2013 NFL Draft thread - ( Early Entrees, Mocks, Combine etc )

Gresham, Orson Charles, Coffman. damn thats TE every year. two 1st rounders and a 3rd a I think. Coffman still in the league?
Maybe with the Bucs? He was trash. Think Orson is going to be more of an HBack this year. 

And Utecht was a FA signing, not a trade. Concussions ended it for him. 

Unsure how we go into the season. Gresham, Eifert, Orson Charles and we just signed Alex Smith. 
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Forgive my ignorance, Is Geno Smith really that high risk of a prospect, wasn't he pretty accurate pass first guy in college? Did he play a gimmick offence? What gives?

very accurate. played in same offense as Brandon Weeden. *shrugs*

Am I wrong for thinking the assassination of his character has a Cam Newton racist vibe to it?

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Forgive my ignorance, Is Geno Smith really that high risk of a prospect, wasn't he pretty accurate pass first guy in college? Did he play a gimmick offence? What gives?

very accurate. played in same offense as Brandon Weeden. *shrugs*

Am I wrong for thinking the assassination of his character has a Cam Newton racist vibe to it?


Nah you're right...at least when it came to that one guy (Noracki sp?) from pro football weekly. Did a scathing report on Cam and did similar with Geno even though nobody else associated with them spoke to him and he never met either one of em :lol:

I wonder if the Eagles take Geno if he falls to them just to let him learn Chip's offense for a year once we let Vick go....I wouldn't be mad but I dunno how highly Chip thinks of Foles

We're in a dilemma though b/c I LOVE Teddy Bridgewater for next year and think he's going to be great....but I want us to turn the ship around this season :lol:
Forgive my ignorance, Is Geno Smith really that high risk of a prospect, wasn't he pretty accurate pass first guy in college? Did he play a gimmick offence? What gives?

Am I wrong for thinking the assassination of his character has a Cam Newton racist vibe to it?

I'll look around for the article, but there was some dude on either CBS or Yahoo who was straight assassinating his character on some disingenuous smile ****. It's disgusting. How you go from a potential top-5 pick to the 2nd round, is beyond me
Anyone else annoyed we gotta wait till 330 for the next round?

I miss the days of waking up at 9am and enjoying a nice long draft day :rolleyes
Found a summary of it in another article:

Bell: Geno Smith the latest to pay the black tax

Not a student of the game. Not committed or focused. Marginal work ethic.

When a Pro Football Weekly scouting report on West Virginia quarterback Geno Smith surfaced recently, containing damning proclamations by analyst Nolan Nawrocki about the habits of the top-rated passer in the NFL draft, it made me shake my head.

Rest of Article in Link
Played in the same offense as Weeden AND didn't have the luxury of throwing to a guy like Blackmon or a RB like Randle or Hunter

Can't explain his "fall"
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naw lol..nt not everything is always about race.  bottom line, geno isn't a luck or a griffinthree, he's more of a flacco or an alex smith.  not necessarily in terms of talent but in terms of projection.  nobody thought a 1-AA was worth a first rounder except the ravens and that gamble paid off.  geno isn't a gimme good qb and just wasn't as highly coveted.  it's def not a qb draft class and i'm super shocked ej manuel went before geno but i don't think it has anything to do with race.
I listened to Cowherd yesterday and he said what a lotta ppl think "well, If I say Barkley has bad footwork, does that mean Im making a racially insensitive critique"

the difference is, You can go on film and See footwork and physical attributes, those things are irrefuttable due to cameras. but to question "intangibles" like Leadership, film study, intelligence or disingenuous smile is something that you can say without any proof or knowledge


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Forgive my ignorance, Is Geno Smith really that high risk of a prospect, wasn't he pretty accurate pass first guy in college? Did he play a gimmick offence? What gives?

Am I wrong for thinking the assassination of his character has a Cam Newton racist vibe to it?
He is defintely the best QB in this draft and there were a few times you heard people question his "character" and "work ethic" :smh: ...but also seems like alotta teams that needed qbs are just content to wait till the 2nd or 3rd rounds to grab a qb..except the Bills
When it comes to qbs in the league it is about race....black qbs get bounced out the league way quicker than white ones...plenty of bum *** white qbs end up having 10 year careers as back ups

You never hear about "character" when it comes to these qbs either...only one I can think about is Leinart sorry *** and if he was black he'd be out the league like Vince...hell Vince has had a better career than him but can't even get another shot
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When it comes to qbs in the league it is about race....black qbs get bounced out the league way quicker than white ones...plenty of bum *** white qbs end up having 10 year careers as back ups

You never hear about "character" when it comes to these qbs either...only one I can think about is Leinart sorry *** and if he was black he'd be out the league like Vince...hell Vince has had a better career than him but can't even get another shot

You never hear about "character" when it comes to these qbs either...only one I can think about is Leinart sorry *** and if he was black he'd be out the league like Vince...hell Vince has had a better career than him but can't even get another shot

Mallett ? Bray?
If you get a chance, watch the Gruden's camp with Tyler Bray. :lol:

He answered a question about quarters coverage and how many guys are underneath :lol: He totally answered it incorrectly and it was just glossed over. Like it was a simple question. Gruden corrected him like it was nothing and didnt chide him nor did he even double take. lol Its comical

I havent seen a single thing written about it ANYWHERE.

Let that had been Geno or Cam ...

whether its unintentional or not, there are definite biases out there by media and scouts. It is what it is.
You never hear about "character" when it comes to these qbs either...only one I can think about is Leinart sorry *** and if he was black he'd be out the league like Vince...hell Vince has had a better career than him but can't even get another shot

Mallett ? Bray?

yes, but again those are tangible questions where there is an actual physical record of them ******g up.

a Guy like Geno smith hasnt been anywhere near any trouble. He's been a model citizen. His QB coach (who coached Weeden) said he was more prepared than Weeden.

So where do these "off the field", "preparedness" concerns come from

just food for thought, not trying to get in a debate about these issues bc it is what it is, and there will never be a change in perceptions and attitudes
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Nah man, Im talking about what was said on the actual show. the same backlash that had Ppl losing their minds when Cam said he didnt call typical plays the way gruden wanted to have one called.

there was None of that when Bray was asked a SPecific question and totally answered it wrong.
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Nah man, Im talking about what was said on the actual show. the same backlash that had Ppl losing their minds when Cam said he didnt call typical plays the way gruden wanted to have one called.

there was None of that when Bray was asked a SPecific question and totally answered it wrong.

ah gotcha, my bad.
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