2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

Dumb*** did you even read that he doesn't have a job anymore? He went through with it and didn't back out when he clearly could have for good reason.
He could have bought the gift while he had the job, right? Weren't people assigned elves towards the end of November?

I signed up for this year's SS, too...but I backed out because I knew I was going to be tight with cash.

A crappy gift is a crappy gift...really $15 itunes giftcard? What did you receive from your Santa?
A lot of Jimmies being rustled in this thread.

People complaining about the gifts they received might be the worst though
A lot of Jimmies being rustled in this thread.
People complaining about the gifts they received might be the worst though
I've been around here for more than a decade. The SS has been going on for awhile now.

This doesn't apply to everyone, but a lot of people sign up in hopes that they'll get something outrageous (like the Lebrons on the last page). It's the gambler's mentality.

Those idiots should just go buy something they want for themselves instead of doing this. You're dealing with a bunch of randoms, most of whom are probably teenagers with no jobs. What do you expect?
A lot of Jimmies being rustled in this thread.

People complaining about the gifts they received might be the worst though

It's disgusting. I've received plenty of crappy gifts from family and friends, but I have never ever complained about. A lot of you guys are scumbags coming in here and laughing at the gift someone received. That's seriously low.
A lot of Jimmies being rustled in this thread.
People complaining about the gifts they received might be the worst though
I've been around here for more than a decade. The SS has been going on for awhile now.

This doesn't apply to everyone, but a lot of people sign up in hopes that they'll get something outrageous (like the Lebrons on the last page). It's the gambler's mentality.

Those idiots should just go buy something they want for themselves instead of doing this. You're dealing with a bunch of randoms, most of whom are probably teenagers with no jobs. What do you expect?
And this.
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So far I'm 2 for 2 on getting my elf what they requested, and then some. I'm really hoping next year I don't get that one guy talking about Gucci/Burberry :lol:

For the people with crappy gifts, gotta appreciate whatever you get. Could've easily gotten a deadbeat that didn't send anything at all.

Still waiting on my elf to post pictures of his gifts; for the archives. :nerd:
He could have bought the gift while he had the job, right? Weren't people assigned elves towards the end of November?
I signed up for this year's SS, too...but I backed out because I knew I was going to be tight with cash.

A crappy gift is a crappy gift...really $15 itunes giftcard? What did you receive from your Santa?
And that's good of you to back out instead of weasel out a gift from someone. Just saying I think it's cool of JR to get a gift when he was cash strapped like you when he didn't have to. I've done plenty of SS before but I've always come to live by two things.

1. Don't expect extravagant things
2. The limit is exactly what it is, a limit. You can spend up to the limit, but you don't have to spend the limit.

And I didn't do the NTSS because I didn't sign up.
Reasons like the last few posts are why I hold no ill will towards my Santa whoever he is (I havent even looked at the master list). IDK him or his situation, and to demand something of him when for all I know he could be going through the hardest time of his life just doesnt seem right to me. In the case of work and family secret santas we know those people so its different, I know my coworker is working so yeah if he flakes thats messed up, and family is family.

I wasnt trying to laugh at anyones misfortune that glove pic was just hilarious.
Everybody loosen up some, damn.

The uber sense of materialism in this thread is exactly what I despise and hate about Christmas and those who expect/demand extravagant gifts. I don't think I'll be participating in this again as the vibe in here is so negative.

When you give.....you give without expecting anything. Anything you receive in return is just icing on the cake or syrup on the pancakes.
Everybody loosen up some, damn.

The uber sense of materialism in this thread is exactly what I despise and hate about Christmas and those who expect/demand extravagant gifts. I don't think I'll be participating in this again as the vibe in here is so negative.

When you give.....you give without expecting anything. Anything you receive in return is just icing on the cake or syrup on the pancakes.

This was my second year participating and, while my personal Santa-elf interactions have been awesome, I'm disappointed with the overall tenor of the whole thing.

As far as deadbeats, there is (almost) no excuse. I'm not going to go all ksteezy about a Christmas deadline (especially because my gift arrived on the 26th as far as I know, still haven't heard from BobTheHoe), but I would expect a gift to be purchased and shipped with whatever else you're buying. A gift that arrives after most people have gone back to work & school better be dang thoughtful or you better have a great reason. Actual deadbeats are a disgrace. The reason we've stuck around so long (7 years off & on for me) is the sense of community. Most of us don't know one another in real life, so it takes a lot of faith to trust one another. Violating that trust by scamming the secret Santa is a danger to the NT community. Do us all a favor and go kick rocks.

Complaining about gifts is also ridiculous. Yes, some people spend more effort than others and some spend more money than others. No, you don't always get exactly what you asked for on your questionnaire. I actually try not to ask for anything specific, but give thoughtful answers to Cinco's questions. I haven't been disappointed yet. And complaining is an embarassment. Do you all do this with your friends, families, or significant others? If so, shame on you. If not, shame on you as well for your lame e-thugginess. Be more excited about the opportunity to give (and not thinking of getting ROI) and whatever gift you receive will be icing on the cake. If we all think like this, we'll all get better stuff and be more satisfied lol.

Also, many thanks to Cinco for running this. I can't imagine the headache of dealing with this many amped-up e-personalities. Much appreciated.
GOT MY GIFTS FROM MOOMOOPANDA! :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin

5 pack of Topman polkadot socks in multicolors which i've already worn! :smokin

two packs of ghirardelli peppermint bark! i've been smashing. gonna get cavities!

a crossword puzzle book which i'll definitely use.

and a jack **** toilet humor book and some magic **** putty stuff to relieve stress and play pranks.

Forgot I had this picture, but for those interested.. What CobraKai saw when he opened the box. :rofl:

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I didn't do this to receive anything. I did it because I like to give, even if I don't have it to give. Some of y'all are outrageous. I'm scum because I took what little money I DID have to give something, which was linear with what he liked (music and movies) and one of the things he wanted, which was money (may not be dollars but he's not coming out of pocket)? Real easy to talk slick when you're behind a screen, huh?

Even AFTER I said once my money gets better I'll hook him up, which I said numerous times in this thread AND in the card I sent him, you guys still mad? It's sickening.

Oh and I got the TDKR Blu ray and some ear buds, by the way. Should I send them back since I didn't spend the limit? Or is it because it wasn't a pair of Lebrons and a Gucci Wallet?
This was my second year participating and, while my personal Santa-elf interactions have been awesome, I'm disappointed with the overall tenor of the whole thing.
As far as deadbeats, there is (almost) no excuse. I'm not going to go all ksteezy about a Christmas deadline (especially because my gift arrived on the 26th as far as I know, still haven't heard from BobTheHoe), but I would expect a gift to be purchased and shipped with whatever else you're buying. A gift that arrives after most people have gone back to work & school better be dang thoughtful or you better have a great reason. Actual deadbeats are a disgrace. The reason we've stuck around so long (7 years off & on for me) is the sense of community. Most of us don't know one another in real life, so it takes a lot of faith to trust one another. Violating that trust by scamming the secret Santa is a danger to the NT community. Do us all a favor and go kick rocks.
Complaining about gifts is also ridiculous. Yes, some people spend more effort than others and some spend more money than others. No, you don't always get exactly what you asked for on your questionnaire. I actually try not to ask for anything specific, but give thoughtful answers to Cinco's questions. I haven't been disappointed yet. And complaining is an embarassment. Do you all do this with your friends, families, or significant others? If so, shame on you. If not, shame on you as well for your lame e-thugginess. Be more excited about the opportunity to give (and not thinking of getting ROI) and whatever gift you receive will be icing on the cake. If we all think like this, we'll all get better stuff and be more satisfied lol.
Also, many thanks to Cinco for running this. I can't imagine the headache of dealing with this many amped-up e-personalities. Much appreciated.

Well said.
Well put Raburns and legit packaging. That is a clever way to get the elf!

Here is a pic of what I received! Thank you to Metta World Peace AKA Artest93

I love the hat! I don't have it but can add to the collection! Smoked 1 of the cigars on NYE! The board hasn't been set up yet but will be. The hackey sack is fun and a throw ball which brought and is bringing some fun at the home. I have destroyed a few plants bc of it. lol. None the less thank you! 8)

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I didn't do this to receive anything. I did it because I like to give, even if I don't have it to give. Some of y'all are outrageous. I'm scum because I took what little money I DID have to give something, which was linear with what he liked (music and movies) and one of the things he wanted, which was money (may not be dollars but he's not coming out of pocket)? Real easy to talk slick when you're behind a screen, huh?
Even AFTER I said once my money gets better I'll hook him up, which I said numerous times in this thread AND in the card I sent him, you guys still mad? It's sickening.
Oh and I got the TDKR Blu ray and some ear buds, by the way. Should I send them back since I didn't spend the limit? Or is it because it wasn't a pair of Lebrons and a Gucci Wallet?

Your Elf didn't complaint, so why you so mad?
I know you're not the one asking me about being mad. Read my message instead of quoting and asking. Self Explanatory.

You are mad because dudes called you out on sending out a 15$ GC LATE.

What did you expect...?

Keep it real, you got that GC from a relative and decided to send it out to your elf.

Either way, if your elf is cool with it, that's all that matters.

Stop being so extreme, nobody signed up for this expecting a Gucci wallet, same way a budget of 25$ was set so that people don't get stuck with bubble gum.
:smh::smh: you just have to ignore people bro
as long as the person who the gift was intended for appreciated it, don't let some drama queens get under your skin

You're right. Especially some instagram bathroom picture taking clown like steezy here. I'm glad my elf was understanding and appreciates it.

BUT there seriously has to be some type of order done about how to prevent actual deadbeats. I suggested to Cinco and maybe my boy ECook would be interested in using a service called Elfster. Only thing is everyone would have to sign up for an account and it'd be easier to sign in with twitter or Facebook but it'd be easier to track people and with their FB accounts linked to the Elfster account, it'd be easier to truly pinpoint the deadbeats instead of tracking down emails and such.

This is my 2nd year doing it and for this year (2013) if it's done again, I'll help as much as I can to coordinate it so one person doesn't have to shoulder the burden themselves.
You're right. Especially some instagram bathroom picture taking clown like steezy here. I'm glad my elf was understanding and appreciates it.
BUT there seriously has to be some type of order done about how to prevent actual deadbeats. I suggested to Cinco and maybe my boy ECook would be interested in using a service called Elfster. Only thing is everyone would have to sign up for an account and it'd be easier to sign in with twitter or Facebook but it'd be easier to track people and with their FB accounts linked to the Elfster account, it'd be easier to truly pinpoint the deadbeats instead of tracking down emails and such.
This is my 2nd year doing it and for this year (2013) if it's done again, I'll help as much as I can to coordinate it so one person doesn't have to shoulder the burden themselves.

Son I never even called you out, breezy did.

All I said is if your elf was happy, why does it matter what anyone else thinks.
Some people are straight foolish. They try and justify their idiotic actions.

Ol can never do wrong type dudes....

Also to the ****** complaining about the shoes he got... You should be banned... thats a legit gift... imagine if you woulda got the itunes card or granola bars...

Its secret santa GIFT EXCHANGE! not secret santa give and thats it...

yea its about giving a gift but damn, being shafted a gift is like being scammed or having your house robbed... You just feel betrayed

If youre expecting to be one of those lucky people to get say a burberry belt then you are too an idiot....
No one is saying to go all out and cop a whole bunch of stuff... But stick to the guideline of $25.

Yall some grown *** men that cant make deadlines? wild... turn in your papers late etc etc...
"shut up beezy, i got a lot going on i didnt have time blah blah blah..."

:stoneface: you know how easy it is to go on line find a legit 49ers beanie and send it to the person? I know all yall got smartphones you can literally do it while youre taking a poop...

"But i wanted my gift to be special beezy..."

my dude you sent a 15 dllar gift card... :stoneface:

"F you beezy i saw it through and at least sent a gift..."

i should slap you bro... you re-gifted a 15 dollar itunes gift card... LATE!
you literally waited to see what the wackest thing you got was and sent it out... You coulda copped this dude a couple of v-necks and some black nike socks with 15 dollars and that would be way better than the card...

Stop tryna justify what you guys did...
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O yea I didn't participate this year, because I am sick and don't know what will happen or when it'll happen...
And I haven't participated in previous years because money was low ( as is around the holidays especially for a college kid) and didn't wanna be a douche and just give someone some gloves from the corner store
i think one of the key lessons to learn from here is: "Be nice because you're a nice person, not because someone is nice to you." not everyone is going to get a gift in return that was as good or as bad as the one they sent. Some of you guys are missing the point of this which is just spreadin that NT love FAMB!
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