2014-15 Official Lakers Season Thread, Vol: We Love Each Other

How Many Wins This Season?

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Anyone hear Joel Myers call the Rockets/Blazers game today?

The real question, who was in charge of the decision to hire our current trash over him
probably usc business school 
Again, I concur.

Stu is just fine, I can't ******* stand the guy we have now. 

John Ireland should be the Tv guy. 
The Lakers should have kept Joel Meyers or been more flexible with Spero Dedes. Instead, we get stuck with Bill MacDonald. :x
[quote name="CASH MONEY 1999"]best 90's alternative rock album?[/quote]My personal favorite is Dookie, by Green Day. :smokin

when this discussion comes up, people always hate on Nirvana's Nevermind, but the main critique is that the album is played out... which isn't the album's fault at all. If it was put out and then played and played and played*, that's got nothing to do w/ Nevermind.

*and played, and played, and played...
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I don't have any interest in him myself, but for those that worry about Kevin Love not being worth the effort, LMA gave you a glimpse at a decent fall back option.
Fall back option?

If rather have LMA. :\

Ain't no prisoner of the moment stuff going on here, either. I've just never mentioned Aldridge because I don't know about contracts and how that affects payroll and stuff. People discussed Love, so I've joined in. But I'm a big LMA fan. Dude's hustle under the rim is beastmode sometimes, and that's exactly what I want out of my big.

Either way, though, if we could grab either one of them, happy Ska would be happy.
dude lamarcus aldridge is so good. unbelievable how sick he legit he's gotten over these last couple seasons. dude was balls out last night
LMA will be 32-33 by the time the Lakers start competing for anything worthwhile.
Fall back option?

If rather have LMA. :\

Ain't no prisoner of the moment stuff going on here, either. I've just never mentioned Aldridge because I don't know about contracts and how that affects payroll and stuff. People discussed Love, so I've joined in. But I'm a big LMA fan. Dude's hustle under the rim is beastmode sometimes, and that's exactly what I want out of my big.

Either way, though, if we could grab either one of them, happy Ska would be happy.

When we have the chance to sign them, LMA will be turning 30. He just shot 45% on the year, is not the rebounder that Love is, nor is he as skilled a passer. And of course, does not have the range that Love provides. His PER was under 22, Love's was 27 until the final game, where dipped just under 27. (A game in which he missed a triple double by 1 assist.....how the hell did it drop? :lol: )

Kevin Love will be turning 27 at the same time.

Also, LMA ran the Blazers the last two years, and did the same nothingness that people like to place on Love? What changed? The emergence of Lilliard. It has freed up LMA and let him not have entire teams focus on him.

Kevin Love has Ricky Rubio, who can't shoot from 7 feet.

Love is younger, and the better player. If his contract is more extreme than LMA's, then like I said, he wouldn't be a bad fallback option. Either way, we'd all be happy to land one of them. And pair them with this top draft pick and go from there.
"Love is the better player" is a matter of opinion.

Love is absolutely the better passer. No question.

Better rebounder? Depends on how you look at it. On paper? I'm not even going to look, but I'm positive Love averages more rebounds, probably by like 5 a game. Doesn't mean he's the better rebounder. Not even going to get into what I mean on this one.

Look up hustle stats, though, and I guarantee you LMA crushes Love. Points in the paint, offensive boards, 50/50 balls, deflections, blocks... ok, I was trying to list things that aren't common, easily discovered stats that just appear right there on basketballreference, and 'offensive boards' and 'blocks' are definitely common stats. But my point is, not EVERYTHING is told by the easily accessible stats like PPG and 3PG and assists.

Yes, 'intangibles' is a thing, and looking at just the obvious numbers when looking at a player who does a lot of intangibles, it's unfair.

Where, on paper, will you discover that LMA was 3-15 from behind the line on the SEASON... but was 2-2 last night? TELL me that's not at least MILDLY impressive. Does that mean he's a 3-pt threat? By NO means. Plays should be drawn up for him to launch, since he's all Reggie Miller now? Ummmm, no. But both of his 3s were CRUCIAL, and one of them, he absolutely had NO choice (Dwight deflected it, ball went backwards, he was surrounded by Rockets on either side to catch any pass he made, and the shot clock was winding down; NOTHING BUT NET). On paper? Just shows up as 1 shot, 1 make, no biggie. But that little play was so much more than that, but that's all it counts for.

*waits for "OK, so we should get LMA because he can hit a 3 with consistency 1 out of every 83 games. Got it," completely dismissing the GIST of what I'm getting at*

*waits for a response that begins w/ "No, I get what you're saying," yet still dismisses the gist of what I'm saying*
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^ He squared up. Wasn't Falling back. Form was textbook.

If a guy squares up, LOOKS at the basket, lets it fly... and drains it, how in the WORLD is that luck?

The only argument that can be made is that he doesn't ALWAYS do that. So if Ray Allen squares up and drains it, it's not luck because he does it all the time, but if Aldridge squares up and drains it, it's luck. Because he doesn't do it all the time.

I'd call it luck it if were an off-balance, fading away, BARELY even glanced at the basket, Dwight's hand practically touching LMA's nose, shot clock down to 1 and he just chucks it up to the sky: SWISH.

But this was the complete opposite of that.
Like I said, people will be happy with either guy, but its typically a good idea to take the younger guy, who gets more points, rebounds, and assists, with more range and a higher shooting % , along with the higher PER.

If you want the older guy, with fewer points, rebounds, assists, and worse shooting percentage and range, that's fine.

They're both better than anyone we have now.

No one being dismissed or laughed at. Chill.
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he's like a what? 20% career 3 point shooter? if you're playing against a guy who is not known to make threes (let alone attempts to shoot 3s) and he just happens to make it in your grill, tell me that is not luck? my face would be extra salty after that

just imo of course

I feel you Ska.
But you already know your opinions will be dismissed and laughed at.
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i can see how people would say the 3s last night were luck. i know if he did that to our team rather than the lakers i would be saying something like "this dude makes three 3s in 82 games but chooses to make two vs us in the first game of the playoffs? how lucky can you get" sure his form is "panties" but this guy has 24 total 3s made in 8 seasons and is a career 20% 3pt shooter. making 2 threes in one game is a outlier, while two 3pt makes a game for love would be below average

unrelated, but speaking of off balance 3s involving lamarcus

Younger means something to me.

Averaging more points doesn't. Dwight averages more points than Noah, and I would take Noah EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

But you're right, both are better than anyone we've got right now.

Man... what if... our frontcourt... was Love/LMA?!

i can see how people would say the 3s last night were luck. i know if he did that to our team rather than the lakers i would be saying something like "this dude makes three 3s in 82 games but chooses to make two vs us in the first game of the playoffs? how lucky can you get" sure his form is "panties" but this guy has 24 total 3s made in 8 seasons and is a career 20% 3pt shooter. making 2 threes in one game is a outlier, while two 3pt makes a game for love would be below average
Nah, I disagree w/ none of that. LMA going 2-2 is absolutely an exception to his norm... but neither one of his 2 were luck.
No way.

Not that ONE, SINGLE, ISOLATED shot.

But... with his momentum going backwards, as evidenced even by that picture... did he make it? 

LMA was straight up and down; Bynum's not.

Still, though, if Bynum would have drilled that, I would call it a SURPRISE, I'd call it SHOCKING, but not LUCK.
kevin love at 25 moves like hes 33 and is injury prone

LMA looks to be physically a better investment.
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