2014-15 Lakers Season Thread (21-61) KAT

This summer, if the chance comes, Love, Rondo, Neither, or Both?

  • Love

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  • Rondo

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  • Neither

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  • Both

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you do not want to hire Calipari. Hire an established NBA guy that you can trust for 5 years. Thibs would be awesome for you guys.
According to some on here Thibs sucks, I wouldn't be opposed to Cal though. It's an entirely new group of hopefully young players that will take over, he can grow as a coach as well as the young bucks. Plus Thibs may kill them all next season, Kobe won't last a week. 
^ Since we knew from the beginning that he was duct tape to get is from our last coach to our next coach. :lol: [quote name="Mamba MVP"]According to some on here Thibs sucks[/quote]Who?

Reveal yourselves.
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gonna need y'all to pick up one last W tonight
[quote name="Essential1"]I think Thibs is a good coach but he runs guys into the ground like no other.

It's despicable at times.[/quote]Rose is fragile.

Who else?
no reason talking about the next coach Byron is gonna be here for at least 2 more seasons.
But we need to grab one of the spurs assistant coaches. Don't matter who just grab one of Pops protégés.

Randle, Clarkson, Black, Kobe, Boss. That's it. That's all.
But I think the reason why Thibs teams are so good defensively is because he doesn't let up in practice or games. He's def a grinder. Too bad he can't ease up a bit and realize all of his players get injured.
no reason talking about the next coach Byron is gonna be here for at least 2 more seasons.
But we need to grab one of the spurs assistant coaches. Don't matter who just grab one of Pops protégés.

Randle, Clarkson, Black, Kobe, Boss. That's it. That's all.
agreed.... byron is our guy moving forward..... 
our roster is the problem its been the problem as u well know ... with mike brown then with dantoni.

.. i dont like him as a coach but hes going to be here for a minute.. when he has a decent roster and fails then worry about his replacement.....
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[quote name="CP1708"]If Byron is the coach goin forward, why even rebuild?

He couldn't coach a fat person to eat.[/quote]YOOOOOOO! :rofl:

Most definitely stealing that.
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Thibs is good money has a great track record, would definitely have the respect of the players and maybe just MAYBE he'll learn something from his dismissal in Chi. Let the young guys play and the starters rest on occasion.

No one better available imo
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SeaMan is the one who said, repeatedly, both here and in the NBA thread, that quote:

"Thibs is trash."

I know he runs his players into the ground, and that's not good...at all.
But overall as a basketball coach, to say he's "trash?"

SeaMan is the one who said, repeatedly, both here and in the NBA thread, that quote:

"Thibs is trash."

I know he runs his players into the ground, and that's not good...at all.
But overall as a basketball coach, to say he's "trash?"

Same contingent that thinks MDA is a gawd, but I'm schleep.

No time for bickering we need to focus all our energy into good juju for the draft lottery like we're helping Goku power up the spirit bomb. 
No to thibs.

I'd love Kevin Ollie, ettore Messina, or take a chance with the Lakers video coordinator tom biazlewski (sp?)
Thibs is a competent head coach, but he's overrated as hell. And he clearly deads his players come playoff time.

That said, if he's available, you fire the **** out of Byron. Upgrade is an upgrade. Period. He may not be "thee" guy to get us a title, but if he can teach our young guys effort, defense, rotations, hustle, etc, instill that part into them, gives us time to attract key vets, and maybe a coach that wants to pull a Phil and join a title ready roster.

Byron Scott is ******* worthless. All he's done is bad mouth his players during a season we KNEW we wouldn't be good. So ******* stupid. :smh:
Ummmmmm, no, to Sloan. No. Like, Tracy Morgan gif, helllllllll no, no. Like, Mike Brown byke before Jerry Sloan. Jerry Rice, before Jerry Sloan.

To recap, no, to Jerry Sloan.

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