2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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Y'all really hate Brooks. I'm not saying he's a great coach, but c'mon.

The scrutiny is way overblown for a guy that's been to 3 conference finals in 4 years, the finals. And finishing top 2 in the west.

Talent or no Talent....he has his teams ear and respect. That's half the battle.
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Westbrook will be a detriment to the team come finals.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that Westbrook is a second superstar playing along side Durant rather than Westbrook being a hindrance to Durant?

Because KD is too nice and humble to be blamed when the team loses, it can't possibly be his fault...

What about the times that Russy carries them and wills them wins, which happens more often than people are willing to admit... Then what?
Then everybody still claims OKC needs to trade him for DWill, Rondo, CP3, Dame, Shabazz Napier, whatever other "true pg" is in their mind at the moment. And God forbid if he took more FGAs than KD in your "hypothetical."
Every great coach has had HoF level talent. So I have no idea why brooks would be considered "fortunate" or "lucky" to have the roster that he does.

At the end of day, they are a Westbrook injury away from being in the wcf every year since 2011. There's something to be said about that. You may not like what he does but it works. What coach is gonna do better with okc than brooks? With him as the coach, they are wcf and if Westbrook isnt hurt, perennial western conference finalist and nba finalist. You cant do much better than that.
even when james harden was with the thunder, he got less than 30 mins per.. it literally took an injury to eric maynor to force brooks to give harden over 30 mins per (31.4 mins per to be exact) because he was basically the backup SG and PG
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Realistically, do you guys think at this point we could see an OKC Miami Heat Finals match up?

Very realistic. With ibaka in the lineup, the thunder are undefeated against san antonio this year and the margins of the games havent been close. Unlike the bkn mia series, these last two games have showed that the regular season did mean something.

very well put. I'm inclined to agree with you pending the severity of Reggie Jackson's ankle injury. Hopefully Ibaka can remain healthy. I could see SAS pushing the series to 7 but for that to happen someone like Manu or Danny Green would have to have a MONSTER game.
Nt only loves the elites of the elites. Or young players who they overhype, then turn on them when they don't live up to their expectations.

Or scrappy glue guys who they overvalue, or any average center who they want to be better than Dwight. Or anything the analytical guys say.
Manu has been killin' though. Pop needs to play him more, in fact I'd start Parker/Ginobili/Leonard/Diaw/Duncan and roll with that. Stagger their minutes so you always have 2 on the court and fill everyone else in according to matchups and performances. I liked what Corey Joseph did in garbage time coming in and being confident, not really googley eyed of Westbrook or Ibaka. But Weeknd shoots better, still might give Joseph a look first next game if I'm coach.

They're getting outplayed, but more than anything they're getting out-athlete-d and being in San Antonio won't change that. Gotta roll with your guys who can do something offensively or defensively after the system play breaks down. Green can sit on the bench and pet his snakes and monkeys
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even when james harden was with the thunder, he got less than 30 mins per.. it literally took an injury to eric maynor to force brooks to give harden over 30 mins per (31.4 mins per to be exact) because he was basically the backup SG and PG

You act like harden was a 5 year vet or something. He was slowly coming into his own. Like the OKC team. That's how things work sometimes in the NBA. Everybody doesn't get 30mins out the gate.

Even Frobe
Brooks main problem is his rotations. There's no reason the young guys shouldn't get 20 - 25 minutes rather than sticking with Perkins, Sefolosha, Butler etc. We've seen what happens when he puts in just the right personnel against the opposition (Collison against Clips, Lamb/Jackson against Spurs) , Thunder are unstoppable.

And after seeing this year's playoffs after like four years of closely following OKC, i hate to admit it, but the 'system' he has in place, aka no real system, is probably best for this team because you have two top 10, arguably top 5, players who are unstoppable individually. Sometimes you just stumble into dumb luck I guess by doing something so completely backwards that it magically works.
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i know it was garbage time, but joseph (and diaw) played pretty well vs the okc first unit
even when james harden was with the thunder, he got less than 30 mins per.. it literally took an injury to eric maynor to force brooks to give harden over 30 mins per (31.4 mins per to be exact) because he was basically the backup SG and PG
You act like harden was a 5 year vet or something. He was slowly coming into his own. Like the OKC team. That's how things work sometimes in the NBA. Everybody doesn't get 30mins out the gate.

Even Frobe
it was harden's 3rd year in the league.. and he had played a huge roll for the team the year before when we got to the conference finals vs the mavs

it was brooks being brooks
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Wish Steve Nash was on there. If I'm ever making one of those hypothetical fantasy teams, I want Steve Nash on it. Greatest Shooter ever. Every other guy can be deemed a "non-shooter" and you can potentially win by zoning them up. Steve Nash nullifys that.
Wat? I like Steve Nash, he's a great shooter. But greatest shooter ever? Pump ya brakes on that one man. Hyperbole to the max on that one. 
my buddy just said kg would eat off barkley
& was dead srs
.  I don't think he understands how Barkley (listed at 6'6", but is actually 6'4" was sonning 6'10" dudes on the block on the regular).
carlos boozer is a BUM
This isn't exactly news 

Realistically, do you guys think at this point we could see an OKC Miami Heat Finals match up?
Realistically this summer the only people that Miami could "replace" Bosh with are Monroe and Melo if they want him at the 4. It'd be intriguing and I'd actually like to see how Bron/Melo would work, but don't know if Riles is going to shake the apple cart that drastically if he doesn't have to. It depends on how Miami finishes out this run and subsequently how Bosh shows himself to be an integral piece again. Cause Wade ain't giving up a cent.
Wade is the one who took the less amount of all 3 just to get the big 3 together. He knows he's on the downside now why do you think he wouldn't take another cut?
Wade is the one who took the less amount of all 3 just to get the big 3 together. He knows he's on the downside now why do you think he wouldn't take another cut?

Only way he would do it is maybe for long term security, I'll believe it when I see it that these guys will take ANOTHER paycut, especially if they win the title this year. The fact that nobody in their right mind outside of Pat Riley is going to give him 20 mil a year like he's slated to make if he opts in. And he's said as much on that one on one interview with Hannah Storm, they aren't at the same place they were in at 2010 when they first came together.
You're underestimating how much more the greatness of his players are responsible for that success over anything he does as a coach and that they often succeed in spite of bad rotations and adjustments he makes.
I agreed. There is no doubts that brooks get his teams a fair shaire of Ws in the regular season and playoffs. The doubts are whether not his team is under-achieving, falling up short and not playing their fullest potential because of his lack of in-game or bad adjustments, horrible rotations, coaching decisions, at times lack of an offense, putting his team in the best position to win, etc.
You're underestimating how much more the greatness of his players are responsible for that success over anything he does as a coach and that they often succeed in spite of bad rotations and adjustments he makes.

Coaching is already an overly critical profession, if we aren't evaluating them on their success (or lack thereof) then what is the discussion? What you view as "not working" obviously does to a great degree. Regardless of what i'm underestimating, what he does as a coach works. Point blank. You're really splitting hairs when talking about brooks coaching because quite frankly, no other coach since 2011 aside from spo has been as successful as him.

even when james harden was with the thunder, he got less than 30 mins per.. it literally took an injury to eric maynor to force brooks to give harden over 30 mins per (31.4 mins per to be exact) because he was basically the backup SG and PG

Man his bad "rotations" got him to the finals and that was a very competitive series. Every game except game 5 was close. His bad rotations this year is about to get him to an NBA final for the 2nd time in 3 years. Again, what are we talking about relative to coaching if it isn't about how successful they have been?
Russell is averaging 28, 8 & 8 throughout the playoofs in which he has met the Grizzlies, The Clippers, & now Spurs.. He has had to guard Mike Conley, Chris Paul, & Tony Parker.... was plotted on by Doc Rivers & now Greg Popovich & yet he's still averaging 28 8 & 8 while showing up BIG in every crucial game

WB is slander proof at this point, if he goes to the finals and plays Miami at this rate he's solidified a spot in the top 5 for me.
Coaching is already an overly critical profession, if we aren't evaluating them on their success (or lack thereof) then what is the discussion? What you view as "not working" obviously does to a great degree. Regardless of what i'm underestimating, what he does as a coach works. Point blank. You're really splitting hairs when talking about brooks coaching because quite frankly, no other coach since 2011 aside from spo has been as successful as him.
Man his bad "rotations" got him to the finals and that was a very competitive series. Every game except game 5 was close. His bad rotations this year is about to get him to an NBA final for the 2nd time in 3 years. Again, what are we talking about relative to coaching if it isn't about how successful they have been?

The man runs 0 plays for his team, when it gets close at the end of the game it's literally give Durant or Russ the rock 30 feet away and hope they make a miraculous shot (Something they do pretty often) we could say, Pop, Doc, Phil etc etc have great players but these guys draw up plays and make adjustments as soon as they see an advantage brooks does none of this.
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