2012-2013 NBA Casual Wear Thread

Clippers look to be the funnest team to chill with in the league...along with the HEat
He can just drive around in a van and pick up a 12 pack of fun college girls. Call it the Blake Bus.
Aren't Blake's best friends Chandler Parsons and Kevin Love? I'm telling you, he's the biggest bro in the league.

You'll never catch him with a Black chick, Haha. What a ginger.
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:lol:... i wore basketball shorts to a strip club once...

That's a whole new level of creep.

*salute* to you sir
i wasnt even on planning it... i wore a hoody and basketball shorts to my boys house to watch the game and drink some beers... then he wanted to go to the strip club.. we have a lot of strip clubs in portland, OR... sometimes we will just stop by for food and video poker...
Wait, so Barnes and his chick are still together (or back together)? Hmmm, well look at that.
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