine shots... |I

We turned the ball over a crapton, which is something OJ needs to work on. He is terrible in double-teams.
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its going to be a good one tonight!

Just saw this thread. I've been to 2 games so far. Going on Wednesday against the Knicks. I hope to provide a lot in this thread. A huge and long MFFL.

Lets get rowdy, loud, and proud! 8)
The only thing I don't like about today's game is that the Niners game starts at EXACTLY the same time. :smh:
Some pre-game updates...

Cuban suggested DoJo play more, and for Roddy to take a backseat to DoJo right now. I fully appreciate that notion, because Roddy isn't 100%, and even if he is, I quite frankly like Dominique better than Roddy. He's a better playmaker than others, and although he's not a better shooter, he's a better scorer, and he really helps the other guys on the court a lot more than Roddy does.

Also Carlisle said that he's been very impressed with Sarge, one of our better rebounders and our best screener. He just has the size we need, similar to what Haywood did.

Lastly, Dirk was seen working hard, doing some leg presses, on the elliptical, and we should have an update on his status "soon." Also, he's picked up his activity level.

I still hold by my thought that Dirk won't be ready till mid-December, which is still 3-4 weeks away. That's the notion I had since he got that surgery.
Loving what my dawg O.J. has been doing for the Mav's this year. When they jump him on that screen and roll he's coughing it up a little too much for my liking. Clean that up and we're good. He isn't taking many force/bad shots either, which leads me to believe that when dirk comes back, his production should be relatively the same as it is now :pimp:

Has shown that he's a real efficient scorer. He would be even more impressive offensively if Vince Carter would stop being such a chucker sheesh :x All he's done this year is catch and hoist 3's. Would much prefer O.J. to be shooting those with the way he's been shooting behind the land of plenty. Whenever Vince is in the game Rick seems to be enthralled with the idea of going through him which I disagree with, especially with Juice on the floor with him.

Would also love to see more B Wright and less Troy Murphy as well.

Let's see if the mavs can get the warriors tonight.
Some pre-game updates...
Cuban suggested DoJo play more, and for Roddy to take a backseat to DoJo right now. I fully appreciate that notion, because Roddy isn't 100%, and even if he is, I quite frankly like Dominique better than Roddy. He's a better playmaker than others, and although he's not a better shooter, he's a better scorer, and he really helps the other guys on the court a lot more than Roddy does.
Also Carlisle said that he's been very impressed with Sarge, one of our better rebounders and our best screener. He just has the size we need.

Agree with all of this. Not that big of a fan of Roddy, even though this is my first season watching the mavs consistently so take it for what its worth. DoJo for the most part gives really good minutes when he's out there. He's big, strong, physical on defense, and can make and finish plays in the paint better than Roddy.

Sarge is definitely a big, long, agile guy (pause) who always gives good minutes when he's on the floor as well.
Dirk, please come back soon so we don't get out-rebounded by 20 every night and we have someone other than Vince Carter to take shots late in the game. Jesus. :rofl:

Things will get easier the rest of this week though.

New York first, then Lakers. :pimp:

:frown: :lol:
That P&R + behind the back pass to Kaman... I expect to see alot of that with Dirk :smokin :smokin
O.J. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: That guy is playing career ball right now. Best ball since the SC days.

DC played well. VC with a dangerous game. He won't be able to duplicate this nightly.

Nonetheless, great win.
OJ and DC need to play like that every night if we want to make noise in the West.

Great to see. Extraordinary game out of Vince.

Can't wait to watch the replay.
I'm tired of the Troy Murphy experiment. He has had one decent game, and one good game. The issue is, his ceiling is so low as compared to Brand, that's it's stupid to start him.

Brand, 1/3, Muprhy, 0/3, which makes both players negligible on offense. But what really matters is that Murphy had 5 rebounds in 17 minutes, while Brand had 8 in 20 minutes, three offensive, three assists, and two steals. That just won't ever happen with Murphy.

Plus, to end games we're going with DC, OJ, Vince, Marion, and Kaman. If Dirk were healthy and took Vince's place, that'd be great, but having Vince out there in clutch is a terrible idea, I don't care if he had a good game tonight. While Dirk is out, you need someone like Brand out there in the clutch to help battle on the boards, set screens, and do the things that big men do. That said, Vince didn't necessarily play a lot tonight, but he still chucked up 17 shots in 22 minutes. It's fine tonight because he was so hot, but that just influences him to take even more shots next game.

A big test this Saturday will be the Lakers. We can't be playing Marion @ the 4 and Vince at the 3 against the Lakers. We will need to play Brand/Kaman more together.
Lamar Odom and Devean George are the only Mavs I have ever disliked more than Troy Murphy, well maybe Raef LaFrenz too.
Devean George was infuriating because he was starting all the time, and chucking all the time.

Lamar Odom was infuriating because so much was expected out of him, yet got nothing.

Troy is infuriating because he takes up the minutes of guys that can offer up so much more like Wright or Brand. Yet I understand Carlisle's dilemma because our offense has struggled at times, and we really need help spreading the floor. Regardless, Brand can offer so much more... :smh:

DC needs to stop shooting 20% every other game too.
That crap on Saturdya was embarassing. Tomorrow is an NBATV game, I finally get to watch, I hope these turds don't disappoint. :smh:

There's been frsutration from Brand/Wright/Elton about minutes. This should not be an issue. There are 96 minutes to be spread between the 4-5. Let bumass Troy take 10 of those, that still leaves 86 minutes. That's about 28 minutes a game for those guys. There's on reason Brand/Kaman should be below 25 minutes, and Wright under 20, especially against teams like the Lakers.

28 minutes combined between Murphy and James, and James at least provides a big body, better rebounding and some shot blocking, but Murphy playing more than Wright? Go away man...
Even before he choked at the line this loss would've been on OJ

Dude wasn't playing like a #1 option, just floating around all game only taking 10 shots :stoneface: .. Although he did have 7 assists
No way. This game was lost by Rick Carlisle. He starts DoJo who does absolutely nothing. He benches Elton when he was the best player tonight. He doesn't play Wright at all, and Murphy does nothing in his time on the floor.

Yes, OJ didn't have a great game, but Rick didn't put our team in a position to win with this rotation. Vince bailed us out from a poor second half execution.
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