2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Mo Williams opted out of his contract...

I never said LA and I simply replied to the constant idiot notion that the NBA would need to change rules to add more basketballs to the game for them to play together.

I gave a simple example in the USA team since most simply see two of those 3 as ball hogs.

But hey you can get back to your :rofl: if you want.

LOL... smh 

you used Team USA ball as a reference ..... a horrible reference 

it's a different game .... 

I explained why but you crab dribbled past it ..... oh well 

the 3 of them would never work IN THE NBA 
Different game my ***. I'm talking about the team. You put that same team in the NBA and they dominate.
There's no saving Josh Smith man

It's too late, shoulda been done years ago.

Josh Smith, Rudy Gay, Kevin Martin, Andre Iguodola, Nick Young and Monta Ellis...all of them are what they are and what they will always be :lol:. I know a lot of us are fans of some of them (whether real or in jest), but there's no saving any of them, besides Ellis as of last season (sort of). Tyreke Evans and Marcus Thornton are headed that way too, if they aren't already there.
**** Mo Williams. Bum *** *****

Don't hate on All Star Mo Williams beh :pimp:
You do know that all star bid was BS right? I checked that year he made it, his numbers were identical the previous year from MIL. He only made it because of Lebron. Other than that no one would have cared about his ***.

I'm messing with you man :lol:
My fault man. I lost all respect for dude after how he reacted when Lebron left the Cavs

View media item 1043788
LeBron James’ departure from Cleveland made people in Ohio do a lot of crazy things. From the team’s owner losing his grip on reality (and decency) in a blaze of comic sans glory, to fans setting expensive jerseys on fire.

For LeBron’s teammates, the news hit home especially hard, as they came to the sudden realization that things would never be the same again. According to Mo Williams — who’d grown close to James during their time together on the Cavs — he nearly retired from the game.

Yahoo! reports:

Mo Williams is 27, healthy and has three years and $26 million remaining on his Cleveland Cavaliers contract. But none of that mattered much to him this summer after he watched LeBron James leave the Cavs to join the Miami Heat. Williams said he was so depressed by James’ exit that he considered walking away from the NBA.

“That’s how bad it got,” Williams said. “I contemplated it. I really sat down and envisioned life after basketball … I really saw myself not playing. It just didn’t make sense to me … It doesn’t make sense to me.”

“This summer was very, very stressful for me,” Williams said. “I really lost a lot of love for the game this summer. You play this game for one reason. You play to win games and win championships. I couldn’t understand why a lot of things were happening to our organization, to a really good basketball team. I couldn’t really understand it. And when you don’t understand things, it can really stress you out.”

Dan Gilbert has been relentless with his propaganda about how the Cavs are almost better off without LeBron James, now that they have the freedom to do things “the right way.”

It’s the emotional and candid Mo Williams, however, who paints the picture that most accurately describes the state of things in Cleveland now.


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why did he leave Cleveland in the first place? 

why does he call himself "The King" .... 

why does he have "The Chosen One" tatted on his arm.... 

nah, not legacy related at all.... 

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