2013 NY JETS OFF-SEASON THREAD 8-8 ..12 Picks ...

I was gonna post that pic, should have known it was already here...
. Can't even defend him any more. Come on man!
Ed Reed is one of the GOATs!. Just saved us from a TD. Refs threw that late flag, but was picked up quick once they realized it was him who made the hit.
Watching this offense is really pissing me off. On the whole, the defense isn't the problem. This offseason the focus should NOT be on defense. Don't ignore it, but clearly we need to concentrate on getting our QB, whomever it may be, some help. This offense is a total joke.
Anyone think Rex is coaching for his job next week against the Phins?
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Rex is not coaching for his job. This team was projected to be last in the NFL. I was really never sold on Geno in the 1st place but damn, we need help on this offense. Can't even really blame the defensive coverage when the offense keeps getting 3 and outs.
Our offense looks inept every week. It needs serious work.
No it doesn't. It looked magnificent against ATL and decent against acouple of other teams.
Did you ever get the feeling that they could get it done? No. This struggle offense needs help. Starting with changing the ground and pound philosophy. Nobody plays that way anymore. Get a RB that can catch. The offense looks archaic at times. Having trouble getting first downs IS a problem. You can't point out the Falcons because they are horrible this year, so that's not really saying much. 
IDK we keep hoping the offense get better under Rex but in these type of games (Steelers and Ravens) the game plan is just baffling to me. I didn't expect to come into Balt. and the offense automatically get better but this coward ball the Jets play is frustrating.
We can't go deep, we don't beak off decent runs, we can't get first downs. This is crazy.
Did you ever get the feeling that they could get it done? No. This struggle offense needs help. Starting with changing the ground and pound philosophy. Nobody plays that way anymore. Get a RB that can catch. The offense looks archaic at times. Having trouble getting first downs IS a problem.
I understand what you're saying. But I'm talking about working with what we have.  We need more weapons, that's not a NEW idea. Anyone that's a casual Jets fan at best knows that. I think ground and pound is the key to our success. We got to 2 AFC championship games that way. I just think we need to get Kerley back into the fold and get Santonio to do something and we'll be okay. Our offensive line has stunk the past 2 games. We need to get that back under control. And yes, I'll will point out ATL because they're on the schedule. They weren't playing all that bad until after we beat them and that was due to their 2 big WR being injured.
I don't think abandoning the ground and pound is the answer, but some teams have good run defenses and you will need your QB to make plays. We don't even utilize the short passing game efficiently. Teams start pressuring Geno. When they do we need some fast players to dump it of to.
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