2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

Yea I'll admit it I'm a little salty that I didn't get anything but that's the risk I took when getting into this. All I can ask is that my elf liked his gift and even though it wasn't much I'm glad he liked it. If I ever come across anything else that I know he will enjoy I will send it out.
i think one of the key lessons to learn from here is: "Be nice because you're a nice person, not because someone is nice to you." not everyone is going to get a gift in return that was as good or as bad as the one they sent. Some of you guys are missing the point of this which is just spreadin that NT love FAMB!

Well put. :nthat:
He could have bought the gift while he had the job, right? Weren't people assigned elves towards the end of November?
I signed up for this year's SS, too...but I backed out because I knew I was going to be tight with cash.

A crappy gift is a crappy gift...really $15 itunes giftcard? What did you receive from your Santa?
And that's good of you to back out instead of weasel out a gift from someone. Just saying I think it's cool of JR to get a gift when he was cash strapped like you when he didn't have to. I've done plenty of SS before but I've always come to live by two things.

1. Don't expect extravagant things
2. The limit is exactly what it is, a limit. You can spend up to the limit, but you don't have to spend the limit.

And I didn't do the NTSS because I didn't sign up.
If JR was cash strapped, dont participate. Simple. If his story is true, he would still have had a job when he signed up for SS (towards the end of November, not too far from the December 15 deadline). Even if he just lost his job, he could have easily PMed cinco or whoever started this year's SS and tell him he cant participate due to his loss of job. I'm pretty sure cinco would have understood and assigned his elf to another santa.

A limit is a limit? A $25 limit means buy a gift that costs AT LEAST $25. LOL So you're telling me I can throw a penny in a box and send it to my elf? LOL. If you're broke or strapped for cash, then DONT participate. I am not broke, but I recently went back to school and I need to spend my savings wisely. NTSS is not a priority in my list and I don't want to receive a nice gift and not be able to send my elf a nice gift. Even if I did end up participating in this year's SS, I would have sent AT LEAST a $25 giftcard.
Everybody loosen up some, damn.

The uber sense of materialism in this thread is exactly what I despise and hate about Christmas and those who expect/demand extravagant gifts. I don't think I'll be participating in this again as the vibe in here is so negative.

When you give.....you give without expecting anything. Anything you receive in return is just icing on the cake or syrup on the pancakes.
This NTSS is ABOUT materialism. NT = MATERIALISM. LOL. When you participate in NTSS, of course you're going to expect something from your santa.

"Anything you receive in return is a icing on the cake"?? YOU SERIOUS??? LOL. This isn't gift exchange with your family members. When I give a gift to my mom, I wouldn't expect anything back...same thing with a good friend. This is NTSS where you get assigned a random elf. You don't know this person. The whole excitement is about not knowing what YOUR santa is going to give you. That's why cinco had everyone fill out a questionaire, so your santa can know more about you.
I didn't do this to receive anything. I did it because I like to give, even if I don't have it to give. Some of y'all are outrageous. I'm scum because I took what little money I DID have to give something, which was linear with what he liked (music and movies) and one of the things he wanted, which was money (may not be dollars but he's not coming out of pocket)? Real easy to talk slick when you're behind a screen, huh?

Even AFTER I said once my money gets better I'll hook him up, which I said numerous times in this thread AND in the card I sent him, you guys still mad? It's sickening.

Oh and I got the TDKR Blu ray and some ear buds, by the way. Should I send them back since I didn't spend the limit? Or is it because it wasn't a pair of Lebrons and a Gucci Wallet?
If you had little money to begin with, PM cinco that you wanted out of SS. When did you lose your job? If it was around towards the end of November or early December, you had time to back out of SS. If it was closer to the December 15 deadline, you still had enough to shell out a $25 gift. Where did you work? Mcdonalds? You cant possibly try to justify your gift right now. If I saw you in person, I would say it to your face....talking "behind a screen"....lol this isn't e-beef at all.

I participated in the first year SS and there was a very small limit (I think it was $5-$10). I admit, I sent my gift late and I ended up sending my elf a t-shirt I got from karmaloop. I felt bad for sending the gift late, so I sent an extra $20 best buy gift card and this was when I was even more strapped for cash. But this year, NTSS is not a priority in my life right now, so I decided not to participate.

I've said this a couple times before, but I'm gonna say it again...if you're broke, then don't participate in SS.
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Like I said, I'm not discussing my financial affairs with y'all. The only person I owe any explanation to in this thread is my elf. My elf isn't tripping and I said I'll hook him up when I can.

Breezy, you wouldn't do anything, sit down clown. Where are you? Across the country? Thought so.

Also, in my mind Limit = ceiling, not floor. Lol. I'm done with it man, y'all losing sight of what this was about.
A limit is a limit? A $25 limit means buy a gift that costs AT LEAST $25. LOL So you're telling me I can throw a penny in a box and send it to my elf? LOL. If you're broke or strapped for cash, then DONT participate.
Do you even know what a limit is? Because by your idiotic logic if the speed limit is 65 it means you should be going at least 65 if not faster.

FWIW, I enjoyed NT's SS immensely. From its inception to the questionnaire to doing my homework on my elf and making his holiday that much more special.

I know it ain't about me so I have no reason to feel bitter or let any of this get under my skin. Shouts to Cinco, my elf, and my SS for making this so damn enjoyable. I hope the tradition carries on and there's a 2013 SS.

Can't believe the bickering in here. Christmas been over for a week. Let it go.
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A limit is a limit? A $25 limit means buy a gift that costs AT LEAST $25. LOL So you're telling me I can throw a penny in a box and send it to my elf? LOL. If you're broke or strapped for cash, then DONT participate.
Do you even know what a limit is? Because by your idiotic logic if the speed limit is 65 it means you should be going at least 65 if not faster.


I am thankful for the gifts in general, certainly better than nothing but I am just voicing my personal opinion.

I didn't expect anything lavish in return, but is it wrong to have light expectations of something useful and relevant to my questionnaire?

:lol: at me being a ****** for complaining about the shoes. I get what your saying tho, and anywhere else it'd be cool but this is NT, I thought we only smang dimes and rock heat here?? :nerd:

Granted I might have been a little vague on the questionnaire. From my POV, answering " fine with whatever they get me, nothing specific in my mind." to the last question would have related to the above answers on the questionnaire. But now I know that it is not so clear and will make changes accordingly for next year.

Wish my SS would actually lmk he got what was sent his way tho :nerd:
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A limit is a limit? A $25 limit means buy a gift that costs AT LEAST $25. LOL So you're telling me I can throw a penny in a box and send it to my elf? LOL. If you're broke or strapped for cash, then DONT participate.
Do you even know what a limit is? Because by your idiotic logic if the speed limit is 65 it means you should be going at least 65 if not faster.

I'm pretty sure when NTSS set a limit of $25, they meant the gifts had to be a minimum of $25.

Because by your idiotic logic, we can all buy a bag of chips and throw it in a box and send it to our elves.

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I'm pretty sure when NTSS set a limit of $25, they meant the gifts had to be a minimum of $25.
Because by your idiotic logic, we can all buy a bag of chips and throw it in a box and send it to our elves.


Pretty much :rofl:
Ok Im dumb. How do I figure out who my elf was? The 1..2 method is confusing lol.
I'm pretty sure when NTSS set a limit of $25, they meant the gifts had to be a minimum of $25.
Because by your idiotic logic, we can all buy a bag of chips and throw it in a box and send it to our elves.

Because you don't know what it means, here you go...

limit [lim-it]:
1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.
Because you don't know what it means, here you go...
limit [lim-it]:
1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.

I am more than sure they meant, a minimum purchase of $25 or more. :lol:
Ok Im dumb. How do I figure out who my elf was? The 1..2 method is confusing lol.
The person listed under you is your elf...name above is your SS.

When did this limit/minimum get established? I dont remember anymore setting a concrete limit or minimum. Must've missed that
I'm pretty sure when NTSS set a limit of $25, they meant the gifts had to be a minimum of $25.
Because by your idiotic logic, we can all buy a bag of chips and throw it in a box and send it to our elves.

Because you don't know what it means, here you go...

limit [lim-it]:
1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.

just to expound on the definition of limit since you yourself don't understand it: a limit can be the bottom limit or upper limit. limit doesn't always mean "the most."

Ok Im dumb. How do I figure out who my elf was? The 1..2 method is confusing lol.

The person listed under you is your elf...name above is your SS.

When did this limit/minimum get established? I dont remember anymore setting a concrete limit or minimum. Must've missed that

there was never a set "limit," but rather a "suggested" cost of the gift (shipping included).
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Ok Im dumb. How do I figure out who my elf was? The 1..2 method is confusing lol.

The person listed under you is your elf...name above is your SS.

When did this limit/minimum get established? I dont remember anymore setting a concrete limit or minimum. Must've missed that
there was never a set "limit," but rather a "suggested" cost of the gift (shipping included).
That's what I figured.
I'm pretty sure when NTSS set a limit of $25, they meant the gifts had to be a minimum of $25.
Because by your idiotic logic, we can all buy a bag of chips and throw it in a box and send it to our elves.

Because you don't know what it means, here you go...

limit [lim-it]:
1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.
lol...wth is wrong with you? You don't think I know what limit means? If someone said $25 limit in SS, im pretty damn sure it means $25 minimum on a gift.

With your idiotic logic, there's so many loopholes in this SS.
No, for a gift exchange limit clearly means maximum.
No...im pretty sure when someone said $25 limit....for Christ's sake...............

I don't know if the official "wording" they used was $25 limit. I was reading through the thread and lightweight was talking about some $25 limit and he was saying how the santas can spend up to $25. I was just using his use of the word 'limit' and telling him that the $25 'limit' most likely meant a gift had to be at least $25.

Out of nowhere, this shmuck tries to educate me with what the definition of the word limit is....lol he is clearly a moron.
just to expound on the definition of limit since you yourself don't understand it: a limit can be the bottom limit or upper limit. limit doesn't always mean "the most."
there was never a set "limit," but rather a "suggested" cost of the gift (shipping included).
Nope. Limit pertains to maximum, not minimum.

But, since there was no established value limit this entire argument is moot.
thanks to malcmoney for the gift... a beanie for a guy who lives in Hawaii


just kidding :D
it's awesome... and it gets cold as @#$# up at my house in the mountains
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