2014 NBA Draft Thread

I think whoever goes to Philly will be in the best situation possible honestly. You have MCW, Thad and Noel plus a top 3 pick and another top 10 pick in this year's draft to go along with the most cap room you could possibly have. Brett Brown is a great coach and Hinkie is a hell of a GM from what I've seen so far. With the right picks in this draft they could turn into the Thunder of the East.
I think whoever goes to Philly will be in the best situation possible honestly. You have MCW, Thad and Noel plus a top 3 pick and another top 10 pick in this year's draft to go along with the most cap room you could possibly have. Brett Brown is a great coach and Hinkie is a hell of a GM from what I've seen so far. With the right picks in this draft they could turn into the Thunder of the East.

Yup. As bad as we suck, next year i bet we're going to be a fun *** team to watch. I dont eemm want a big free agent unless its a love or lebron (i know it wont happen) type to come and ruin cap space and the future. Draft 2 players out of wiggins/parker/vonleh/lavine/randle and just let the young guns cook.
Yup. As bad as we suck, next year i bet we're going to be a fun *** team to watch. I dont eemm want a big free agent unless its a love or lebron (i know it wont happen) type to come and ruin cap space and the future. Draft 2 players out of wiggins/parker/vonleh/lavine/randle and just let the young guns cook.
:pimp: hit the nail on the head
What's interesting with MCW is to see if his play is more like the beginning of the season or his play as of late going forward. I think what he's been lately is closer to what he is as a player.
What's interesting with MCW is to see if his play is more like the beginning of the season or his play as of late going forward. I think what he's been lately is closer to what he is as a player.

He had a rough middle of the season..but in the past 2-3 weeks hes been playing very good. I think coach brown is just letting him do whatever. Dont worry about trying to win in a sense, just go out there and continue getting a feel. His statline lately has been similar to the beginning of the year. But from decemeber - feb he was playing dreadful.

Had 23-8-4 against the best d in the league last night. Triple double against the knicks last week.
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20 in a row my Sixers bros :pimp:

MCW is playing with literally a D-League team against the best the NBA has to offer. I think coaching/management just wants MCW to get ROY still so something good comes out of the year other than our future draft picks. Therefore they've let him do whatever the hell he wants out there.
I'm not sure that shooting under 40% from the field, under 25% from 3 and averaging 5 TOs a game is what any coach wants to see from a young player. Don't expect him to be this bad all the time, but I still don't believe in him as a top PG going forward. These are all the same issues from college.
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He can't shoot. We know that. But he's playing 35-40 minutes a game. I've watched every game, coach brown is literally just letting him do whatever he wants. He takes ill advised jumpers on fast breaks, tries to force passes, etc. but the good outweighs the bad. When the only true nba caliber playing with you is thad young, you cant expect him to not struggle as a PG. He'll be a all star PG someday. No doubt in my mind.
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He can't shoot. We know that. But he's playing 35-40 minutes a game. I've watched every game, coach brown is literally just letting him do whatever he wants. He takes ill advised jumpers on fast breaks, tries to force passes, etc. but the good outweighs the bad. When the only true nba caliber playing with you is thad young, you cant expect him to not struggle as a PG. He'll be a all star PG someday. No doubt in my mind.

TOs, shot selection and not being able to shoot were problems when he was surrounded with talent at Cuse. That's the problem.
He's having to do everything possible for that team right now...you have to expect him to have some turnovers. His shot isn't broke and it'll improve with time. He has good form and everything, it just hasn't been falling on a consistent basis.
Can't wait! Really looking forward to the summer for this draft. ORL has two picks (one top 5, and the other no further than 12-13). Going to do some damage. Smart, Exum or Wiggins for our first pick then Ennis or Kyle Anderson for the second. Would also love Vonleh as our PF.
Who's pick do the Magic have other than their own?
They get whichever is worst of the Knicks first round pick or the Nuggets own first round pick from the Howard trade.
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With the right picks, my squad and Philly (I actually like Philly) can turn everything around in 1-2 years.
He's having to do everything possible for that team right now...you have to expect him to have some turnovers. His shot isn't broke and it'll improve with time. He has good form and everything, it just hasn't been falling on a consistent basis.
His shot splits are awful for the year. Hopefully he'll get to an average shooter. 
How important should the tournament for an NBA prospect?

Imagine you are at a headhunting firm, and a high ranking NBA executive contacts you in the hopes of developing the perfect NBA scout; someone who, irrespective of actual basketball knowledge, seems preternaturally suited to absorbing the 32 games a north american prospect might play, and also take into account; offensive system, pace of play, high school pedigree and then, be able to project, with a great level of accuracy than the average professional basketball scout exactly what type of player they will be at the next level.

After searching and searching you would soon discover that everything that we know about the human brain says that this “perfect scout” does not exist. Scientists from the University of Basel in Switzerland have discovered that the process of forgetting is no accident of biology it is a deliberate and controlled necessary for the brain to function. So it‘s not that the brain can’t hold all the information necessary to be a the “perfect scout”, its that for the brain to make decisions at all forgetting is a necessary and that without this process mental illness would likely be the result. “A plastic nervous system requires the ability not only to acquire and store but also to forget”

Thankfully evolution has equipped us and with handy tools to deal with slipperiness of memories, instead of perfect recall we form habits, rituals, make generalizations, we go to same coffee shops, travel the same route to work everyday, basically we use our recent experience as a baseline to make predictions about future events; this is also known as recency bias. While recency bias keeps our brain running efficiently, it can pose a problem for NBA general managers when deciding who to draft. NBA organizations like to say that they don’t value one game more than another, but the truth is the NCAA tournament has a large impact on draft decision making, it’s the biggest stage, the best competition, but most importantly it will be the most recent impression scouts will have of a prospect before the draft in June.

Royce White managed to quiet concerns about his mental health issues by putting up strong numbers against the eventual national champion Kentucky Wildcats, Tyrus Thomas rode the momentum of a surprising final four finish with LSU into the top 5 in that years draft, Jordan Crawford went from a non guaranteed second round player, to a guaranteed contract player as the 27th overall selection. This is not to say that the tournament is meaningless, you do get to evaluate prospects playing a against a high quality of competition than they would usually face in the regular season, and observing how a prospect reacts to the heightened level of pressure while intangible is not necessarily meaningless, organizations must be vigilant in preventing dramatic march performances from clouding out the rest of the available information.

who am I kidding, NBA general managers never learn...any way here are a couple guys that could raise there stock with a tourney run.

TJ Warren.

I struggled with TJ Warren as an NBA draft prospect for much of the year, a “tweener” at 6’8 230 lbs his highly unorthodox game makes it difficult to imagine what sort of role he plays in the NBA. He’s not exceptionally quick or athletic and scores mostly off cuts to the basket, and the best floater in college basketball. TJ Warren has a great opportunity to boost his stock If NC State can beat Xavier and take down an overseeded but defensively strong St. Louis team.

Kyle Anderson

Another unique prospects with questions about his role in the NBA, UCLA has been way overseeded and are vulnerable to an early exit but if they can make it to play VCU, it would be an excellent test to see how Kyle Anderson handle and decision making holds up against na extremely aggressive and athletic perimeter defense.

Tyler Ennis

A large part of his cachet is tied up in his decision making and his grace under pressure, the tournament is a place where those skills could play up, but if he plays poorly, given the way Syracuse ended the season losing 5 of the last 6 gm’s could start to cool on him.

Elfrid Payton

He can’t shoot a lick, but has premium size for his position as a 6-5 point guard, impacts the game in a lot of ways, excellent ball handler and penetrator, causes a lot of turnovers with his length on defense. Not unknown to NBA scouts due his time playing with the U17 team USA but a big game against high major competition could certainly loom large come draft time.

Jahii Carson

Started the year very hot, played basically like dog **** ever since, struggling to score efficiently, this is really his last chance to reclaim the dent he’s put in his draft stock because the indication is he won’t get rave reviews when NBA interview his coaches at ASU.
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Tournament really shouldn't be used to judge a prospect on the next level. Judge the regular season and body of work, use the tournament with a large grain of salt.

With that said, can't wait to read all the posts declaring different guys moving up or down based off what happens in the next few weeks. Should be fun.
Always interesting to see the couple of players that shoot up the draft board round this time of year...

The tourney is important for mid major n smaller school prospects...it's a chance for the players the scouts know to get another look at em against better competition after all the games in conference...n some other players get a chance to put themselves on the scouts radar...Even better for them if they can pull of an upset, like Kyle o'quinn n his squad beating Missouri was a large help in him getting drafted to the magic
Ennis officially in. Hoping that Kaleb Joseph is half the point guard he was.
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