2013-2014 NBA Finals - Spurs SMASH Heat 4-1 - San Antonio Spurs NBA Champions [RIP Dwyane Wade]

Who will Lebron James play for next year?

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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i jus think its funny how yall countin they money

tryna say they have enough so they should take less 
im referring to Lebron...

Wade and Bosh are no where close to him in terms of off court money

say what you want
even still wouldnt it be in his best interest to make as much as possible and still win chips?

whats the guarantee if he/they take a paycut that they get their new championship squad?
And if OKC signs any of the 4-6 bigs that are FA this year, everybody else is just playing for second anyway, even with Scott Brooks
with what money? Even amnestying Perkins, which won't happen anyways, doesn't get us far enough under the cap to have more than the MLE. We could fit someone into KMart's TPE though of 6.something mil though but that expires very soon too

You got to make moves and get the money. We have FAs in our own right. We also have players on the roster that someone will want, Thabo included. He may be burnt in OKC but other than the homer in me saying "Thabos 2 steps out of the NBA" someone signs him. We also have a 1st round pick, last thing we need is another Prospect that is under developed and riding the bench. You can keep PERK for all I care, but you make moves to get a real big, if you can't do it under the cap with the right moves well...you do what teams do to get what they need and in most cases want, you go over the cap and bring a Trophy home for KD, or buy him a plane ticket to TX or Washington
I Dislike the Heat but this video is really really stupid... yea there were some badly missed calls that happens for most superstars... I will say however that Lebron CLEARLY fouled KD at the end of gm 1 of that series.
Hell yeah he fouled KD at the end of game 2 which would have put the Heat down 2-0 
I Dislike the Heat but this video is really really stupid... yea there were some badly missed calls that happens for most superstars... I will say however that Lebron CLEARLY fouled KD at the end of gm 1 of that series.
Hell yeah he fouled KD at the end of game 2 which would have put the Heat down 2-0 
Thing is the calls were consistently bad throughout the entire series though. But oh well thats in the past.

Julius F. Wrek

Out of reps, but Mental Rep breh
I think its dope that this exists. I cant wait to rewatch these games at some point.
Watching this video made me realize that there's too much talk about LeBron and not enough talk of how beautiful the Spurs played.
People in real life keep telling me "The series is over, stop talking about it" and I'm like 
, but LeBron FA talk and series talk is in abundance. Cant even be mad though I expected it.
Couldn't agree with you more.

They put on one of the best performances I have ever seen.

Co-sign. Executed their plan perfectly. Had everyone healthy and improved throughout the playoffs. They were dominant and, really, if you're a fan of the game of basketball itself, played it the way it should be played.
Out of reps, but Mental Rep breh

People in real life keep telling me "The series is over, stop talking about it" and I'm like 
, but LeBron FA talk and series talk is in abundance. Cant even be mad though I expected it.
A Decision Pt. 2 thread should be made. The LeBron talk is overwhelming and deserves its own place.
If I'm Wade I'm not opting outta my cash for nothing, he mightily contributed to 3 Chips and his reward is a pay cut...that's ridiculous.

Especially if he's done like dudes are saying, he should FULLY cash out before he retires cuz once that HGH wears off who knows what might happen :lol:

They might as well let the players run the front office if that's the best idea they can come up with is a pay cut :smh:, Duncan did it and that's cool but ain't got **** to do with everybody else's contract.
Nothing really... it's just a bunch of people demanding that guys leave tens of millions on the table. Wade has three rings has cemented his legacy it's not really a forgone conclusion that he opts out of his contract.

And Sidenote does Washington have enough money to Pick up LBJ... The core of Wall & Beal> any other possibilities outside of Houston
Nothing really... it's just a bunch of people demanding that guys leave tens of millions on the table. Wade has three rings has cemented his legacy it's not really a forgone conclusion that he opts out of his contract.

And Sidenote does Washington have enough money to Pick up LBJ... The core of Wall & Beal> any other possibilities outside of Houston

Eh, core of Kyrie, Embiid, Waiters > Wall and Beal IMO. Both would be :x
Kyrie can barely stay healthy, Waiters is a 6th man that occasionally shows up when he feels like it, and who knows what Embiid will turn into (I'm thinking Ibaka rather than Hakeem) .. Wizards situation seems to be a lot more stable compared to the Cavs IF he had to choose between those two teams.
They might as well let the players run the front office if that's the best idea they can come up with is a pay cut :smh:, Duncan did it and that's cool but ain't got **** to do with everybody else's contract.

You can't be serious


What one man decides to do with his money has absolutely nothing to do with these guys contract, what is this follow the leader ?

If they wanna do that fine ok but I hope they don't do it to please some media types and fans out there who don't know what it's like.
It's just down to what you value more, Max money or winning. Hard to have both with the new cap structure and luxury tax system, etc.

If a player values max money, no need to fault them for it. It's easy as a fan to want wins, but put yourself in their shoes, it's hard to say no to an extra ten or twenty mil.

That's me speaking objectively.

As a Bulls fan I hope they all go for the money, for obvious reasons ::evil:
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Haven't James' kids been enrolled in school in Akron for a bit?

Julius F. Wrek

No. They've been in Miami for 2 years now. However I don't know if this necessarily means he's coming back. I do know for sure Savannah has never liked Florida, and I was told(may have mentioned it on here in fact) she wanted to move back before the season had even begun. Haven't heard or talked to anyone since then.
Didn't she just open up a juice bar in South Beach could have sworn I passed by it last time I was down there. She's probably getting nervous with Bron being surrounded by them high quality MIA thots, pretty sure CLE can't compete with that.
Didn't she just open up a juice bar in South Beach could have sworn I passed by it last time I was down there. She's probably getting nervous with Bron being surrounded by them high quality MIA thots, pretty sure CLE can't compete with that.
Yup she did
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