2014-15 Official Lakers Season Thread, Vol: We Love Each Other

How Many Wins This Season?

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I understand that nobody wants us to lock into a bad contract on a guy like Lance/Lowry/Melo so we can keep flexibility in the upcoming years but I think we are overlooking one thing. We need to get some damn pieces in here or no one is going to want to come to LA in the future either, regardless if we have cap space. What is going to be attractive to Love/Durant/Bron in the next few years about LA when there is literally no one but an old Kobe who's about to retire. I think we would be better off signing Lance or Melo and trying to compete the best we can the next couple years and then go after one of the big guys after Kobe retires. At that point, at least Durant can look at LA and say "they have Melo/Randle and 25 mil in cap space" instead of just an empty cupboard. It's not like we have our first round picks either so sucking isn't going to get us no where. Not a chance we will be bottom 5 next year, this was our worst team ever this past year and we still only got the 7th spot. IDK, we are in a tough position, thanks to Kobe's ******** contract :x

Pretty much.

Have to use some cap long term this year. If Melo and/or LeBron isn't happening.

Bledsoe, Lance, or IT2, or maybe Monroe if he's $10mil a year (he won't be though). Or Lance & IT2 for $8-10 mil per each over 3-4 years. With Randle, Kelly, Sacre, and some minor pieces, would give us between $30-35mil in cap space in 2016 (none in 2015 though)

Then build from there.
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Yeah, but in 2 years Melo will be 32+ and plays the same position as Durant, so that's not gonna matter.

Lance or Bledsoe is a decent pairing with Randle, but my personal overall hope would be to bottom out, top 5 pick

That kid makes 3.5, Randle 2.5 that's 6 mil per year, total, and Durant gets to watch them play a year together in Kobe's last year, then we have 60+ mil in cap space once Kobe steps down. (wouldn't be quite 60, but in that direction once we shed guys like Sacre/Kelly etc if we needed to)

Again, 2 top young guys, 20-21 years old, taking up only 6 mil in cap space, and plenty of money to sign ANY free agents that come available, Durant would have to look at that pretty hard. Hell, we could tell him that Russ would join him the following year. :lol:

I'm not saying it's going to happen, it's just the plan of action we should take. Those 2 pieces (if they pan out) would be an attractive duo to free agents looking to build a super team, in nice weather, attractive market, AND have a history they can add to. Durant + ? + ? + our 2 kids, would be a good time. (depending on who Durant would bring in with him)

The other option I gave the other day was Lance this year, Marc Gasol next year, Durant the year after, with Randle growing in the background.

Either option works, the bottom out, keep top five is just the easier way to get there. Imo.

I hear ya man, like I said though I just think it's way too unlikely we can get a bottom 5 pick. If Kobe stays healthy we will not be THAT bad. We still gonna suck, but with some of the tanking that goes on in this league bottom 5 is just way too unrealistic for us. If it didn't happen this past year, it's not going too this year. Your second scenario is way more realistic. Although, I'm weary to pay that knucklehead so much money.
Yeah, but in 2 years Melo will be 32+ and plays the same position as Durant, so that's not gonna matter.

Lance or Bledsoe is a decent pairing with Randle, but my personal overall hope would be to bottom out, top 5 pick

That kid makes 3.5, Randle 2.5 that's 6 mil per year, total, and Durant gets to watch them play a year together in Kobe's last year, then we have 60+ mil in cap space once Kobe steps down. (wouldn't be quite 60, but in that direction once we shed guys like Sacre/Kelly etc if we needed to)

Again, 2 top young guys, 20-21 years old, taking up only 6 mil in cap space, and plenty of money to sign ANY free agents that come available, Durant would have to look at that pretty hard. Hell, we could tell him that Russ would join him the following year.

I'm not saying it's going to happen, it's just the plan of action we should take. Those 2 pieces (if they pan out) would be an attractive duo to free agents looking to build a super team, in nice weather, attractive market, AND have a history they can add to. Durant + ? + ? + our 2 kids, would be a good time. (depending on who Durant would bring in with him)

The other option I gave the other day was Lance this year, Marc Gasol next year, Durant the year after, with Randle growing in the background.

Either option works, the bottom out, keep top five is just the easier way to get there. Imo.
I mean I kind of agree with you, but the Lakers are conscious of the fact that they can't sustain another year like last year. It was bad here in Los Angeles.

Fans were outraged at the product on the court, you think they're gonna try that again? 
Yeah, but in 2 years Melo will be 32+ and plays the same position as Durant, so that's not gonna matter.

Lance or Bledsoe is a decent pairing with Randle, but my personal overall hope would be to bottom out, top 5 pick

That kid makes 3.5, Randle 2.5 that's 6 mil per year, total, and Durant gets to watch them play a year together in Kobe's last year, then we have 60+ mil in cap space once Kobe steps down. (wouldn't be quite 60, but in that direction once we shed guys like Sacre/Kelly etc if we needed to)

Again, 2 top young guys, 20-21 years old, taking up only 6 mil in cap space, and plenty of money to sign ANY free agents that come available, Durant would have to look at that pretty hard. Hell, we could tell him that Russ would join him the following year. :lol:

I'm not saying it's going to happen, it's just the plan of action we should take. Those 2 pieces (if they pan out) would be an attractive duo to free agents looking to build a super team, in nice weather, attractive market, AND have a history they can add to. Durant + ? + ? + our 2 kids, would be a good time. (depending on who Durant would bring in with him)

The other option I gave the other day was Lance this year, Marc Gasol next year, Durant the year after, with Randle growing in the background.

Either option works, the bottom out, keep top five is just the easier way to get there. Imo.

Sorry Bro but Durant is staying in OKC or signing with the wizards. lakers best bet is Westrbook
The Lakers gon have to tank a few seasons to get back on top again and start building teams the right way. See the spurs.
as long as kobe is healthy, this team will not tank. that top 5 pick is not gonna be ours, unless theres some kind of divine intervention. 
If i See one more person use the spurs and Tank in the same sentence i'm gonna have a ******* fit. The spurs tanked for duncan one year and have been a playoff team every year since, they have stayed this well because they have an EXCELLENT scouting program & a top 5 coach all time. Along with a possible top 10 player all time throughout that tenure. Not to mention they have drafted two HOF'ers in the bottom of the first & Second round respectively. It's damn near impossible to replicate what the spurs have done.

Also once again i'm just not sold on going into 2016 with Two rookies and saying oh it's the Lakers, especially after are management would basically be committing to losing and staying trash for two complete years. If the Target is KD, the only way i see him leaving is if he hasn't won a championship by then and his core has been extremely shortened (Russ/Ibaka leaving or hurt)... You don't leave a top 5 player in his prime, A DPOY candidate in his prime, & young role players to then go join a team with two Promising rookies (and this is assuming that these rookies turn out to be AS caliber).

you would be asking a top tier talent to come to a franchise who has been losing for 4 straight years & has only julius Randle & a second year player to show for it. I under no circumstance want to tie up all our money in Veteran FA, but we need some pieces going into the future, so i'm Fine with plan # 2. But plan # 1 has a LARGE chance at failing and leaving us w/o no one.
If i See one more person use the spurs and Tank in the same sentence i'm gonna have a ******* fit. The spurs tanked for duncan one year and have been a playoff team every year since, they have stayed this well because they have an EXCELLENT scouting program & a top 5 coach all time. Along with a possible top 10 player all time throughout that tenure. Not to mention they have drafted two HOF'ers in the bottom of the first & Second round respectively. It's damn near impossible to replicate what the spurs have done.

Also once again i'm just not sold on going into 2016 with Two rookies and saying oh it's the Lakers, especially after are management would basically be committing to losing and staying trash for two complete years. If the Target is KD, the only way i see him leaving is if he hasn't won a championship by then and his core has been extremely shortened (Russ/Ibaka leaving or hurt)... You don't leave a top 5 player in his prime, A DPOY candidate in his prime, & young role players to then go join a team with two Promising rookies (and this is assuming that these rookies turn out to be AS caliber).

you would be asking a top tier talent to come to a franchise who has been losing for 4 straight years & has only julius Randle & a second year player to show for it. I under no circumstance want to tie up all our money in Veteran FA, but we need some pieces going into the future, so i'm Fine with plan # 2. But plan # 1 has a LARGE chance at failing and leaving us w/o no one.

The Spurs will be a championship contender again this upcoming season.
It's damn near impossible to replicate what the spurs have done.

Same deal with okc.

you would be asking a top tier talent to come to a franchise who has been losing for 4 straight years & has only julius Randle & a second year player to show for it.

This....this, this, this. Tanking on paper is a great strategy, ideal even. The reason it's not reliable is that there are entirely too many variables involved. Once you develop a culture of losing, you're a loser. You don't have the luxury of sitting on your hands and letting it come to you when there are all these moving parts to factor in. If youre not aggressively trying to build a contender guys arent going to pay attention to you. You have to have a go get it attitude and tanking is not a good look.
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Same deal with okc.
This....this, this, this. Tanking on paper is a great strategy, ideal even. The reason it's not reliable is that there are entirely too many variables involved. Once you develop a culture of losing, you're a loser. You don't have the luxury of sitting on your hands and letting it come to you when there are all these moving parts to factor in. If youre not aggressively trying to build a contender guys arent going to pay attention to you. You have to have a go get it attitude and tanking is not a good look.

If you was a GM for the Lakers right now. Let me hear your strategy on how you would get the Lakers back to a championship level
Everyone in here is afraid of rebuilding around two top 5 lottery pick. (Randle would be top 5 any other year but this, so I'm too lazy to say top 7. :lol: )

Witness, CP3 ok'd his trade to the Clippers after Blake Griffin played ONE season. Paul joined Blake, and young Bledsoe, and young DJ. Youth, brought in a prize vet.

KG and Ray Allen accepted their deals to join Paul Pierce, but also young Rondo and Perkins.

Miami had literally no players, outside of Wade, and pulled Bron/Bosh.

Give LA 2 shiny prospects, with 2 years to prove Randle can play, and one year for whoever 2015 rookie will be, and then lowball 55+ million in cap space to play with, Durant (or whoever) would be able to bring whoever they want with them, and be instant contenders, just like the Celtics were. Just like the Spurs were. Just like the Heat were.

Stop whining about we can't tank, then win. The 08 Celtics did it. The Spurs did it. The Clippers went from the doormat to a top 5 team. (they come up short cuz, well, Clippers :lol: ) OKC tanked for 3 years to get their guys, been in the Western Conference Finals the past 4 damn years.

Everyone just stop thinking that because the Lakers take a step back, reset their cap space, let the old guard go with Kobe/Pau etc, get a coach in place (ugh) and get themselves righted again. It can happen, EASY. And I just gave you MULTIPLE examples. It can, and should be done.

I keep reading "healthy Kobe". Everyone just assumes that's a thing now. We have more of a chance of tanking, then we do him staying alive for 80 games. He's not quite Nash is dead territory, but he's damn close. :lol:

As for the Lakers can't afford to lose or waste another year. :lol: :lol: :lol: They just raked in over 100 million dollars, during one of their WORST years. Guys, the Lakers can absorb as many years as they need. They are a GLOBAL entity. They will endure.

I just don't get the Laker fans that don't want to lose, don't want to tank, don't want to be bad, but cheer like hell for Nick Young. :x :lol:

We've been dreadful as a franchise since the Dallas series. Mishap after mishap. We keep tryin to put band aids on the wounds, instead of completely fixing the problem. Lack of talent, and lack of youth was that problem. Randle + keeping our 2015 pick would start to relieve those issues. Cap space post Kobe would take care of the rest. 2 years of really really bad play, and by 2016 we could be back up and running in no time.

One last thing. You never, ever know when someone comes available. CP3, James Harden, KG/Ray Allen, Melo, Pau deals that happened because they wanted better situations and their teams had no choice but to move them or lose them for nothing. We may whiff on Durant. But what if Davis wants out of New Orleans? Lillard wants out of Portland? Drummond out of Detroit? Having all our cap space could help facilitate getting a deal like that done. Suddenly, you add a piece like that, you then attract those bigger fish we all want.

Mitch may not listen to me, but so far he hasn't spent all his money, maybe he is being patient and waiting for that moment. I hope, like hell, Mitch is listening to someone like me, and being patient and not rushing just to be average like so many in here seem to want.
The lakers aren't tanking next season. That's what it's about, they will be active this summer and attempt to compete for the playoffs.
Lance's ego is getting big or it's a negotiation tactic. I wouldn't mind signing him to a 3 year deal tho.
A lot of ifs there that sound nice on paper, but but just aren't practical or realistic at this point.

If they really were interested in that doctrine of thinking, they would have done it this past year and got a real game changing player. They're not going through that again, you know it as well as I do.
A lot of ifs there that sound nice on paper, but but just aren't practical or realistic at this point.

If they really were interested in that doctrine of thinking, they would have done it this past year and got a real game changing player. They're not going through that again, you know it as well as I do.

Just a theory, a guess if you will.

Maybe, just maybe Mitch realized this draft was deep, not as needed to get 1-2, we own the pick, etc. 6-7 good enough for him.

But next year, we don't have that, we only have it if top 5 protected. Maybe he sees then, if we can't get a Bron/Melo, doesn't want to overpay a Lance, or Bledsoe, at that point, just fold up the tent and go for it. :nerd:

Keep Nick, keep Pau, lost our best player from last year, see if Kobe literally kills himself out there tryin to prove something, then just sit back and watch Pau shut it down, Nash die, etc, all while working with Randle and getting him to show his talent, L after L after L. :smokin

Long shot maybe, but he's been awfully quiet so far this week. I was worried he would be throwin money around like Harden at a club, but he's been just makin calls, gaugin interest. Maybe he sees this isn't the year to splurge, we'll see.
Lionel Hollins to coach the Nets

We're hiring Byron Scott unless a Christmas miracle takes place in July. :smh:
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