2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

lol...wth is wrong with you? You don't think I know what limit means? If someone said $25 limit in SS, im pretty damn sure it means $25 minimum on a gift.
With your idiotic logic, there's so many loopholes in this SS.

No...im pretty sure when someone said $25 limit....for Christ's sake...............

I don't know if the official "wording" they used was $25 limit. I was reading through the thread and lightweight was talking about some $25 limit and he was saying how the santas can spend up to $25. I was just using his use of the word 'limit' and telling him that the $25 'limit' most likely meant a gift had to be at least $25.

Out of nowhere, this shmuck tries to educate me with what the definition of the word limit is....lol he is clearly a moron.
You'd be pretty damn wrong.
lol...wth is wrong with you? You don't think I know what limit means? If someone said $25 limit in SS, im pretty damn sure it means $25 minimum on a gift.
With your idiotic logic, there's so many loopholes in this SS.

No...im pretty sure when someone said $25 limit....for Christ's sake...............

I don't know if the official "wording" they used was $25 limit. I was reading through the thread and lightweight was talking about some $25 limit and he was saying how the santas can spend up to $25. I was just using his use of the word 'limit' and telling him that the $25 'limit' most likely meant a gift had to be at least $25.

Out of nowhere, this shmuck tries to educate me with what the definition of the word limit is....lol he is clearly a moron.
You'd be pretty damn wrong.
lol u keep going at it when you're clearly in the wrong. You actually think NT set up a $25 maximum value on all presents? You're really stupid.

What you're saying makes no sense. Just admit that you're wrong and move on. So stubborn.
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Looks like my elf will receive his last two gifts today, finally after 10 damn days, should've been delivered. Hope he likes the last two as much as the first. :D
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.
Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?
If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...

I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.

Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats

Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?

I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.
Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?
If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...

I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.

Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats

Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?

I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.


... :smh: :smh: :smh: at these people arguing about spending limits and not getting what they wanted off their questionnaires imagine you're like one of us who sent out gifts and still got a DEADBEAT shame on you!!! JUST BE GRATEFUL BOTTOM LINE... to me it's not too big of an issue I'm just glad my elf loved what he got. :D
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Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.
Did that make me a bad santa?
I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.
So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?
If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?
Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?
Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...
I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.
Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats
Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?
I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.
+1....very well said!!!! Almost anything is better than a DEADBEAT!!!!
Only a few more days to listen to my wife about how I sent my gifts and didn't get anything in return while participating in a gift exchange...lol. Oh well, I feel good anyway..
$5 starbucks gift card?
$15 itunes gift card?
I like the gifts that show that they put thought into the process... could care less about monetary value

- a magic kit?
- a gift card for itunes?
- a beanie for a guy who lives on an island?

that kind of stuff is just pure laziness IMO... I would rather have a hand drawn piece of art that costs $0 that has thought than any gift mentioned above

there is no way to eliminate deadbeats or lazy santas unless we make a private crew of people who can commit to SOLID gifts next year
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.
Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?
If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...

I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.

Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats

Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?

I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.
i don't know what the suggested price or 'limit' of the presents were last year...but if you guys decided to have a suggested gift value of $25, then you buy a gift that is at least $25. If you're broke, then dont participate. Have you noticed that all the crappy gifts were something that cost less than $20? Don't tell me that glove, leather bracelet, and magic card book is more than $25. Those gifts are something you find in the $1 bin or it was re-gifted.

Receiving $10 giftcards from your family is different from receiving $10 giftcards from NTSS. I would be happy to receive nothing from family...why? Because they're family.

NTSS set up rules for you to follow if you want to participate and you don't know your elf on a personal level.
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.
Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?
If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...

I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.

Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats

Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?

I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.

at these people arguing about spending limits and not getting what they wanted off their questionnaires imagine you're like one of us who sent out gifts and still got a DEADBEAT shame on you!!! JUST BE GRATEFUL BOTTOM LINE... to me it's not too big of an issue I'm just glad my elf loved what he got.
lol im sure you would be disappointed if you got a simple $15 giftcard or a beanie or a magic card book/size small gloves/bracelet.

Not everyone who participated in NTSS are like you who dont give a crap if they received a gift or not. The most exciting part of SS is filling out the questionairre and not knowing exactly what you're going to receive. If NTSS is about giving presents that cost at least $25 to random NTers and not receive anything in return, then NO ONE is going to participate. This isn't toys for tots or some hurricane sandy charity.
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.

Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?

If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

i don't know what the suggested price or 'limit' of the presents were last year...but if you guys decided to have a suggested gift value of $25, then you buy a gift that is at least $25. If you're broke, then dont participate. Have you noticed that all the crappy gifts were something that cost less than $20? Don't tell me that glove, leather bracelet, and magic card book is more than $25. Those gifts are something you find in the $1 bin or it was re-gifted.

Receiving $10 giftcards from your family is different from receiving $10 giftcards from NTSS. I would be happy to receive nothing from family...why? Because they're family.
NTSS set up rules for you to follow if you want to participate and you don't know your elf on a personal level.

We DIdnt have a rule that said you HAD TO spend $25. It was just suggested by a few people that it should be a gift around the 25$ range...again suggested.

Just like this years. I didn't participate but people clearly have stated that this $25 dollar range for the gift is "suggested"... Suggested meaning recommended, suggested meaning try your best to spend around $25, suggested meaning you don't HAVE to but it would be ideal if you did.

So again like I've said, no those cheaper gifts aren't very cool (maple syrup and magic books), no they aren't generous, and no they aren't creative... I'm not saying they are.

All I'm saying is a suggested price doesn't equate to required price. If you guys wanna make sure people spend at least 25 then next year use the word REQUIRED so its more clear. That's all.
Got my gifts in the mail today, shout out to knightlovesqueen aka RufioRufioRufio.

4 pack of kirkland tees

an ultraman mug

and some Union Air Max 180's


Shipping was alone was probably more than what some people out there spent.

Thanks a lot fam, much appreciated.
:wow: Union 180s? Man I'm not even into shoes anymore and I still want them joints

[sets phone reminder for 11/1/13, join NT secret Santa]
I burst out laughing throughout the day randomly, thinking someone gave a pair of ladies gloves.
Got my gifts in the mail today, shout out to knightlovesqueen aka RufioRufioRufio.

4 pack of kirkland tees

an ultraman mug

and some Union Air Max 180's


Shipping was alone was probably more than what some people out there spent.

Thanks a lot fam, much appreciated.

:x dat shipping
Two years ago I bought my elf 2 DVDs i thought he would like and a 49ers key chain off amazon, I spent around 17 dollars total.

Did that make me a bad santa?

I mean the dude loved the gift, I used the questionnaire. He was happy.

So why does it matter that i didn't spend $25?

If a $15 dollar gift card was the best he could do then why flame him for it?

Isn't it better than nothing? I understand the hate for deadbeats, but how is sending a 15 dollar gift card being a deadbeat?

Bruh I've gotten 10 dollar gift cards from family before...

I even got a 25 dollar gift card to Pier 1 Imports this year. what am I gonna do with it? Everything in that expensive store is like 400 dollars. But am I complaining? No. I was happy. It's a nice gift, may not fit my needs but I'm goin to go buy a nice coffee mug and thank my relative for the kindness.

Point is, we make the best of what were given. As long as santas sent something (other than a bag of chips) they ain't deadbeats

Are they all creative or generous? Maybe not, but if they genuinely couldn't do anymore then why are we kickin them while they are already down?

I hate deadbeats just as much as you do steezy, I really do. But a 15 dollar gift card to iTunes isn't a horrible gift. That's the equivalent of buying someone a nice blu ray like some people did.


... :smh: :smh: :smh: at these people arguing about spending limits and not getting what they wanted off their questionnaires imagine you're like one of us who sent out gifts and still got a DEADBEAT shame on you!!! JUST BE GRATEFUL BOTTOM LINE... to me it's not too big of an issue I'm just glad my elf loved what he got. :D

lol im sure you would be disappointed if you got a simple $15 giftcard or a beanie or a magic card book/size small gloves/bracelet.

Not everyone who participated in NTSS are like you who dont give a crap if they received a gift or not. The most exciting part of SS is filling out the questionairre and not knowing exactly what you're going to receive. If NTSS is about giving presents that cost at least $25 to random NTers and not receive anything in return, then NO ONE is going to participate. This isn't toys for tots or some hurricane sandy charity.

Like I said "IT'S NOT TOO BIG OF AN ISSUE" but I didn't say I wasn't disappointed that my SS hasn't pulled through yet (giving him till the end of the week) :smh: but a simple gift at most should be appreciated no matter what it was... you got to look at it this way don't be so closed minded ...it was the effort that the person took time to go and MAIL something to a complete stranger...I don't know you personally and likewise...I understand where you are coming from and I know what is expected participating in these "FUN SS" but come on SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING!
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