2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

:lol:, we are talking about t-shirts, one from a fan site not even University authorized. ok
I've come to the conclusion that people are going to just regurgitate what the talking heads say, and run with it. Surprising when some do, not so surprising when others do.
Even with 85, nobody has a leader of the offensive line riding on the pine, nobody has a senior all american, all pac 12 center on the bench. Holmes is a huge cog in many ways. Hobbi was his replacement, highly touted, and he wasn't ready. Even with 85, the line would've been obliterated.
Not going to use that as an excuse, Stanford whooped us bad. We lost the one guy that we couldn't afford to lose against a team like Stanford. A spread type team that doesn't rely on defense, don't think this happens. Stanford, boy o boy, it's all about the trenches.
Next week is going to be very interesting, clearing the DVR. Arizona will finally have a measuring stick game on the road, we'll see if Oklahoma is for real and on the same token, Kansas State. Michigan vs. Notre Dame: I think is a bigger game for Michigan. It's on the big stage and las time they were their they got destroyed by Bama. Redemption time.
Stanford at 9, well deserved and takes the sting away just a bit. Looks like the Pac 12 is going to be a dogfight if indeed Arizona and UCLA are for real. Still don't believe the latter.
One positive is that the D stepped up big last night and held their own despite Stanford having long drives and owning TOP in the second half.
Even with 85, an L was in the books without Holmes. Much, much, much credit to Stanford. Saying we lost due to "depth" is a slap in the face to what they did.

Personally I feel it was a mix of depth, and styles...USC has gotten much smaller in the front 7 compared to when Pete Carroll was running the helm, and Stanford with all those tackles and tight ends basically played smashmouth football in the 4th quarter...on defense, the multiple stunts they used in the defensive front helped also, I was interested to see how Barkley would play under pressure...although accurate he isn't the most mobile qb, and it showed during Saturday's game
Gameday in Tallahassee next week
as a miami fan i hope oklahoma beats the day lights out k-state next week but we all know how ou has a tendency to get upset
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"One young girl in a red Stanford sweatshirt — she couldn’t have been more than 18 — rushed up to Lane Kiffin and just started screaming, “[Bleep] you, Lane Kiffin! [Bleep] you, you [bleepin'] loser!” - Bruce Fledmen CBS Sports
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln  
"One young girl in a red Stanford sweatshirt — she couldn’t have been more than 18 — rushed up to Lane Kiffin and just started screaming, “[Bleep] you, Lane Kiffin! [Bleep] you, you [bleepin'] loser!” - Bruce Fledmen CBS Sports
Where's the humor in this?
Stanford is well known for having a classy fan base, :lol:.

I see why Raider fans are laughing, it's up their alley.
I don't trust it but is anyone else getting a virus warning if you try to open page 55?
"niketalk.com contains content from assets.sbnation.com, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site."
Is AndrewLuck the poster back or did he never leave?

The ending to that Utah-BYU game was wild. Stanford made USC pretty pedestrian, mostly along the lines. That lack of depth kills. Florida & Driskel turned it up a notch. I'm not a ND fan but I was happy they got the win for Te'o.
I was getting that same warning. 
I don't mind Stanford being successful and all. I think they're a good program.

Just don't wanna see that troll, AndrewLuck coming back. :smh:
I made the trip up to palo alto for the game and Standford fans had every right to act like that after the game. There were more SC fans up there then anything and we were giving them the biz first half. They played it cool and man...did they have the last laugh. I had some level headed SC fans in front of me during the game and we all said at half time that this game was going to get worse before it got better...and boy we were right. :smh:

Depth kills....and its going to get worse before it gets better...
Female entitlement. :smh: knowing there is no action CLK could take to properly teach her a lesson about running up and doing that crap

No way does another Male run up to 6'4 200+ Lane Kiffin after a loss and say that BS in his face.

bc as a man, you realize a punch in the nose is a very likely response.
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Damn someones "Sodium Levels" are high right now :lol:

:lol: Far from it, just calling it like I see it... If you don't get it I understand, Raider fans and logic don't belong in the same sentence.

See, it's stuff like that that I don't get. I've seen southern cal fans act stupid and do stupid crap at tailgates and you're going to act like your fanbases' **** doesn't stink? Come on, now. And southern cal people will say "they're not true fans, their thug Raider fans", but it doesn't change the fact that so MANY of them show up for the games and behave this way. Get off that high chair.
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