2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I just read this cold blooded 

"LeBron James and his fans have opted out of their contracts with the Miami Heat and will become free agents*
did this not just happen in the finals?

heat lose, now its wade and bosh's fault and they need to take paycuts

why would any player still worth anything want to sign up for those conditions?

like it was in 2010 for them to team and crush the L

now 4 years later, we wanna go out and recruit more top players to come play wit us, since we not so dominant anymore
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Are these guys really gonna be swindled into thinking the only way to field a competitor is to take huge paycuts?


I mean the cba was embarassing, the sterling fiasco a shame, but don't tell me the league is really full of suckers man. The nba is fool proof, owners are all but guaranteed a profit and why is that? Because they are snatching it right out of the players hands

On one hand, they're taking control of their individual careers, but when it comes time to negotiate the new CBA in 3 years, the rest of the guys that don't benefit from this are going to be looking at them side eye. They are making the owner's jobs so easy and getting shafted in the process.
Are these guys really gonna be swindled into thinking the only way to field a competitor is to take huge paycuts?


I mean the cba was embarassing, the sterling fiasco a shame, but don't tell me the league is really full of suckers man. The nba is fool proof, owners are all but guaranteed a profit and why is that? Because they are snatching it right out of the players hands

Elite players should not be taking pay cuts

I believe the point of the CBA was to spread the elite talent and therefore that would create parity
Honestly I don't see LeBron leaving MIA or even the east because the east is too easy. He goes out west come playoff time it's a hard road to the finals. I think it's honestly just for show because he wants to see all of his options but will remain in MIA............ I hope.


Julius F. Wrek
Are these guys really gonna be swindled into thinking the only way to field a competitor is to take huge paycuts?


I mean the cba was embarassing, the sterling fiasco a shame, but don't tell me the league is really full of suckers man. The nba is fool proof, owners are all but guaranteed a profit and why is that? Because they are snatching it right out of the players hands

Elite players should not be taking pay cuts

I believe the point of the CBA was to spread the elite talent and therefore that would create parity
Next CBA gonna nasty. Wouldn't surprise me if entire season is canceled. Already had players talking about it after the Clips went for 2 billion
Are these guys really gonna be swindled into thinking the only way to field a competitor is to take huge paycuts?


I mean the cba was embarassing, the sterling fiasco a shame, but don't tell me the league is really full of suckers man. The nba is fool proof, owners are all but guaranteed a profit and why is that? Because they are snatching it right out of the players hands

If these guys want to keep teaming up, these paycuts are a reality. They can't do anything about it until the CBA expires (lockout!!!!)

It's either take the paycut even though the owners are making bank off of you, or take the maximum amount you can get and probably be stuck by yourself (which probably means more parity in the league, like they wanted)
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Now it's like you have fans expecting players to accept less than their true value and sign for less money because of rules and parameters put in by these same owners playing the same game who got these players to agree to these salary limitations only because they have so much more money than them in the first place.

This really should not be celebrated...as bad as owners would look trying to run against team usa, that's how bad players got done at the negotiation table, probably worse. Almost on par with owners just taking the ball and going home
Could LeBron opting out just be a way for Wade and Bosh to opt out and restructure their deals as well? All this drama for nothing basically?

I can't see him going anywhere else. Who cares what I think/what the media thinks, all is forgotten when you win rings, but it just looks so bad to me that he'll jump from team to team. Who wants to be remembered that way. Once adversity hits, you're out the door? I can't see him going down that route. 
That last CBA man....no Vaseline. Actually, the last two were bad. They need to fix this. 
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