2014-15 Lakers Season Thread (21-61) KAT

This summer, if the chance comes, Love, Rondo, Neither, or Both?

  • Love

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  • Rondo

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  • Neither

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  • Both

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Great now P's drinking some of that CP juice on his "I told you so tip." :lol:

mike brown, MDA, and Byron Scott all look incompetent as HEAD COACHES.

Nothing we have seen has changed any of that. They all do something well but neither of them can be the complete package as a head coach.

MDA didn't have enough talent to work with, I can admit that but clearly... Neither does

At the end of the day we won't be competing for a few years minimum, I think even anyone who was delusional in the past can see that now.

Honestly the best coach would be Mike D'Antoni & Mike Brown.. Half & Half....

The reason MDA is better than Brown & Scott is his ability to get the most out of guys.... But bright side, they are all better than Brian Shaw.
I want all you dudes that were convinced Brian Shaw was going to be a great head coach and the Lakers made a mistake passing on him to show your face.

I'm one. I thought Shaw had a shot. Clearly, it ain't workin in Denver.
I can admit I thought Shaw would be a good coach too.

But you never know until you try right? It applies to every aspect of life.

You'd never know what things you're good at or bad at until you get a shot to do them.
George Karl talk ain't gonna fly. I don't care about just winning regular season games and checking out in round 1 every year. No thanks.

George Karl talk ain't gonna fly. I don't care about just winning regular season games and checking out in round 1 every year. No thanks.


Hire Javaris Crittenton!

I dont get why we dont just hire Magic for his 2nd stint.
His coaching will be basic and straight to the point.

"Kobe, we need you to put the basketball into the hoop tonight. If our team puts the basketball into the cylinder more often than our opponent, we will most likely win the game."

"Jeremy, if you pass the ball and your teammate scores you will get an assist, and you might have a statue in front of staples one day too if you get enough of them."

"Jordan, we need you to not take 21 foot jump shots because you are a power forward and center. Pass the ball to Kobe, he can score, hes a shooting guard who can knock down shots."

His simplicity will result in wins. :smokin
Lakers lose, Magic and Pacers win. :pimp:

And Pacers have been added to the Tank Rank.

Move the Magic out. They will get to 30 wins.

I'm going 23 wins max for the Lakers. Had Randle not been injured (WHY US GOD?) we'd probably end up with a dozen more wins (most of them collected at between February - April) simply because he would be at least some kind of option.
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The sad part is i forgot we even have Julius Randle as a Laker...

ive gotten too used to the garbage roster being displayed on game nights :smh:

But its good news for next season. 8)
You know what would be the ultimate win scenario for us.

We tank, and get a top 5 pick.

Around deadline we look to trade Jordan Hill (so help me god we better). We look at teams battling to make the playoffs. Group Hill & the Rockets first for some overpaid expiring that they never play and their first. That team comes close, but misses the playoffs. We get some home cooking in the lottery, and end up with 2 Top 5 picks.

But our luck we'll lose our pick to Phoenix and somehow trade away the Rockets pick.
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No one is trading us a non protected pick.

Any pick we get extra, be it Houston's or someone elses, just hope for the best. 29, 27, 21, 18, whatever, we can't afford to be picky.

I need Byron to give Clarkson 20 minutes a night, all year. Stop wasting my time with Ronnie Price and Boozer types. Play the kids. Grow the future. Ed Davis, 30+ minutes a night, it's time.
You know what would be the ultimate win scenario for us.

We tank, and get a top 5 pick.

Around deadline we look to trade Jordan Hill (so help me god we better). We look at teams battling to make the playoffs. Group Hill & the Rockets first for some overpaid expiring that they never play and their first. That team comes close, but misses the playoffs. We get some home cooking in the lottery, and end up with 2 Top 5 picks.

But our luck we'll lose our pick to Phoenix and somehow trade away the Rockets pick.
That wouldn't even work in 2k. Who in they right mind would trade down for Jordan Hill of all people?
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No one is trading us a non protected pick.

Any pick we get extra, be it Houston's or someone elses, just hope for the best. 29, 27, 21, 18, whatever, we can't afford to be picky.

I need Byron to give Clarkson 20 minutes a night, all year. Stop wasting my time with Ronnie Price and Boozer types. Play the kids. Grow the future. Ed Davis, 30+ minutes a night, it's time.
He still thinks we have a shot at making the playoffs I guess
The faster everyone realizes that whatever coach we have wont make any difference until we get actual players that can play will mak thigs easier.
We can dig Red A. out of the grave then do some crazy science experiement and combine him with PJax and we would STILL be a 30 win team.

The coach makes no difference at this point in time. So we all can save ourselves the headache of discussing it.

Coach Kobe??? :lol:
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any time with pop or phil would be better though

but even those coaching gods wouldnt make this group of bums a playoff team or good defenders 
The faster everyone realizes that whatever coach we have wont make any difference until we get actual players that can play will mak thigs easier.
We can dig Red A. out of the grave then do some crazy science experiement and combine him with PJax and we would STILL be a 30 win team.

The coach makes no difference at this point in time. So we all can save ourselves the headache of discussing it.

Coach Kobe??? :lol:

I hope they cut Price for Quincy. Win all around. Tryout another player with actual upside, give Clarkson minutes, and get rid of the guy who throws shoes at other players.
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I think they can use the DPE and not have to cut anybody. But I'd have to agree on one of the non guaranteed guys IF they indeed have to, and yes....let clarkson cook. PLS. Roster would stand at 15 with Miller just taking Randles spot. Or no...?
You know what would be the ultimate win scenario for us.

We tank, and get a top 5 pick.

Around deadline we look to trade Jordan Hill (so help me god we better). We look at teams battling to make the playoffs. Group Hill

That wouldn't even work in 2k. Who in they right mind would trade down for Jordan Hill of all people?

At the deadline? Trying to get into the playoffs. An expiring for essentially an expiring. Or if the team would be over cap anyway next year can keep Hill. And it's a 1st for a 1st. Teams have moved down for far less.

Wouldn't be a bad trade by any means.

Out of all the things I know, this is the one thing I wouldn't argue with me about.

Either way, unlikely a team gives a 1st without top 5 protection.
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I think they can use the DPE and not have to cut anybody. But I'd have to agree on one of the non guaranteed guys IF they indeed have to, and yes....let clarkson cook. PLS. Roster would stand at 15 with Miller just taking Randles spot. Or no...?

They have a full 15 man roster so they'd have to cut someone. Randle (and Nash) still count
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