2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Smh even Miami rappers jumping ship and joining the FSU bandwagon


He used to ride with the U so hard to lol
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs  
I'm not really into it but God forbid (see?) a coach tries to do something that could generally be viewed as a positive direction for a lot of kids rather than letting the inmates run the asylum (see: Meyer, Urban) and actually suspends star players or those who think they're stars.  Yeah, if it was a rival school I'd laugh and talk about how it sounds so cult-like but the reality is that for a lot of kids it's a draw and a good thing.

I'm liberal but daggumit it's like everyone needs something to ***** about.  Freedom from Religion Foundation?  
 Like they're being shackled or don't have the choice to go elsewhere, that they're blindsided by how Dabo is and forced to serve the Lord or else.  There's a lot about religion I disagree with but when it provides a positive direction for people who need it, whether you think it's because they're mindless or whatever, let em cook.  And eat a disgusting tasting fake body of the lord and drink his grape juice blood.

Late response to this, and you're my boy so you know I mean nothing by this, but...

Would u feel the same way if the coach of Clemson was Muslim and forcing his players to do prayers and go to the mosque?

Just curious.
No offense taken but I'm not sure where that came from and yes, I would feel the same way whether it were Christianity or Islam, Judaism or whatever, as long as it was positive.  I don't think they're being forced by any means and I don't think the non-Christians standing with the team is affected at all.  Is it fostered and encouraged?  I have no doubt but there are a ton, I'd say even a large majority of football players who mention the spiritual aspect when choosing Clemson.  Key word is that they chose to go there and I'd be really surprised if any of them weren't aware of the culture before they got there.

In terms of personal views, I'm neither southern, conservative nor religious plus I didn't join a frat so I really went against the grain at Clemson.  Only thing about me that blended in was that I'm white but even still I had a bunch of black friends and we all listened to rap, went to bars and were the center of attention most nights and had a ton of fun.  I spoke out against it when I heard the n-word, either directed at my friends or when people would say it thinking they were safe, I was (and still am if it's not painfully obvious
 ) an opinionated Yankee who only discriminates against stupid and bad intentions. 

Like I said, nobody has to do anything and even if it's something that's not for me, when it comes down to it, the intent is positive and there are a lot who benefit from it.  Those who feel pressured or don't agree don't have to play football at Clemson.

And @dreClark  is there a school you could think of that would, especially in the SEC, ACC, Big XII (read: south)?  It's unfortunate but it would have to be an ultra-liberal school in an area where the big money boosters are not good old boys.
Sorry I suck at responding punctually.

That comes from me believing that a lot of the people on boards and on southern radio stations arguing about religious freedom and how a little religious instruction helps with discipline and morals and how Dabo should be allowed to do his thing... most of them only feel that way when that religion is Christianity.

Let it be Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf coaching their kids and sending them to a mosque. The conversation would trend in a very different direction.
Gotcha @AK Nako, just wasn't sure why that question was posed to me other than me being a Clemson alum/fan especially after I said my beliefs are not at all the same and even made a joke about Christianity.  

I saw a Fox News clip (I don't watch that channel voluntarily) linked elsewhere and one of the reps from the FFRF was questioned and stated unequivocally that Clemson needed to "allow players of all religions to participate in this football program" as if that doesn't happen.  Are the overwhelming majority Christian?  No doubt.  Were the majority of them Christian before they chose to go to Clemson and well aware of the culture?  Yup.  Were some baptized while at Clemson?  True.  Were they forced to?  Nope and most have been outspoken that it has helped them to become better men.  It most certainly is a strong thread within the program and away from the football field it is an enormous part of who Dabo is and his story, he makes his beliefs known but it's slanderous to state that he doesn't allow non-Christians to be a part of the program or otherwise allow them the same opportunities to be successful (playing time) on the team.  There have been no complaints from players (and the FFRF rep admitted such), to this point there are none that have felt they had to practice Christianity in order to be a part of the team and have equal opportunities.  If or when there's actual evidence, then it's a real problem but it really just looks like this group making baseless accusations and assuming what exactly goes on without firsthand knowledge.

I think it shouldn't be necessary but there are people that need something  in their life to help provide direction away from the football field.  Might not be my thing but good for them.
@Corey_Clark: According to the stats, the Virginia Tech offense ran 82 plays today. For 106 total yards. Where's Logan Thomas when you need him?
Minkah, Ridley, SBB and ?

That Fence is looking Shaky babyyyyy

Ridley was never going to play at Miami, him and his brother's grades are supposedly extremely bad.

Its still not a good look Saban & Cristobal just ******* all over us
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Ridley was never going to play at Miami, him and his brother's grades are supposedly extremely bad.

Its still not a good look Saban & Cristobal just ******* all over us

Don't start with those Ridley was never going to play at Miami excuses. People inisisted that he had a shot the whole process. Still has work to do. I would guess that this one goes to signing day either way.
Ridley was never going to play at Miami, him and his brother's grades are supposedly extremely bad.

Its still not a good look Saban & Cristobal just ******* all over us

Don't start with those Ridley was never going to play at Miami excuses. People inisisted that he had a shot the whole process. Still has work to do. I would guess that this one goes to signing day either way.

I read that him and his brother have serious problems at home and his grades are a real issue.

It would be nice if we could Gray eligible, but these guys with grades issues never seem to get in.

But these are the type of Golden should be locking up and if they have grade issues work the highschools to get them eligible.
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Well if he can get into Alabama then he should be able to get into Miami if he wanted to go there. So that angle can go our the window.
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